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A: Dialog not appearing on Page load

parixitPlease try following for script. <p> and </p> tag is there in dialog open. function dialogsf() { $("#loadingsf").dialog({ hide: 'slide', show: 'slide', autoOpen: true }); $("#loadingsf").dialog('open').html("Please Wait..."); } ...

that doesn't work
its because of PHP , I can even see the dialog box by javascript:dialogsf()
then post your php code also. So that we can analyze that also.
its a simple PHP insert function that keeps on inserting value in DB and also echo them on page..
does that echo goes in dialog's html? And are you doing it with ajax or page refresh?
that echoes goes simple on page , echo '$abc'; nothing else, no its not through page refresh
Can you check your browser console. If there is any javascript error?
no the console is empty
let me get your flow.
1. You manipulate DB, and something print on this page.
2. This page returned to browser with printed value.
3. In this page you are going to open dialog on page load.
no this is not
there is a page
1-establish connection with DB..
call thje add_contact function()
that inserts data into DB
I actually wrote all this before the getcontact
just after the body tag
you do db manipulation before that dialog function?
no its after
can you do it before dialog function? or else try to use ob_start() and ob_clean()
what is that?
I dint get the idea of doing before
its to stop sending outputting to browser
untill its ob_flush or clean
ok thanks i will try that

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