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that's pretty funny
@Gothdo Every time a question is loaded. It asynchronously calls a file on github which only contains the version, then it compares that version against the internal version. I can prompt for update in a less blocking manner.
@YvetteColomb what am I missing here (last few comments, stackoverflow.com/q/40727626 ... Are we to allow a clear dupe or a presumed to be dupe to stay open?
@Kyll The answer of sirink looks like spam to me.
@Olaf I wouldn't flag it; it's an attempt to answer the question.
Wikipedia says Comet s a programming model, not a product
@NobodyNada It fulfills the criteria for spam and as written it reads like a commercial for that product.
Ok I might be wrong (too late, I already flagged), but a techique can be a product, too.
an answer saying to use AJAX would not be spam
neither would an answer saying to use MVC
or an answer saying to use object-oriented programming
Neither of these is a specific product
@dorukayhan How?
@Olaf you can retract your flag
You can retract the flag
You can retract your flag
just click the flag link again and then click the "retract flag" button
I wouldn't flag that as spam. The broad question is attracting those type of replies though, and it should be closed.
If a question is asking for spam, it is going to get answers that look like spam. However, they still answer the question. Just close and delete the question, then all of the answers are gone.
Oh, already closed. You guys are fast (: now 48h to vote for deletion
No need to repeat yourself.
:34183057 Ok, then it's because a mod was too quick. Well, we mostly learn from when we err
Would this post qualify for migration to code review or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40731937/html5-canvas-game-optimization
Technically, it has a working code, it seems, it just stutters.
@Drew another one
@JohannesB I think it's fine to keep.
yes, it is asking for code improvement, but it falls into the "I can't get it to work without this improvement" rather than "I've got this working, how can I get it working even better"
I wish SO was tougher on homework questions.
We all do
@Shadow I hope I was helpful on that one. That is the sort of mood I am in.
@TigerhawkT3 you can always close with a custom reason. one of the bullet points in help/on-topic (which the generic "this question isn't about [scope]" message points to) states that "Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem, and a description of the difficulty you are having solving it", which means it's a piece of cake to justify a close vote on a homework question
Or, you can just smack them with unclear / too broad
The trick is getting people to actually do that
@dorukayhan @JanDvorak Yeah, I do either unclear, too broad, no MCVE, or a custom "not a homework service," depending on which is most appropriate for the question.
It's kind of sad, because most of those homework questions are from people who need a tutor but don't want to pay for one. I tried my hand at Python tutoring at WyzAnt, but the programming students who used that website weren't any more excited about paying for tutoring than the programming students who use this website. :(
@TigerhawkT3 I guess the caps suggestion didn't sink in
@Drew I don't understand why you're asking me, I've had nothing to do with the post?
Because you're my best friend?
i'ts php man
I kinda agree with this
there's no answer, so no harm in editing it and changing it to be a non dupe
@YvetteColomb the question was closed
that's ok. They can be edited
I'm going to ask on meta
well I kinda agree with Tuna. If you remove the close voters because they cannot close vote again for 14 days ... and you already have a small pool of close voters, why reopen
It's a question, it got an answer (on the dupe close). Case closed.
Kind of ironic after your famous meta post about dupe questions. To then go and reopen them all.
@icecub did you ask if they want it on a server fault? and why not unix and linux or super user?
hurray, my first 20k delete.
@Drew I didn't reopen it, why are you having a go at me?
@Drew "And many more!" \o/
@Drew congrats
@TinyGiant I didn't ask. The reason for serverfault is because the OP clearly talks about PHP and xcache specificly for a client. It would be a rare case if this isn't about a server (and managing it)
@YvetteColomb I am not having a go at you ducks
@Drew ok thanks ducks :)
I gotta get back to work, we'll see what people come up with, hopefully some interesting discussion and a definitive answer so we can refer to that in the future
Does anyone else find it funny to see questions about the same homework assignment from multiple students in a class?
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/40734096/… User seems to be asking to randomize array, not sort
@AnnPera - Well, he is not doing a good job explaining it
I agree, the dupe might be wrong, but in its current state, that question is really poor for any other action
@TheLostMind o/
There's a lot of spam tonight between SO and Security.SE.
actually I think it's too broad not opinion based
Good morning
mornin ^^
@clo alive
Why is the LQP queue full of "try this: [code]" answers
I hate having to click "looks ok" on these <_<
Then skip :)
Plop everyone, I'm back and I missed you all! \o/
Hiya @Kevin
Plop Bhargav o/
So, moderator Bhargav? :)
ooh Kevin Hiya!
where have you been?
