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Th CVQ took a steep nose dive this moring because the new aging regime is now [status-completed]
3 hours later…
Waiting for Alexis to show up...
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 1 day, 16 hours and 8 minutes.
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ cv-ed
2 hours later…
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [algorithm]"
I'm on server
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 10 hours to continue reviewing.
@TGMCians I don't seem to have the start of your review session on record. I might have not been running when you started, or some error happened.
bye (In and out?)
2 hours later…
@rene So I'm confused about the recent change. I thought it meant that Close Votes don't expire anymore but reading Shog's response and the accompanying comment makes it sound like now they do expire
they do expire
before the didn't only if the view count was under 100 views
that ^^^
but at least now you can re-cast votes
TBH I kind of want my vote to last forever. Other votes (up/down/flags) do.
true, I'm a bit wishy-washy about this. It should be good, but same, i'm not keen about something being taking away from me.
then again, 90% of closed posts on SO are closed within 2 days
50% of those are in an hour
so lets wipe out the last 10% by just removing them from the accounting procedure by aging CVs?
Sounds like the recent GOP strategy for balancing the budget
this is why I don't follow politics
anyway, now that Closey is here
Passed Haskell audit
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 1 day, 19 hours, 32 minutes and 11 seconds.
i'm in the middle of working on this issue, so soon you won't have to say it.
How do you determine what's an audit?
look for text saying "Good job, this was an audit"?
look for the words "Review audit passed"
or "failed"
2 hours later…
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
oh no, daylight savings is ending for me next week
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
hum, the 16:00 UTC events might be tough for me to make now
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@gunr2171 16:00 UTC? Are there events at that time?
@ProgramFOX yeah, are they?
Oh, wait...
21:00 UTC, which is 5pm my time
which is the time I drive home from work
If you could bump those events up an hour I could make it (and TGM wouldn't have to stay up as late)
20:00 UTC is ok?
yeah, that's 4pm my time, which is fine
that's 3PM my time
that's fine as long as the bot is here :-)
so, you are in the middle of the US
Daylight Savings Time springs forward in a week
that'll be 4PM for me as well
I'm on the east coast
Do I cancel all 21:00 UTC events or only then ones after your DST started?
yeah, "Daylight savings monday" next week
DLS starts on the 8th
@rene I'd say leave 'em for now
I can do the events at work
Star me if you like the events from 21:00 UTC to move to 20:00 UTC after Mar, 8th (US DST)
@TGMCians, ^^
man, I could be evil and pin that message
Yes, room ownership comes with great responsibilities
For you to abuse use responsibly
I mean is that on topic ?
too broad
borderline on-topic
though is "asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource "
ok thanks !
I'm saying primary reason is "too broad"
but on topic right ?
oh, and side note, while the link in your comment is helpful @CodeGeek, it would help to expand it
on-off-topic is borderline here
it's not asking for a resource like typical questions do, but it is indirectly doing so.
Should I remove my comment ?
see rene's comment
hum, the more I read it the more i'm convinced it's NOT asking for a resource.
> Does anyone know of a way determining what sort of input method is generating an event (mouse, touch, pen)?
that sounds like something is wrong with the person's code, but without seeing it it's hard to tell
@rene, "therefore"
fixed, tnx
> your question is too broad/lack details to be answered
^ I think that really hits the nail on the head
Let the Java experts answer it
There's a difference between "being an expert" and "pulling straws out of the post"
closure means no one would be able to answer it
Some questions do seem like off topic or broad, but some times they are not broad according to people experience in that field.. This is what I am telling
ok, so what do you think?
Let us see what people comment in the post.. and then vote to close
Like if there is an inbuilt multi touch function that can do the OP's job.. then people will answer it.. if it is a custom requirement.. then no other go it would definitely have to be closed...
Makes sense ?
I think both of those options would be "asking for a resource"
to some extent
the second especially. but if you word the first correctly then it could be fine
Hmmmm...To some extent
but that does dance the "too broad" line
Yes little bit ;) hahaha
ok bye logging off
thanks for stopping by, come back again with any questions!
Sure :)
@Closey current tag
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@rene The current tag is with 177 known review items.
@closey completed tags
meh, i hate that tag
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name          | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | java-ee           | 5     | 2015-02-25 23:26:29 UTC |
 | android-activity  | 6     | 2015-02-25 23:24:59 UTC |
 | visual-studio     | 5     | 2015-02-25 23:23:19 UTC |
 | disk-partitioning | 8     | 2015-02-25 18:33:41 UTC |
 | open-source       | 10    | 2015-02-25 18:29:41 UTC |
 | listview          | 5     | 2015-02-24 19:48:51 UTC |
 | ruby-on-rails     | 4     | 2015-02-24 19:48:50 UTC |
I'm surprised [ethics] isn't on the list
Maybe do a POB. too broad, unclear, off-topic sweep tonight to see if we get somewhere with
@gunr2171 Yeah i had last night that same issue Zero had
Closey wasn't listening to me
well, i'm still working on it
target date 6-8 weeks
@Closey starting
