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12:00 AM
@Nkosi If it's obviously not an attempt to answer the question on top, it's a "Not an Answer" flag.
@QPaysTaxes An Ex?
@Enzokie External resource request
Wether or not link only is NAA is debatable, I use VLQ for those.
but if it has down votes and can be deleted to I call for delete votes?
Oh, read tag as flag. You don't need a tag, you can just flag.
just want to make sure i knwo the protocol
12:01 AM
Review or mod will handle it.
Ok cool
delete votes should be reset by now.
@BaummitAugen It is actually not that simple as I had to learn the hard way (multiple NAA flags rejected).
@Olaf Yeah, I was bitten by a couple of "Have you tried foo?" comments.
Based on this meta.
That is why I asked. been bitten many times now
@Nkosi The protocol requires you first serve waffles to all residents. I like Belgian with cherries and whipped cream. Plus a good hot chocolate.
12:04 AM
at one point started to doubt if I understood how this thing worked.
with raisins?
It really obviously must not even attempt to answer the question for that flag.
@QPaysTaxes We had this some hours ago already. I give up on NAA flags, can only loose.
@Olaf Not really, I have like .3% declined post flags, including my pre-3k close flags.
You just need to be conservative, if it's a shitty attempt to answer, downvote + delvote or use VLQ.
@BaummitAugen, @QPaysTaxes I though I followed the advice in some metas, that of the short explanation at the NAA flag radio button, etc. Either it's me, or the definition of "not", "answer" is too wibbly-wobbly.
@QPaysTaxes s/answer/attempt to answer/
@QPaysTaxes No. Wrong answers don't actually answer the question, but are not NAA.
Tell me about it. facepalm
12:15 AM
Seems like someone is really trying to serially downvote me :/ a downvote a day on random posts
the user answers their own question but this is basically asking another question
> Ok, I fixed the restart issue by myself
@QPaysTaxes No a mod-flag; mods aren't expected to judge anything technical
Definitely a downvote and a comment though
That's not really an answer, that post is NAA because it is a new question and not an attempt to answer the question.
@QPaysTaxes I don't use notepad and don't see any need to copy/past. but efficitvely, that's what I use as measure, too. Does not work. Nevermind, I leave it at this, I have a high enough percentage of helpful flags (although quite some aged away) vs. declined.
@BaummitAugen Otto: "English for runaways" - Englisch für Fortgeschrittene ...
12:19 AM
@Olaf I know my English is not the yellow from the egg, but it goes.
@BaummitAugen That deserves a star :-))
@QPaysTaxes How would the mods know you're right? The community is supposed to handle that by downvoting, commenting, and delete voting.
@BaummitAugen Speaking two languages has its advantages. We can mess up things twice as much.
@Olaf And I do, I mess up sooo incredibly much. XD
12:23 AM
@QPaysTaxes At least I did not have to look up melasse. Even know what that is :-þ
@QPaysTaxes :D
If someone can recommend me a good English grammar book along the lines of "Gutes und richtiges Deutsch" by Duden, I will gladly order it. XD
@QPaysTaxes you let the experts be the judges of that, not the mods
My previous statement probably isn't proper English either, it sounds weird. -.-
12:24 AM
@BaummitAugen Wouldn't that make your commenet off-topic: recommendation?
@Nkosi If I posted that as a question on SO, certainly.
@QPaysTaxes Martjin says don't even delete it; leave it downvoted and commented as a warning of what not to do
@BaummitAugen Why? Just jump into the language and have fun. There are enough supposedly native speakers who write way worse English than you do. But maybe it helps having the same native language (after all it help reading Infineon databooks ...)
@Olaf I don't worry about that too much in casual chats like here, but writing a formal business letter in English just takes too incredibly long.
12:27 AM
@QPaysTaxes Not eaxtly: it should start uppercase M. So much about messing up ... I type uppercase in English and lowercase in German.
I need to look up everything, I'm never sure.
how can a -10 answer still be around? stackoverflow.com/questions/21138751/…
just curious
@QPaysTaxes Ah thanks, good old German "Wenn mir jemand..."
