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happy dussehra to all .............
and good morning
@alishaik786 hello how are you ?
fine uttam
Happy Dussara to all.
GM all
are u from?
hi :)
where is it?
really I don't no where is it
no problem :)
is the northernmost country in Africa
I am from India. R u a Blackberry developer?
@alishaik786 I have some friends from India also. I'm beginner in developpement BlackBerry. I develop with android but now I change to develop BlackBerry
somany members are doing like this. Like first they are developpers in Android. After some days they shifted to Blackberry. What's the reason?
Because of bouring on Android or learning BB?
I should learn developping BlackBerry because I will work in this and with android I made my intership
@alishaik786 and @fou hello
@alishaik786 hi..............gud mrng
@IdontKnowobjectivec:no work
@alishaik786 yaar having problem with database dont know how to resolve it
can you tell me
how to resolve it if you have worked on databses
@Uttam: which problem in database?
@got the exception file error
yesterday the same code was doing fine
and today i have just changed the
media card and
getting this exception
sytem file error
any idea to resolve this
@Uttam: Yesterday did you created any database?
yesterday where you run this code?
In media card or Device memory?
yes i have made a method where i am creating databse
on media card
actually i have two method created one in which i am creating uri and the second where i am creating database
and i call these method before my application start
@Uttam: All up to now is correct. First check is file is created on mediacard?
yes for the first run its not creatin
but on the second run it created the databse with table
@Uttam: now its working?
its working when i first inserted the
data into it
but when i inser some values for second time the values inserted but dont know why the timer doesnt get the value
@alishaik786 how would you create the database in your app when its first started
wait once?
public static Database database;
public static String dbLocation;
public static URI uri;
private void createDatabase()
String str="create table if not exists Employee(Name text,DOB date,Address text,Description text)";
database=DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(uri, new DatabaseSecurityOptions(false));
Statement st=LoadingScreen.database.createStatement(str);
I call the createDatabase() method when SDCard is available.
@alishaik786 and i am doing this
public class CreateDataBase {

Database d;
public static URI uri;
public static URI uridata;
String path;
Statement alarmTable;
Statement alarmDays;
Statement user;
Statement transactiontable;
Statement weather;
static Database database;
public static String str = null;
public CreateDataBase(){

public void createUri(){


uridata = URI.create("file:///SDCard/Database/StopSnooze/" + "StopSnooze.db");
database = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(uridata);
Dialog.inform("Created Success fully ");
and create table method
public void createTable(){
try {

database = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(uridata);
// database = DatabaseFactory.open(uridata);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
System.err.println("In createTable method got the exception"+e.getMessage());
// add(new LabelField(e.getClass()+" " +e.getMessage()));

}catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
System.err.println("Catch the exception here "+e.getMessage());