@TylerH Don't get lost in the queue!
I'll join you
@Closey starting
@gunr2171 By the power of the Vote! Review!
hehe "I am building an algorithm to detect the human face. Can someone help with the parts I can't detect?"
yeah, i just got that one
it was great
I think the question is fine (could use some editing; doing that now), but there are several answers and one of them is pretty good at explaining the behavior of a library.
I'm upvoting that good answer
also I don't think the algorithm tag should be there
yeah, agreed
Aries covers it already
i've only done 17 so far.....
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "unclear what you're asking; [algorithm]"
good enough
@Closey next 11 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@gunr2171 The next 10 tags are: 177, 177, 176, 174, 174, 173, 171, 170, 170, 167
@gunr2171 The next 11 tags are: 177, 177, 176, 174, 174, 173, 171, 170, 170, 167, 167
oh, that was weird
my page must have locked up
@Closey my completed tags
@gunr2171 Showing all tags cleared by you that I have on record:
 | Tag Name            | Times Cleared | Last Cleared            |
 | algorithm           | 1             | 2015-03-02 19:01:38 UTC |
 | java-ee             | 1             | 2015-02-25 17:46:19 UTC |
 | disk-partitioning   | 3             | 2015-02-25 17:06:04 UTC |
 | open-source         | 9             | 2015-02-25 17:06:04 UTC |
 | android-activity    | 1             | 2015-02-24 19:14:53 UTC |
 | visual-studio       | 1             | 2015-02-24 19:00:16 UTC |
on [sorting]
Passed C# audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@close starting
@rene Watch out for audits!
@Closey last session stats
@TylerH Your last completed review session ended 18 seconds ago and lasted 30 minutes and 53 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 46 seconds.
@Closey audit stats
@TylerH Stats of all tracked audits by tag:
 | Tag Name   | %    | Count |
 | C#         | 30.0 | 3     |
 | C++        | 20.0 | 2     |
 | Haskell    | 10.0 | 1     |
 | Javascript | 10.0 | 1     |
 | R          | 10.0 | 1     |
 | Ruby       | 10.0 | 1     |
 | XML        | 10.0 | 1     |
Somehow I see a close vote coming up :P — Maarten Bodewes Feb 21 at 1:36
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [algorithm]"
man that's annoying
I hope you picked that one uop @Closey
@rene Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
do "my completed tags"
@Closey my completed tags
@rene Showing all tags cleared by you that I have on record:
 | Tag Name            | Times Cleared | Last Cleared            |
 | algorithm           | 2             | 2015-03-02 19:16:06 UTC |
 | ethics              | 1             | 2015-02-28 20:05:56 UTC |
 | java-ee             | 1             | 2015-02-25 19:03:41 UTC |
 | android-activity    | 1             | 2015-02-25 18:44:28 UTC |
 | visual-studio       | 2             | 2015-02-25 18:40:52 UTC |
 | listview            | 1             | 2015-02-24 19:48:51 UTC |
> i have been solving a problem called Sort! Sort!! And Sort!!!
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [sorting]"
finishing up with [excel]
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
passed ios audit
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@gunr2171 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 19 seconds ago and lasted 41 minutes and 39 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 1 minute and 2 seconds.
no audits, that's cool
Does the system increase audits based on your speed?
I believe it does
though it should be by chance. the faster you review the higher chance you will get more audits
@gunr2171 found that one..
passed php audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@rene Your last completed review session ended 21 seconds ago and lasted 57 minutes and 58 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 1 minute and 26 seconds.
@Closey Completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name          | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | algorithm         | 3     | 2015-03-02 19:16:06 UTC |
 | java-ee           | 5     | 2015-02-25 23:26:29 UTC |
 | android-activity  | 6     | 2015-02-25 23:24:59 UTC |
 | visual-studio     | 5     | 2015-02-25 23:23:19 UTC |
 | disk-partitioning | 8     | 2015-02-25 18:33:41 UTC |
 | open-source       | 10    | 2015-02-25 18:29:41 UTC |
 | listview          | 5     | 2015-02-24 19:48:51 UTC |
I've updated the query and the tag is now on top
@Closey refresh tags
@rene Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@rene Tag data has been refreshed.
@Closey current tag
@rene The current tag is with 208 known review items.
I'm out ...
yeah, first answer in a while: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/287245/1043380
Q: Is this an edge case of asking for 3rd party resource and link only answer?

πάντα ῥεῖI just encountered this Q&A pair. While I first down- and close voted because of the question seemingly looked like asking for a 3rd party resource recommendation, I edited it a bit for better titles of the links. An answer came up on the question, which is obviously a link-only answer, but perf...

^ for anyone who is around
2 hours later…
@Closey starting
@KevinBrown By the power of the Vote! Review!
on algorithm
on server
passed java audit
passed windows audit
passed ios audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 1 minute to continue reviewing.
@KevinBrown Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session edit count 37
Review item count has been changed:
User: Kevin Brown (359284)
Start Time: 2015-03-02 23:47:12 UTC
End Time: 2015-03-02 23:58:29 UTC
Items Reviewed: 40 -> 37
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
@closey last session stats
@KevinBrown Your last completed review session ended 34 seconds ago and lasted 11 minutes and 17 seconds. You reviewed 37 items, averaging a review every 18 seconds.

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