@KevinGuan If I win ;)
@BhargavRao we will know in 12h ; )
@PetterFriberg Plop! Huh, was kinda busy on some accounting stuff, nevermind ;)
Yeah important is that you are back..., Kyll was worried, he has been ploping for days
Yep =D
Oh...will Kyll be here today?
tagged: javascript, c#, php, r, d
I'm sure he will, kevin
That's fine.
And awesome, socvr.org.
@KevinGuan you better ping him with a plop :D, but watch out he is RO now...
@Kyll Plop to the best RO (as a Spearrel anyway) and I'm back, weren't your cameras working since I had left? =p
@PetterFriberg Yeah that's cool, a Spearrel RO =D
@KevinGuan who are you again? ;-)
Morning \o
w00t @KevinGuan did you finally broke the great firewall ?! :D
@Bhargav Moderao \o
@kayess o/
@KevinGuan Welcome back dude
Lol, It's not confirmed still :D
Schrödinger's moderator. I can be a mod or I can't be one
@kayess Thanks and I plop'd that wall up finally =D
@BhargavRao rofl
@KevinGuan where have you slacking though?
fwiw I used to be kitler
@kayess Huh actually, I'm learning financial =D
@PatsyIssa :( we want kitler back
Moving to germany :P
But anyway, programming is interesting right? ;)
Morning o/
o.o Kevin is here
How've you been? :D
Hah =p
Oh wait a minute.
@Seth great avatar
@KevinGuan Thank you! =)
hi K :)
And I'm fine o/
I joined the spearrel fraction, I got tired of the burning 'S' (partly because 1000 users used it aswell)
@KevinGuan Glad to hear that! =)
@YvetteColomb Morning o/
@YvetteColomb Oh hey Yvette, I missed you!
@Seth hi :)
@KevinGuan you too!
where have you been?
@Seth Spearrel Fraction is awesome =D
@KevinGuan Aye! :3
1 message moved to SOCVR Sanitarium - One request per post please
@YvetteColomb Hah, I'm learning financial so...but anyway, I think programming is also important and funny =D
Hiya @Tiny & @Cerb o/
Plop Tiny!
a wild @Tiny appears on the horizon
@kayess ooo taking it up a notch
@KevinGuan that's good, I'm sure you'll do well
@YvetteColomb Thanks, I think that everything's good now ;)
Hiya @Tunaki
He has returned :o
Yep :D
!!/coffee for Tunaki
@KevinGuan brews coffee for @KevinGuan
How are you?
Very good, but missed you all :(
How about you? =p
@KevinGuan Nice thanks :)
@Tunaki So, how's Kyll? :)
It's funny how there are a few messages spread throughout the transcript of the last months asking "What happened to Kevin?"
But Kevin was in full-stealth c:
@KevinGuan Now a room-owner :P
He doesn't kick people though, he pokes them repeatedly with his spear until they leave.
Kyll's got a promotion. He's now a ROad Kyll
A road Kyll...
Waiting on the streets for some unsuspecting prey?
@Seth Yep :D
@Seth I'm sorry that I didn't tell anyone before that I disappeared for a while. But, however, I'm back now :D
@KevinGuan He's fine as well :) Will plop in here any minute probably
@KevinGuan Np np :D
@Tunaki Glad to hear that and waiting for Kyll's plop :D
@Seth =D
Code with variables displayed in a separate window
@Tunaki some code in an eclipse (?) window and a variables subwindow
Hmh. Not VLQ then.
Plop @Magisch
And, afk for dinner.
Hey @KevinGuan . Haven't seen you in SOCVR since 1567:). How are ya?
@TheLostMind Hmm...I don't know then, the World Wars, the computer, the Internet, the Jon Skeet, wow....too many things happened since I have left :O
@TheLostMind lol
really afk now
@SmokeDetector these are hard I would edit the post, links as code... and then close it...
@KevinGuan The Skeet
@KevinGuan - You forgot to mention flowers and fish that code
@ColdFire - :)
Yay another hot Java question an obvious dupe
@Tunaki Commence the hammer
It's tiring and I'm sick of it
A sick fish, call in the animal doc
I'll take a swing with your hammer tuna :D
I left watching the feed. Now there are around 30 dupes in the review queue, so those are enuf for my hammer.