@QPaysTaxes Now I am torn as to what to do with it. Skip I guess
@BaummitAugen I work through my documentation 2 or 3 times with some time between them. There is hardly one sentence untouched. But from the feedback, it is worth the effort. OTOH, I rarely write German texts the last years.
@BaummitAugen leo is your friend :-)
12:31 AM
@Olaf Leo gives me words (and spelling, but that my text editor can do too).
@QPaysTaxes English has memory leaks.
May issue is that I sound incredibly clumsy and "foreignery" in English.
@QPaysTaxes Unfortunately, I don't have enough English pedants around my to correct me every time I mess up. XD
@QPaysTaxes I wouldn't say this is specific to English.
@BaummitAugen Especially the month after April ;-)
What's up? English? Read the transcript but still I can't understand what is going on.
Thanks. XD
12:36 AM
@QPaysTaxes Guess why I joined SO? I have no proof, but I'm pretty sure my every-day English has enhanced quite a lot, same have my docs.
@QPaysTaxes We need human Valgrind (sounds like a kid TV series: "Valgrind the mighty unleaker")
@QPaysTaxes No kidding, I actually find that helpful and not annoying at all. No irony there!
@QPaysTaxes I can do that in German, most people don't like it.
@Olaf That took me too long to spot. XD
@QPaysTaxes Believe it or not: I would have noticed if I had re-read the sentence. But yes, as a native speaker, writing "enhanced" would not even come into your mind.
@QPaysTaxes grumble - Come you to Germany, come you!
@BaummitAugen To be honest: it sometimes is annoying at the moment. But in the longer term, I appreciate it, too. @QPaysTaxes knows (I hope), we already talked about this some time ago.
@QPaysTaxes I thought about a Japanese title, but I'm not good at Kanji (euphemism).
@Olaf I do know a very small amount of people who appreciate the sport-like approach of "get everything right all the time", which really helps your awareness.
But usually, no one cares, "weil du weißt doch was ich mein."
@BaummitAugen It's a matter of dose, imo. Used too often and interrupting a discussion aggravates me. But for a written conversation it is less invasive. Correcting spelling is more annoying (as those are mostly typos), but grammar and phrasing is really helpful.
@QPaysTaxes I will never become that - no illusions. I'm fine with the level I have. Just miss speaking the language, mostly reading/writing.
@QPaysTaxes Are you sure about the evidence? I might have a chat-log ... :-þ
@BaummitAugen That's a classical German attitude. And typical for a true engineer (not someon who just works as one).
@QPaysTaxes Alt-P Looks better for the :-P` emoticon (maybe not exactly the same meaning).
12:52 AM
@Olaf Most of my discussions are casual enough to take a couple grammar corrections without major interruption.
I have to go; see you tomorrow!
@QPaysTaxes That's good to hear at least, but still, I feel like not being able to use the language properly makes you come across as less competent, so I would like to eliminate that as much as possible (accent aside, can't fix that I guess).
@QPaysTaxes Hmm, I can't say about Windows. Prodly long time not used that for typing text (and IIRC never for chatting, IRC, etc. But I have the imression Linux maps a lot more symbols/etc. to Alt-Gr (sorry, it was Alt-Gr, not Alt -my fault).
@NobodyNada o/
@QPaysTaxes I can't even fix my German accent, even though only my parents are from the south. XD
@QPaysTaxes That's the most important point about communication, thanks.
@BaummitAugen Ja mei!
1:00 AM
But that's not the biggest issue as long as I write "know one cares" anyways. vOv
@Olaf Not Bavaria, Black Forest. :)
@BaummitAugen Or "May issue is that I sound" ;-D
@BaummitAugen Oh, so you have to pass my area driving "home".
@Olaf No kidding, it recently took me three attempts to get "write" right. :/ chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/35685633/history
@Olaf I never lived there, only my parents did. They moved north before I was born.
But I was there on vacation quite often.