and calling these methods in the main method of my application
i think you have a loading class in which you are making database right
there ???
@Uttam: Yes I did in Loading screen
In Loading screen constructor first call this method then only I call CreateGUI() METHOD
My thought is without database its waste to run the application that's why first I create the database frist.
yes mine too
and what you tell about my approach @alishaik786
and the thing is i close the databse where ever i used it but
i got the same problem
its annoying now
and for the first run it dont create the databse dont know why
any idea
what is this means.......... for the first run it dont create the databse dont know why?
I didn't understand what you said.
Oh....... In LoadingScreen constructor.......
create two methods one for creating and other for screen
@alishaik786 when i run my app
and simulate the media card
it dont show the data base
and when i came out from my app and again run it on simulator now its give the databse with the table inside it
In any database project I do like this:
First I check the media card is available or not?
If available thenonly I give the permission to open the application.
Otherwise I close the application
how do you have code snippet for that
If available then I create immediately one database to store data on that database.
First check that, SDCARD is available or not in startup Screen before pushing the loadingScreen
In this below link you can get the sdcard checking code
@alishaik786 yaar i am getting exception when timer is getting the value from database
and i am seeing that in the databse browser what the time i set its get inserted in the databse
why is it happening dont know
what is timer? here
i have menu item
in which i use a timer to check in every one minute if it gets the value from the databse
it will make the phone vibrate
but its only happening for the first time
show code of timer function
You have a problem in timer function because It goes to get the value from the database for first time then afterwards I think the timer function is not working.
@alishaik786 there
here is my code for that
public void run() {
if(choiceedTime.equals("5 min")){
String s = choiceedTime.substring(0, 1);
b = Integer.parseInt(s);
String s = choiceedTime.substring(0, 2);
b = Integer.parseInt(s);
insertmethod(System.currentTimeMillis(), timeString, b , file, message, 1, a);
Dialog.inform("inserted into Databse");
Timer t=new Timer();
Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance();
// int sec = 59 - c.get(Calendar.SECOND);
int sec = 60 - c.get(Calendar.SECOND);
long second = sec*1000 ;
t.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
@alishaik786 see the code
and tell me what are the thing you want to know from this
@Uttam hey Happy Dasera.......
@BlackberrySoSweet hiiiiiiii
@Sagar @BlackberrySoSweet happy dusshehra
in ofc yaar '
@BlackberrySoSweet yesterday my code was fine but today i am facing problem i have just changed the sdcard and its giving me error file System
please guys help
@BlackberrySoSweet in ofc or at home ??
@Uttam no holiday tdy?
@Sagar no yaar this is cancelled and getting one more holiday at the time of diwali
@Uttam going home in diwali?
yeah thinking of it
not confirmed yet
@alishaik786 hey yaar help me
@Uttam: Remove the finally method and run it again.
@BlackberrySoSweet kidhar ho tum bhai
@alishaik786 if i wont close the databse after using it i think i will get into trouble
I understood your code. what you want now
@alishaik786 no the same problem
I think you get the same data
any problem?
now the value is getting inserted in the databse but
when its time to check and vibrate the phone there i am getting that exception
what exception? uttam
and if i dont close the databse its giving me file system error
so thats why i have used the finally block to close the database
so i cant remove that finally block from there
what problem you get now?
if i remove finally from there i got file system error
in all the case the thing is same
i dont understand where i am lacking
because my
data is inserting properly yaar
I am not asking about finally method yar. Don't remove it. ok. I am asking what is your real problem yar?
you are at home or at ofc
i am coming from taking my lunch and will explain you my problem ok na ??
go to lunch
@alishaik786 there ????
@Uttam @alishaik786 @Sagar @BlackberrySoSweet hi :)
@fou hii
@fou hii
sry dear yesterday i was busy
@Sagar no problem :)
u solved ur problem?
@fou any exp with database
@Uttam not with BB. I'm just beginner
@Uttam did you have problem with SQLite ?
@Uttam what is your problem If I find any thing I help you. I worked with SQLite in Android
@fou ok i make a menu item in which i am saving some data into database
and from there
i used timer to check the
time come from database
if database time and current time
matches the
phone will vibrate
and if i just use it for one
its working fine
if i use more than one insert then i got
error file System erro
why you use use more than one insert? In every time I thinkk you compare one time from database to the current time
its like
there actually
what i do i got the values from the datepicker
and there is some more field too
from where i ma getting the values '
when user click on menu item named "save "
it will save the values into database and start a timer which will check in every minute
and if it got the values
then it will vibrate the phone
but it happens for the first time
ok so if I get it onClick Save you should go to database and compare current time with all values in databse
and user can save more than once
and there the problem occurs
if he save more than once then some times i got file system error
and some times got database is locked
but the user on one click he will save one value
thats not a problem
but if user again go there and change the value of date picker then it sud save into the database
@fou there ??
so I think there at first time you see if the user want to insert or to change the value.
your problem is when the user insert
as you told me when the user click in second time to save the error appear
that is the problem
I don't know how you work with BB. But I think you have method in class DATABASE to insert in database and when you make the action on click button save you should just write the method of insert. I don't know how you work that with BB and the problem is related to the id or what. Can you serach the message of error to know is related to what
completed lunch
@Uttam: time = row.getString(1);
here what you get from your code;
this is the time from databse
which i got
and customeTime1 is the time of system
which i am comparing in
@fou yaar doing that
@Uttam: here row.getString(1); doesn't give the time.
suppose if "row" is 2
no the first row is alarmid
then row.getString(1); this statement gives 2nd row 2nd column value;
and the second row is time
2nd column time
@Uttam: how to set the time values to the database?
when data is inserted then only na....!
only then
i am picking the time from the datepicker
and inserting that value in databse
and the thing is my valu is inserting into databse
and i am getting the exception from the insertmethod some time
wanna see my insert method ??
now getting out of memory exception ???
but value is inserting into databse
what is happening ????
i new in BB wold
want to know to do the scroll view
i am Android developer so can anyone guide me
@SameerZ scroll view???
and welcome here
@alishaik786 and i am getting this error while i am changing the sdcard
if i just change the SDCARD and dont run my app from eclipse it is giving me error
@SameerZ like me :) what is LogCat in BB
@Uttam:i mean simple list with images and text
you are adding your list field in the vfm right?
ans can select anyone from the list and go to another screen
i need to make it for bold 9700
it show me error Richlist not found in stimulator
i m using the version 5
@fou: if you know then please tell me
i start blackberry today
@SameerZ I start to configure BB in eclipse yesterday
@fue:greate then we will have the good company
write this
in your screen constructor
@Uttam: ok
yes i know some basic
but i need to list scrollable
@SameerZ oh sorry
mean there will be more items in list
no now its scrollable ???
how many item do you have in list
around 15 to 17
then in status i need to add three button
which will scroll the list according to click
@Uttam:thank you,let me check this out
@alishaik786 ?????
@Uttam: Do you have "Sqlite database browser" software?
If not get that software and install.
After installing see your database file(*.db) in that sqlite.
you can get the values that you are entering.
@alishaik786 ali yes
and in database browser
i am seeing my data
i told you
you are inserting the time taking from datepicker.
If you dont mind send your "insert" method
public void insertmethod(long alarmId, String alarm_time, int snoozeTime, String soundFile,
String alarmMessage,int PenaltyType, float penaltyAmount){