@Tunaki Hey, atleast you still feel tired and sick of it :3
Once you don't feel anything anymore, that's when it becomes worrysome.
@Tunaki go learn php, that will make you busy for some time :p
watch your mouth kayess, there are mods around
The answerers all have a GOLD, they don't even answer the question, and the whole thing is HOT
and an obvious dupe
lol Tim
Morning all ヾ(^ω^*)
@Tunaki Disgusting :|
Hiya @EdCh
@EdChum Hello c:
@Tunaki But reputation and badges are an amazing way to judge someone's moderation abilities, right?
@Magisch Of course
I really wish we'd get that "NO REPZ FOR DUPEZ!" feature...
@Seth No way in hell, everyone would reopen dupes to preserve their rep
And they can do it single handedly if they have a gold badge
.. And get banned / punished severly in a second.
That'd be great.
@Seth - There will be far too many "rude/ abusive" flags to handle if that happens.
@Seth As if
I've seen people reopen dupes so they could answer them and then reclose them
@TheLostMind But all of those pretentious high-rep-users who answer dupes and VLQ-Questions FGITW-style would have to change.
@Magisch But that wouldn't earn them any rep =)
@Seth be careful adressing them that way
I've had a 1 week chat ban for a tone that wasn't significantly harsher then this
@Seth - Your assumption is that they will change. Like Magisch says, they are just gonna turn on one another and reopen / close stuff
You severely overestimate people's willingness to abide
@TheLostMind Wouldn't that allow for a removal of that exact privilege? For users that broke the rules, that is.
They have the tools to just not comply and the moderators don't have the time or force to put a stop to that
@Magisch It's a basic process of filtering IMHO.
If you don't care about moderation, and only about answering questions, you should not have access to moderation tools if you'll only end up abusing them.
It's an old discussion
And endless
And still a relevant one.
and its perhaps better to stop that discussion now :)
SE has decided for better or worse to do it that way and to effect some substantial change in that would a) require broad community consensus (spoiler: they don't want that) and b) years of constant pushing
The mills of a multimillion dollar corp mill very slowly
Roger. One question though @TheLostMind: Would it be alright to open a meta question adressing this problem in general? Or would it instantly be closed as dupe of the old discussion?
Meta people are very trigger happy on the dupe finger
What's the character limit on questions again?
30k or 40k
@Seth - I think it would be closed as a dupe.
Instantly, yes.
And downvoted pretty harshly.
Meta is a harsh mistress
The latter is fine.. But the former shudders
to be perfectly honest, you could probably type out 30k chars, but about half or so of people would read the title, go for the downvote, then for the close vote as dupe
I'm excercising :p
Well, getting Mag'd sounds good also
Sounds like ironed
@kayess Next time, maybe. I was last place
Got primaried out by a guy who cast a grand total of 15 helpful flags in his 6+ years on the site
(not salty at all)
yeah, you would probably need 530k to make it :p
as not in helpful flags ofc
@Magisch Lawl.
but lets skip it and move along
@Yvette Did you manage to find out who said Jim is? o.o
Is there a userscript which would print a "useful/correct" ratio of my reviews in my LQP listing?
In what world is this "requires editing"
@Magisch You should click unsalvagable I think
@Magisch That's "requires nuke" :o
This A is a copy/paste from an arcticle without any explanation? What to do ?
@kayess - Custom plagiarism flag
with a link to the original article plz
@TheLostMind Done
@kayess hmm not so sure about that, he has just copied the context from the link answer... it's clear from where it comes...
it's to avoid a link only answer...
@kayess It does attribute the article, and the content is in a blockquote
Whatever, what's the goal? To make it not look like link only? He could have write it to docs instead I think, and link the link to SO documentation
Will see the outcome of the flag
No the goal is to answer the question, since according to the OP the article has the answer, he points to that article quoting it... thats ok on SO
I feel that an answer shouldn't just be entirely a quote though.
That ^, as I mentioned no further explanation
From now on we could just copy/paste the interwebz and garner points ? What are we creating? A mirror of other pages?:p
meeh I do not really agree, your are still creating a Q/A, I do not give a darn about how repz are divided... if you don't like it downvote...
