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A: Creating smart model in Ruby

ProGNOMmersYour needing is not different from ActiveRecord::Base connection establishment: you establish the connection using ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection and every model you use after the connection establishment know which connection to use, because you memorized the connection at superclass le...

I added an additional couple questions and more information regarding my specific use case. Would you be able to update your answer to reflect my update?
the oauth params are per user? is it correct?
That's correct. Each user would use his/her oauth params, and would request the resource from Salesforce in Rails.
Updated. Let me know if something is not clear (my english is poor)
Would it be possible that the thread for the current user changes? I.e. I could request something on thread 1 and complete that request, but afterwards, someone else uses thread 1 and I have to use thread 2. Is this possible?
I updated the answer
Yeah I saw the updated answer, but I just want to make sure that the thread doesn't change between requests. Will Thread.current ever change for a specific user?
Thread.current doesn't change for the during of whole request
There is the option that some code in the request is executed inside another thread
this options runs when you call
inside the{} block you don't have the oauth_params value of the parent thread, because Thread.current is different
obviously, this is not a problem for you if you don't need of oauth params inside the new thread block (that is, if you don't do salesforce calls)
Was I clear? unfortunately my english is poor
The thread could change between requests, if you have a multithread application server
I understand. I don't think it's possible to guarantee that the user will use the same thread if I use a multi-threaded server such as Unicorn. Since the oauth tokens will most likely be stored in a database anyway, I'll use those values each time the user wants to make a request, and force a new connection/reset their connection each time they request something new from Salesforce.
I accepted your answer. Thanks for putting in the effort you did to help me find my answer
Unicorn is not multithreaded
is multiprocess
you don't have this problem with MRI / Unicorn
You can safely use @oauth_params = ... if you use Unicorn
Anyway, I made a gist which resolves the problem even for multithreaded environments
Your question was interesting ;-)
The gist sets oauth_params per user, and oauth_user per thread
Oh! I thought Unicorn was multithreaded. I don't currently use Unicorn - I use thin - but I have heard that unicorn has performance benefits if configured correctly. Thanks for the gist as well!

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