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I modified my code

    # Snippet that lists all the directories and files under that directory
	$dir_list = scandir("/");
	for($var=0;$var<count($dir_list);$var++) {

		if(is_dir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir_list[$var])) {
			$dh = opendir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir_list[$var]);
			echo "Name of directory : ".$dir_list[$var];
			echo "<br />";
			while(false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
				echo $filename;
				echo "<br />";
there is still no recursion
Will you comment on this ?
try the code I suggested to you in my answer
Let there be no directory within a directory
I guess we don't need the recursion then
you can use my code anyway, it's simplier to understand
maybe I didn't understand the real problem you have so ..
let me read again the question
what's wrong with your output ?
It is working now !
New code

    # Snippet that lists all the directories and files under that directory
	$dir_list = scandir("/");
	for($var=0;$var<count($dir_list);$var++) {
		if(is_readable(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir_list[$var])) {
			if(is_dir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir_list[$var])) {
				$dh = opendir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir_list[$var]);
				echo "<br/>";
				echo "Name of directory : <strong>".$dir_list[$var]."</strong>";
				echo "<br />";
				while(false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
					echo $filename;
					echo "<br />";
I added is_readable
Earlier I was getting an error !
a warning
You didn't tell anything about a warning, but if it's working now, great :)
I will show you the recursive code
I wrote this recursive code
function directory_f_lister($root) {
		$dir_list = scandir($root);
		for($var=0;$var<count($dir_list);$var++) {
			if(is_readable($root.$dir_list[$var])) {
				if(is_dir($root.$dir_list[$var])) {
					if($dir_list[$var] == "." | $dir_list[$var] == "..") continue;
					echo "<h3>Name of directory $dir_list[$var]</h3>";
					echo "<br />";
					$dh = opendir($root.$dir_list[$var]);
					while(($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
						if(is_dir($root.$dir_list[$var].$name)) {
							if($dir_list[$var] == "." | $dir_list[$var] == "..") continue;
and I see a problem in it
It doesn't print directories inside directories
though I made the function recursive
@Asenar What is the problem ?
maybe they are not readable, as you mentionned it
1 hour later…
the code is alright ?
I answered already
I think that may not be the problem
If I add this
else { echo "@@@else statement".$root.$dir_list[$var]; echo "<br />"; }
corresponding to the if that checks is_readable
I get this output
Sorry but I m a little busy now, try to display all errors with error_reporting(E_ALL); and ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
okay..and why do I get
Name of directory : ..
in output
when I have avoided its occurence
using continue
if($dir_list[$var] == "." | $dir_list[$var] == "..") continue;
sorry, but, again, I have no time. See my code to compare what's wrong with yours

last day (15 days later) »