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Q: Quotes won't work while updating MySQL table from HTML form using PHP

TrepsNormally I insert a value (first name and last name in this case) to the database using this form: <form action="" method="post"> First name<br><input type="text" name="fname"> Last name: <br><input type="text" name="lname"> <input type="submit"> </form> Now I want to edit the tab...

When you build your queries, do you use the ?-syntax (in PDO) or even named parameters? Because that fixes quotes automatically for you, don't do it yourself. See the examples here:
Yes, I define the names myself instead of using ?. Do you recommend not to? Is there any way to allow double quotes and define the names myself? I keep better track of ​​the code if I define the names myself.
You should not open a new question if you have already asked the very same thing somewhere else. Especially not if you don't have new information for us. Found this: […](

Also, ``addslashes`` should do the trick: ``value="' . addslashes($user['fname']) . '" ...``
Sorry.. Even if it's two different questions? The same problem but two different questions.
Well, you obviously have the same problem that need solving (quoting mechanics going wrong). There has been good input on that question that would have solved your problem (i.e. "escape your stuff"), e.g. by Waleed Khan. So you could have stayed on that discussion instead of creating a new one, pretending to be unrelated.

To help you: your problem is not the DB, since you use PDO (I read you code on the other question, it looks fine). So fix your HTML output, that'll solve the problem. Tell me if you have not yet understood what caused your troubles.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help. Here's the thing: I use one form to insert the values and another to retrieve it so I can edit it. To insert it I use <input type="text" name="fname"> and then to retrieve it again I use <input type="text" name="fname" value="'.$user['fname'].'">. When I press the button the apply the changes I pass that value away to a message -> "Are you sure to update?". Use if(isset()) to show the message and then I need <input type="hidden" name="fname" value="' . $_POST['fname'] . '"> to still have that value with me, to the message.
Then I add the value to a variable called $fname if [Yes] is pressed and update the database with it, using PDO. Where do I need to put addslashes()? Thanks again for the help. :)
<input type="hidden" name="fname" value="' . addslashes($_POST['fname']) . '">
Aah, so I can chat directly from the question. Sorry, haven't used this forum that much. Thanks for helping me. :)
you are welcome
have you understood what your problem is?
Not with the code, sorry. I just tried:
<input type="hidden" name="fname" value="' . addslashes($_POST['text']) . '">
<input type="hidden" name="fname" value="' . htmlentities( $_POST['text'], ENT_COMPAT ) . '">
It didn't worked..
I am not talking about your code, but the concept
somewhere on the way your quotes get interpreted as string delimiters, not string content
Of the forum, yes.
it goes like this: FORM -> PHP $POST -> FORM 2 -> PHP $POST -> PDO -> MySQL -> PHP -> OUTPUT
and usually, quotes either get lost when printing from PHP, or when inserting into database
your PDO code is fine, so one of the PHP...->... parts is broken
either the PHP $POST -> FORM 2 or the PHP -> OUTPUT
I tried to echo it out and it doesn't display the quotes. Give me a minute and I will explain the code, with code. :P
Did not worked: <input type="hidden" name="fname" value="' . addslashes($_POST['text']) . '">

Worked: <input type="hidden" name="text" value="' . htmlentities( $_POST['text'], ENT_COMPAT ) . '">
"fname" is actually named "text".
so it's fixed?
If I insert ":;',-!"#¤%&&(%)?{][]}£$€{{{$@@_--" it says ":;',-!"#¤%&&(%)?{][]}£$â?¬{{{$@@_--" in PhpMyAdmin. One step closer to the end. But how can I allow ALL special characters as i type them?
that looks like an encoding problem
the  usually is some encoding fuckup
Aah, okey. :) Do you know how to fix it? I want it to be inserted as I wrote it. And then displayd the same. Something with encoding and decoding, don't you think?
well if phpMyAdmin display is broken, it is a problem with how you save it (because phpMyAdmin is good!)
probably still the htmlentities(...) stuff, can you check what gets printed by PHP (in the source view, not the html view, i.e. press CTRL+U)
That's why I always trust PhpMyAdmin. There must be something to be changed in htmlentities() I think.
Yeah, as you just said.
Ctrl + U displays it with Â.
what gets printed if you do addslashes() ?
Just: \
":;',-!"#¤%&&(%)?{][]}£$€{{{$@@_--" just displays \ in PhpMyAdmin.
Hey, wait a minute!
I'm sorry! I have NO IDEA why that didn't worked the 2-3 times I've tried it before.
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $_POST['text'] ) . '">
Workes perfectly now.. :S
fine then I guess
make sure to update your questions with your found solution
Hehe, which one? :P
Okey, I can do both. :)
I really appreciate that you've been helping me.
it's been a pleasure
that is what I am here for
... actually, been browsing SO for 3 hrs now just helping people like you
so much fun :)
Is it a job or do you just do it for fun?
So, you're from Germany, right?
for fun
and yes, I am
Ah okey, I'm from Sweden. For a while I helped people with easier questions at work. When we had very little to do at work. :P
But now I have a project to build a PHP-based site. And I thought I need to learn PDO to make it bulletproof, so here I am. I have written PHP from time to time for 2-3 years not. Never had to work with text fields and allow special characters before so that area is new to me. :P
just remember, always escape your stuff (or let PDO handle it), and use htmlspecialchars when outputting stuff into HTML
that is basically all :)
Roger that! ;D
I tried PDO for the first time today and it was fun to see my server working. I tried to efter "-=\"'TEST'"/=-" in the text field. Before I could not blink before the value was inserted to the database but THAT value took 1-2 seconds. :P
Must be handled with PDO to see "is this just a string or an attack?" I think.
since this conversation public and recorded, if you want to chat, mind using jabber or IRC?
Hehe, another thing I didn't knew about the chat. Hmm, I can might get it. Do you got Skype? Can chat there, if you got it.
Nope, don't, sorry!
Is private chat or messages available at Stack Overflow?
I don't think so
Hehe, then I follow you on Twitter for now. Can't register on Jabber because they are moving servers or something.

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