@QPaysTaxes Interesting, we'd say "stick in the a..". Hmm, I might not be the typical German about that. You might already have noticed when it comes to professional stuff, I am indeed very nit-picky. But I would not say that's German, but the engineer. At least that's what I know from true professional engineers I've met from various countries.
Probably "I have been there", that's why I need a grammar book.
@BaummitAugen Yes, I have a point when I loose concentration and fail at the most simple things. That's another point: non-native speakers have to concentrate much more on the language. That lowers the concentration for other stuff.
1:09 AM
Wow out of delete votes again. Guess that is my queue to turn in.
@BaummitAugen I really love the ham. Best ham in the world.
@Olaf Welp, as usually, practice is key I guess.
So everyone, please feel free to call me out when I mess up! :)
@BaummitAugen Sure, but only to some extend. I went over it on a work-trip years ago when I woke up and thought "boach, muss ich pissen" - in English, seriously!
@Olaf Agreed!
@Olaf Hehe, neat. =D
@QPaysTaxes Ah, ok, then it differs indeed. Well, I will not show up like this. I den't even wear a tie or suit. Not my world.
1:16 AM
@QPaysTaxes How did you fix accent?
@BaummitAugen That was after ca. one week being in Malaysia, speaking English only. Before that in the early evening something in my head snapped and I did not understand a single english word anymore. After that I did not have to translate ever sentence and everything worked way easier.
@QPaysTaxes You're from Italy?
@Olaf Understanding English is really not an issue, producing it is. :)
@QPaysTaxes She wanted you to be able to make people offers they couldn't refuse :P
@QPaysTaxes Meh! The idea for clothes is to keep the body warm. Anything else is luxory.
1:20 AM
Welp, I should go to sleep, c'all! o/
@QPaysTaxes That was no swearing!
@BaummitAugen Nice dreams!
@QPaysTaxes Oh man, that didn't even make sense.
@QPaysTaxes I could ask how this depends on cloths, but I might know the answer already :-)
Thanks, bye! :)
@QPaysTaxes I've never had a problem with my cv-plses before, but I'll follow the format you recommend from now on.
1:23 AM
@QPaysTaxes So, that's another moment I sit here, completely lost, just knowing the joke's on me.
@TigerhawkT3 What browser do you use?
@QPaysTaxes I have no idea. I just work here, man. :P
@Machavity Chrome.
@QPaysTaxes It is not really vulgar, just emphasises the immediate urge to release a certain liquid.
@QPaysTaxes yes
@TigerhawkT3 You should install Tampermonkey and then install this userscript
1:27 AM
@QPaysTaxes Ah, got it. But I intended to say "nice", not "sweet dreams"
I would not forget one of my favourite songs sung by one of the best modern divas.
@QPaysTaxes Let's just say I want to establish an alternative:-P
@QPaysTaxes so you'll be convinced if you see this one
@QPaysTaxes Language :) (German does not change anything here)
@QPaysTaxes can't you change it into waffles?
@QPaysTaxes I got that. And actually I I don't really care; swearing is not that problematic in Germany as it seems to be in other countries (looking over the big pond).
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Waffles becomming a swear-word? => "waffles" gets banned => no more waffles => It's @QPaysTaxes' fault .
@QPaysTaxes It's Machavity's fault.
1:35 AM
@QPaysTaxes got *it.
@QPaysTaxes Ok, I'll leave it at this. Bedtime (@QPaysTaxes you should also take a nap) *night!
Well, I was bound to get the blame sooner or later. Or Maybe SD knows about that time...
What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? Again, again.
how is that spam sitting there with only one flag?
two now
thanks :)
well that's a little evil and against the law in many places — Yvette Colomb 2 mins ago
pretty sinister post
2:28 AM
Organ trading
@Machavity I recently installed Tampermonkey and the "no jobs-related stuff" userscript; now Ctrl-W doesn't always work (uninstalling TM and the script reduced the problem but didn't eliminate it). I'd rather not do it again. :P
interesting target audience
@YvetteColomb bah, and I thought selling kidneys on the internet wasn't real!
