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A: how to append backslash to javascript variabl

opatutYou can compile regular expressions from strings like so: var regexCompiled = new RegExp(regex); txb.value = inputbox.value.replace(regexCompiled, ""); Also, you are probably missing quotation marks around your pattern: "regex": "^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-3]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$", and of course, yo...

i still get this : `Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
Check my updated answer.
Thanks, this is how i create my input box : dataInputBox = '<input type=text name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" maxlength='+maxlength+' title="'+tooltip+'" onKeyUp=inputFilter(this,"'+regex+'");/>'; is there any issue here???
Nah, but where do you do that, and where does that data come from?
everything is working fine if don't add onKeyUp..method. when i checked DOM, this is how the created element is <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname" maxlength="70" title="Ex: John" onkeyup="inputFilter(this,&quot;^(?![" ])(?=".*[\w]).{1,70}(?&lt;!\s)$&quot;);/">
Try this: onKeyUp="inputFilter(this,\''+regex+'\');"/>';. You are missing quotation marks around the attribute.
really super spot
it fixed but i get this now
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?![ ])(?=.*[w]).{1,70}(?<!s)$/: Invalid group
hi opatut
well that is weird, I get "invalid quantifier"
the problem is with the final (?<!s) part
what is that supposed to do?
that is a negative lookbehind.
mut there is nothing afterwards....
lookbehinds aren't supported by JS
btw, it started here:
Q: RegEx validation for dynamically created elements using javascript

AntoI create textbox like the following on the fly : var dataInputBox = '<input type=text name='+id+' id=datePicker maxlength='+maxlength+' title="'+tooltip+'" onKeyUp="inputFilter(this,"'+regex+'");/>'; and this is my javascript method : function inputFilter(inputbox,regex) {

and I wanted to learn a bit more about JS, because I'm helpless with it ^^;
what should your regex actually do?
the ` /^(?![ ])(?=.*[w]).{1,70}(?<!s)$/`
Hi opatut
i will check with Manager about this
this comes from the server
and this is for the mobile number
the regex will match a string of 1 to 70 chars long, which doesn't have any trailing spaces and contains at least 1 "w"
but it accepts the Alphabets also
... and I cannot think of a use case for that :o
some backslashes have been omitted though...
yea, I'd probably write it another way myself
hi Jerry
thanks for coming back
I wanted to learn what might be wrong in there =P
oh my GOD non of my regex is working, i don't get any exception except for this '/^(?![ ])(?=.*[w]).{1,70}(?<!s)$/'
once again (?<! ... ) doesn't work in javascript
Try: /^(?! )(?!.* $)\w{1,70}$/
Jerry but is the way of calling correct to validate the value entered
that I don't know
what exactly is it that you want to validate?
I don't have a platform to test it either, it's just alien to me :s
also, if you want to validate, you don't need lookaheads/behinds, just match the part -- doesn't matter if you don't want to find/replace
how do id opatut ?
what content do you want to match?
when the user enters the input in text box i want to restrict the input
like if it is number i want the number alone to be entered
if anything else is entered
just empty the entered value
if(!value.match(/^[0-9]*$/)) value = "";
why not just this simple?
will try this opatut

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