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12:00 AM
I just wanted to stop by to say that I'm, with a heavy heart, leaving the network for the time being. Figured that was better than leaving silently when I've been very active here in the past. I'll likely return if the situation takes a turn for the better. Good luck with all your closing efforts, and try to make sure rene doesn't catch fire the next time you burn a tag :P And thanks for all the fun :)
@Zoe I'm new here, so I don't know you very well. But I'm sad to see you leave. Hopefully things will get better soon. If not, then I wish you the best.
@Zoe I'm sorry to hear you're leaving. It's been a pleasure working with you. You will definitely be missed. I hope you enjoy whatever you choose to spend your time on.
@Zoe We'll miss you Zoe. I know the network has been heavy of late and I understand. Take care
@Makyen I'll first have to find something to spend my time on :) It's been a pleasure working with you too - you always seem to have the answers as well ^^"
@Machavity Thanks. You too
1 hour later…
1:38 AM
@Zoe I already told you what I thought. Still sorry to see you go. The departure of so many respected people makes me continually question my own decisions. :-(
2 hours later…
3:29 AM
@Zoe Sad to see you go! Will you be hanging around Codidact at all?
2 hours later…
5:57 AM
@Zoe Sad to see you go. :-( I may not be far behind. It seems that SE management isn't willing to understand what got them here. Maybe when we all abandon ship they'll start to try to figure out how to bail themselves out.
@Zoe All the best Zoe. Sad to see you go. :(
6:16 AM
Ooops just saw Ken posted the same cv-pls xD
@Antonio Seems legit to me. PowerShell programming is on-topic here. It could use a little improvement – e.g., editing to specify exactly how it's failing, removing the fluff, etc. – but I don't think it needs to be closed.
7:29 AM
@MikeM. Thank you. It makes sense.
Actually, I should've said "I don't think it needs to be closed as 'not programming'." If it's just a typo, as double-beep is indicating in their comment there, then it could be closed for that.
7:56 AM
OP sabotaged the question and removed the code^. But it is a typo and bad at that so just kill it with fire
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
1:03 PM
@TylerH I am always happy to reconsider a vote I have asked for, but this one seems pretty clear to me - even the accepted answer recommends "learn Python". The solution was "don't put initialisation of vars in an iterator loop". That seems fairly logical, but as a piece of advice it seems to be too vague for Stack Overflow. The Q is closed now, but you could cast a ROV if you feel strongly about it.
@Zoe Sorry to see you go Ms Fox! Thanks for all your curation work here :-)
Sigh. Nine times out of ten, if a question starts with "Write..." or "I have to ...", you can stop reading.
@Yunnosch "Your task is to..." is my favorite
^ Usually without any quote blocks, so you have to mentally parse what the OP wrote and what they've copypasta'd.
Also "Alice ..."
1:23 PM
"You mission, if you choose to accept, ....."
"And as always, if you or any one of your sock puppets are caught, the mods will disavow your accounts"
"The question will be closed in......"
2:16 PM
Would a RO zap my malformed [tg:cv-pls] Unclear/Superuser above please? I have re-raised it
thank you @CodyGray
3:01 PM
See you @Zoe.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I thought review-pls is for review queues. This is just spam
^^Hope you don't mind me sending this your way. I'm sure there has been a lot of meta about it but the close reason given to open is very misleading in this instance.
Or at least not very helpful.
It's the same question posted again with the same failings. Neither have a given answer.
This is another valid argument against the new comment for dups. I would raise it on Meta if I were you. The more people complain about the wording the higher chances they will listen to us
@Dharman I assumed it had already been raised. But it really isn't that helpful to OP.
But then I am almost meta-saturated at mo. I've upvoted lots of posts I have seen that raise concerns about many of the new roll-outs.
@QHarr You can edit that comment, within the regular time limit, in case you didn't know. Just FYI.
3:55 PM
@MikeM. Doh! Thanks for reminding me. :-)
Plop folks
@QHarr not a problem at all, that are exactly the cases we're here for to handle.
"This question already exists:" Well that is actually nice
thanks. I am aware it is selfish to send too many cases your way without chipping in here so wanted to be careful of that.
4:56 PM
@Dharman For a del-pls, I'd appreciate a bit more in the request reason than "not needed". Everything that's being deleted is "not needed". Thus, using that as a reason doesn't really tell us much. My guess is that you feel it's an unneeded duplicate. However, I had to actually open the question in order to have enough information to guess at that. It would be helpful for people to be able to know that's what they're being asked to evaluate prior to clicking through.
Part of the reason for that is it helps to have domain knowledge when evaluating duplicates, even wrt. deleting them. Without domain knowledge, we have to evaluate based solely on the looks of the question, the number of views, and the number of duplicates which each duplicate target has. Finding an estimate for the number of duplicates each duplicate target has is several more clicks/page loads. Even doing that, it's still not as good an evaluation as someone with expertise in the tag could do.
5:11 PM
Fair point. The FAQ gives an example ["has no value to stay on site"](https://socvr.org/faq#how-and-why-do-i-need-to-format-my-cv-pls-and-other-requests).
Unneeded duplicate for me means that it will not help anyone else find the target any faster/easier. In this particular case the question is a duplicate of few others, because it is full of problems. The answers do not explain clearly how to do what the core of the question asked. Neither the question nor the answers are useful. I could simply say that it is unneeded duplicate, but I was lazy for which I am sorry. I will provide better re
5:54 PM
@Dharman Yeah, that FAQ example is a bit limited. The request reason on it could/should be more specific. I've assumed it was chosen to be generic in order to not prejudice people towards or against any particular type reason to delete a post (it's from before my time here, so I don't know for sure). It also has the advantage of being short, so as to be viewable without horizontal scrolling with narrower windows. However, we could reword it to something that shows a specific reason to delete.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
10:06 PM
Can an RO nuke 1, 2, 3?

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