@AndrewLi lol the bad things about that post is when the black market hits SO
@AndrewLi did you see the spam? same ad
2:35 AM
@YvetteColomb yeah. Feels good to be able to see deleted posts
@AndrewLi yeh ikr :)
Seriously though, as I see it the biggest problems programmers face is trying to eat while working without getting sticky fingers on the keyboard.
@YvetteColomb "donate" for $450k
@Machavity I just noticed that :P
I mean you'll make almost one million if you sell both of them!
What a deal!
@Machavity ikr in Australia it's illegal to be paid for organs. I dunno about the rest of the world, but I'm pretty sure if it's frowned upon ɹǝpu∩ uʍop it's frowned upon upside under
2:40 AM
@YvetteColomb It's frowned on pretty much everywhere
@AndrewLi lolol and for what price, you can have dialysis 3-4 days per week, it only involves sitting in a hospital chair for 6 hours at a time, OR you can do it at home and risk peritonitis I used to work in a hospital
@Machavity so even upside under
I used to hear stories of people raiding people's homes and taking their organs in the middle of the night. Then they'd sell it on the black marker o_o
Scary stuff
That ... was a metaphor for degenerative diseases
Nobody has had their organs stolen. There was one of those "viral emails" that told a story of a guy who had one stolen but it was a hoax. Then Law and Order made an episode about it
2:45 AM
I think organ harvesting does happen unfortunately, but it seems to be more by kidnapping people
@Machavity yeh and he was left on a park bench and then wanted his organ back
Let's stop boosting the popularity of these hoaxes
@Machavity No, I'm talking about rural China.
Where this actually happens
2:47 AM
@AndrewLi yes and in India also
with human trafficking there are incidents of organ harvesting. The more popular thing is the baby market, but they also use prostitution for that
one more message and I'm out.
@JanDvorak huh? you're tired of the topic, or you need to go?
Tired of the topic
2:49 AM
@AndrewLi I believe you
@JanDvorak Let's talk about snow
School got cancelled for me
@AndrewLi don't talk about snow too much, you might be ORDERED TO MARRY IT! lolol
@YvetteColomb at least I get snow haha
btw thanks for directing me to this issue in your country, I've learnt something today @AndrewLi Sad, but good to be informed
@YvetteColomb Bah, I live in the US, born and raised
2:53 AM
@AndrewLi does that mean if you and SNOW get married and have children, you'll have snowbabies that grow up to be snowmen and snowwomen
@AndrewLi condolences. You have Trump. :(
@YvetteColomb I try to stay politically neutral on SO
@AndrewLi so do I, I'm just against malignant narcissist in great positions of power lololol how unneutral is that?
@YvetteColomb I don't think it works that way ;)
@JanDvorak None.
@JanDvorak I don't like it @Tushar answered it in the comment
As it turns out, people like rep. =O
3:46 AM
@TigerhawkT3 IMO, it seems like the cure is worse than the disease in the post.
must ... resist ... quoting ... Pink
Before, someone was serially downvoting me day by day, now someone is serially upvoting me :/
4:39 AM
@TigerhawkT3 I downvoted your q because I disagree with your solution. I completely agree that there has to be a balance brought, but the solution you have proposed is extremely flawed. "3 upvotes per day", really? I hardly answer questions nowadays, but I still use SO a lot while I'm coding to solve problems, and many answers I find are good quality. What's wrong in upvoting them? IMHO, you should change your proposed solution.
4:50 AM
@AndrewLi Please use the other canonical question to target dupes.
5:06 AM
@Tushar Yep, I didn't see the canonical. Will keep in mind, thanks
6:36 AM
AND WITH THAT, I have switched to Last Pass drives off into the sunset
Wait, wasn't Keepass the things cool kids do?
7:04 AM
Some users not accepting the answers, even if that answer, resolved their query.
For more details on this refer this question, and see the comment of user.
It works...thank you for the response... — Dhilip 58 mins ago
Can any moderator, take actions on this issue?
