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Q: A replacement for Parallel.ForEach that executes until a ConcurrentQueue is empty

BrentI've written the following code, using Parallel.ForEach to get some parallelism for recursive algorithms. I don't think Parallel.ForEach is quite right for the job though. This code could, itself, be an answer to this question, but I'm wondering if there's something that's less hacky (referring t...

I think the Parallel and the while is a little redundant, why not putting the directly on the ThreadPool? Something is going wrong when the statement is executing and you dequeue it from another thread, it will raise the ApplicationException, because there are more jobs queued (Range(..)) than items in the list (dequeue from different thread). I would use a InterLocked.Decrement and a foreach loop on the _items.ToArray() to queue the items, and wait until the itemcounter reaches zero. I can give an example if you need one. GL
Or just something like this: List<T> localArray; lock(_items) localArray = _items.ToArray(); Parallel.ForEach(localArray, (doCare) => ........
I was looking at the link you gave, can you tell me whats the meaning of the class? Why do you need an extra byte? I think you should check the HashSet<> class.
The code above actually works (if you make the methods public, which I forgot). THere's no ApplicationException because there aren't more jobs than items (I use _items.count). I would like to use something that doesn't force me to manually choose how many threads should run. Also, HashSet doesn't work because it is not thread safe. ConcurrentSet is thread safe, and relies on ConcurrentDictionary to do this (which is also lockless IIRC). The byte is just a dummy value since you can't have a ConcurrentDictionary<T, void>.
Ofcourse it will work, but if an item is removed (on another thread) between the Enumerable.Range(0, _items.Count) and the handling of the _items.TryDequeue(out item), you'll get an exception. I'll give my example below.
There is no "other thread." There's only the ones used by Parallel.ForEach, which as I've stated, is limited by _items.Count. When I say "will work" I mean that it is correct - it will not cause an error.
Why are you using concurrency?
So that items can be processed in parallel.
Good evening (here)
Just afternoon here.
Anyway, I appreciate your effort. I don't think your suggestion is on the right track though.
I only meant to say that if you're using the Range(0, count) and a try dequeue, you will end up on the exception
Not so. The call to TryDequeue cannot occur more times than the queue has items.
But if another thread removes 1 item, it will
There is no other thread.
"there is no other thread"
yes, why the need of concurrency?
I'm using Parallel.ForEach so that multiple items can be processed in parallel.
The dontcare parameter is the item...
it's already threadsafe
The dontcare parameter is only an integer
I'm afraid you don't quite understand what this code does.
yes i noticed, but why generate an integer array? you could pass the item array?
then the items are in the dontcare parameter
Because iterating doesn't remove the item.
It has to Dequeue it, not just peek it
why not do a .ToArray() and _list.clear?
i normally use myself a 1 time lock and use a ToArray to iterate the items.
much faster, and the _list is free to be modified by other threads.
Making a copy using ToArray is certainly slower
As I mentioned, this implementation is lockless, so there's no contention
something like .. T[] items; lock(_itemList) { items = _itemList.ToArray(); _itemList.Clear(); } Parallel.ForEach(items, (item) => { HandleItem(item); "});
that is much faster than locking the queue and dequeue per item.
The queue does not lock. It is lockless.
a concurrent queue uses a lock
i'll look it up...
I would use a HashSet<> with a lock
The ConcurrentDictionary uses multiple locks
Anyway, thanks for your efforts. I'm going to get back to work.
Ok, good luck
good lock ;)

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