@Seth No lol
@PetterFriberg So maybe I'm in another castle?:p
@kayess Yeah, there are trillions of answer that are quoting doc or other articles on line...
you can always leave a comment "STxW" or "RTxM" if you like also :D
@PetterFriberg IMHO it still should rather be a link to SO docs
@PetterFriberg - No, he just copy pasted an entire article.. No part of it is "his" contribution. We don't want to set a dangerous precedent of allowing copy-paste answers (verbatim)
meeh then there is tons of em out there...
Then send them to LQP
Yes, they are there..
@kayess - That wouldn't be necessary.. Old posts with crappy answers are OK for now
@TheLostMind in case they come up in LQP review? Like this stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/14366684
Skip it? Add comment?
I mean this is a great answer, but it's basically a copy and past of docs. stackoverflow.com/a/8710685/5292302
The effort the OP does is to find and combine the right stuff... not providing only links
Also, as a side note, I didn't know that the OP had mentioned the link in that post. So, technically it is not plagiarism
Then yes I agree it's not a great answer to just copy and past stuff, but that's another ball game
@PetterFriberg - agreed.
@kayess - Unless they are plagiarized, don't worry too much
@TheLostMind ok, so skip is the proper action, which will lead to obvious audits:p
@kayess - Yes. Unless you want to do some digging and try to find if it was plagirised :P
@TheLostMind okie dokie
Ok, flag helpful
Is that smokey report spam? Nvm, yes it is
I have only judged based on the content of your answer, but please if you will have time take the opportunity to edit it as per mentioned earlier. — kayess 1 min ago
Am I right here?
Yes, you're right here in this room, right now.
I wonder where you thought you were.
:D Funaki
:) afk
@kayess 2naki
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you might want to remove the picture in your about
that's just for fun. i love that blog post.
remember the close war blog post?
:34192033 arrg I do not like thezze post, it's just a signature....
Still, it tells the wrong message if you don't know the context - especially the text next to it
naa or vlq? stackoverflow.com/a/40741696/6820627 more like vlq because this is an attempt to answer.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I would not flag it..., just dv if you don't like it
@PetterFriberg well, i hate downvoting posts, i'd like to flag if it's serious enough.
Oh sweet summer child
@LearnHowToBeTransparent "use Dijkstra Algorithm on edges with multiple weigths" seems like an reasonable answer for me, the problem is the question... it's too broad
That answer can lead you to this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra's_algorithm that can lead you do the solution.....
@PetterFriberg thanks, i can't understand a* and now i can.
> I see no reason why we need to deleted it...
(got new answers)
4 times, warned the first time, no other constructive contributions.
There was a mod flag anyway
I'd have let it be
Same here
I see TLM took care of it.
It's all ogre now
Yeah, That wasn't spam deleted.
my spam flag on one was marked helpful
@Magisch - When you delete an answer, all flags are marked helpful :)
@TheLostMind Mhm
Out of curiosity
When you warn people to not spam their blog, and they do it anyways, 4 times, wouldn't a nuke be justified?
Does a high rep user voting the same way as you also mark your flag as helpful?
@Henders Which flags are we talking about here?
Close flags?
Like off-topic and stuff.
Sometimes when I do them they are marked as 'helpful' almost instantly.
If they vote to close it, and it gets closed due to 5 close votes being cast, then yes.
I think if one person cast a real close vote (and not a flag), it makes it helpful
Sometimes they take ages
@Tunaki That's the first time I hear about that o.o
@Seth - but this happens before it's actually closed I think
@Tunaki that would tally with my experience, at least.
Then what Tuna said seems right :o
From when on is a flag "disputed" ?
@Henders Oh?
I need to google tally
to mark or enter on a tally; register; record.
to count or reckon up.
to furnish with a tally or identifying label.
to cause to correspond or agree.
@Tunaki Are you Poetaki now?
Used as a verb: to cause to correspond or agree. :p
> A Recommend Close flag is active on a post reviewed in the Triage review queue when the result of the review is "Looks OK".
Apparently temperatures in the arctic ocean are up >20C from averages for november atm
> “It’s been about 20C warmer than normal over most of the Arctic Ocean, along with cold anomalies of about the same magnitude over north-central Asia. This is unprecedented for November,” said research professor Jennifer Francis of Rutgers university.

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