They can ask nicely
@jainishkapadia we can't do anything about this. Also, your comment and the comment by the OP is not constructive, and I've flagged them both for deletion. (your comment was instantly deleted). I understand that the OP should accept the answer, but AFAIK, a mod can't do anything in this
@Braiam Yes, we sure can: buffer overflow errors are happening in the company running an increasing part of internet.
7:26 AM
But why down voting for my answer??
Any reason?
Q: How to identify the radio button in selenium, if id and name have the same value

DhilipI have tried to click the radio button. I am unable to select any of the radio button because id and name for the radio button is same. I am mentioning the html code below please help me . <label for="gender">Gender</label> <input id="gender " name="gender" value="M" type="radio"/> Male <...

@jainishkapadia no onebox
So, just checked my flags and yet another declined. Get this though, I flagged a link only answer as VLQ and got this response - "declined - It is not a link only answer, See meta.stackexchange.com/questions/225370/…. (this image i.sstatic.net/xJC8J.png)";. How does a meta post about NAA refer to VLQ flags?? O.o
7:44 AM
Hello all.
Morning \o
How are you all feeling on this glorious Friday morning?
Morning \o
hiya @Nisse \o whats wrong ?
Cold with a slight fever.
7:50 AM
Get well fast!
I wish. It seems to be the kind that lingers for about a month.
8:03 AM
@Lankymart the point is, it's not a link-only answer and doesn't require deletion
and the VLQ / NAA when to choose which flag has never been clear to anyone
8:20 AM
@JanDvorak I never said it wasn't an answer, I flagged VLQ which in my opinion it is, no explanation no example.
@AshishAhuja Yup
ok great, it's back in HQ
@PetterFriberg especially when flag VLQ but are given a decline reason arguing it isn't a NAA... facepalm
8:22 AM
@AshishAhuja You doubt me?
Goodbye, cruel world
@SmokeDetector yeah, because you just stopped again in HQ
Goodbye, cruel world
8:27 AM
@AshishAhuja Watching this endless list of new questions never gets boring
@AshishAhuja Kinda sorta
ok.. smokey's broken..
@AshishAhuja ... did I miss something?
2 hours later…
10:27 AM
10:38 AM
@dur Ahh it was you that asked me on answer :D, Hiya \o/
did not really realize that until now
10:52 AM
> Tanks in advance
11:03 AM
@AshishAhuja rolf, did not see that at first...
11:27 AM
@PetterFriberg: Yes, I saw your answer. I will try it later. Thanks.
also Thanks for the edit
where are all the mods today?, early week-end?
11:55 AM
Hey peeps
12:23 PM
@PetterFriberg home sweet home
Seems like general software to me..
Morning :)
12:29 PM
@Henders yeh I'm not sure. What do you think @NathanOliver? ^^
@YvetteColomb I'm torn. I feel it is more a SU thing but not sure if we really need to close it. I'm just going to leave it be.
@NathanOliver :o Are you OK?
Was it a shark?
@M.A.R. No, I'm torn :p
Rabid spearrel
12:32 PM
@NathanOliver yep that is my concern also. I'll take your advice
They're the worst...
they're very smelly, at least oceanic sharks do not smell, unless they're been eating @tuna of course
@YvetteColomb So that's where Tuna went.
I wondered why I hadn't seen Tuna lately
12:40 PM
Plop everyone
speaking of rabid spearrels
@Kyll speak of the smelly one devil
Hiya Kyll
12:51 PM
@Kyll \o
@Kyll That's turning into a cluster f***
@Queen Nah. He is not calling the user. Just saying that a particular action is retarded.
@NathanOliver Yeah but the context makes it pretty offensive
1:07 PM
Well that was handled.
1:17 PM
@SmokeDetector delete voting
Mod-flagged also
Locked??? Why not just delete it?
I agree. Was one delete vote away
Maybe the mod is lurking and will respond
I saw what you did there
@NathanOliver For some special purpose only. Needed some time for a small background check.
1:24 PM
@BhargavRao Oh, OK. Thanks for deleting it.
1:48 PM
@Machavity well, it was closed as duplicated...

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