String insertInAlarmtable = "INSERT INTO AlarmTable(AlarmId,A_Time,SnoozeInterval,SoundFile,AlarmMessage,penaltyType,penaltyAmount)" +
data = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(CreateDataBase.uridata);
see it
Are you getting values in the Alaram table?
iam getting the values in that table
@Uttam: hi
i have done with basic list
text in list and scroll
@SameerZ nice
can tell me how add the images and text in single row of the list
I don't get any error that you are getting.......
@alishaik786 how do you initialize your databse
// data.beginTransaction();
why commenting these two..?
// data.commitTransaction();
yes i was doing that and getting exception and just after removing it
i dont got the exception
in my code
String str="create table if not exists Employee(Name text,DOB date,Address text,Description text)";
String str="insert into Employee values('"+Name.getText()+"','"+DateOfBirth.getText()+"','"+Address.getText()+"','"‌​+Description.getText()+"')";
like this I send to the database
Statement st=LoadingScreen.database.createStatement(str);
yes in my code i too useing like this
where you have written the insert method
in createDatabase class
and i think you can write insert method any where in your app
but always close the database after using it
am i right ???
createDatabase() is my method. Yes I wrote that place
does the BB not support the java collection?
ArrayList and HashMap
some of them are not supported like arraylist
ohh god
Hashmap i think is not supported too
you can use vector
it is old one ,
check this link I pasted my code here
HashTable is supported in
@alishaik786 ok
i will look to it
and any other
no yar
i will look to it and get back to you
@Uttam: i can not add new array using public Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> rollsArray;
@alishaik786 can you tell me the flow of your app
@BlackberrySoSweet hey man u ther???????????
@Sagar beta maze ura rahe ho na ??
@Uttam lol
thode bahot
@Uttam: I wrote create and insert in one file that is "ExcecuteQuery.java"
and all getting and settng data called from the data base by "SelectDataFromTable.java" file
@alishaik786 if i want to show the data which contains CDATA wat to do in SAX parsing
@Sagar: CDATA.....?
in XML data
like i have a tag suppose say <ITEM>
with that tag i have [CDATA]
something like
u understood?
ok you want [CDATA].?
no CDATA is available in my xml
i want to ignore that
@alishaik786 <![CDATA[
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@BlackberrySoSweet hey govind wat hapen why ur nt talking??
@Uttam there?
can anyone tell me how to resolve error in app descriptor
wat error it showing?
it show the error in app descriptor
no error show in consol
just error icon in app descriptor
try to create new project
may be it wil help
ok,can tell me where can proble is
are u createing a new one or having error in existing one.?
or how i can find the erro
i have just import new project,i start BB 2day
so asking you
may be more than one application descriptor files created
All we got to do is click on the blackberry_app_descriptor and uncheck the Auto-run on setup and save the project. it should work fine after that.
got it??
let me try
1 hour later…
@SameerZ @Sagar no progress for me

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