last day (16 days later) » 
15:00 - 18:0018:00 - 19:00

address is on 0x9000:002f, but we're on 0x9000:0032... what will we do? we'll get back in time :)
so everything we need to do is to get on 01x
so, simply.... what register is used for instruction pointing on x86 machines?
cs, that's code segment
but we're in 16-bit mode, so no EIP, just IP (16-bit wide)
ok, so we can read memory
same for the registers.
we can read them (r command)
we can't execute them lol :D
but we can also write them (set $reg = value)
so let's try it
I have address 0x9000:002f
I'll move 0x9000 as segment to CS (although it's already there)
oh, so few problems appeared :)
$ is actually used in GDB if I remember correctly (IIRC)
so you should use it without dollar in bochs, but with dollar in GDB
wait a second pls
oh, yes, clearly. I was another then
ok, now I'll continue
wait pls
steady, steady....
xmonad makes window too small((
may i reconnect?
so may I c? //bochs slang :)
password and Id will be the same
well, you can
having problem to connect?
passwd is wrong?
can you send me pass one more time, stack chat dont show history
I created new random, 3067
staying at ID 171 092 361
you're connected?
uhm, ok
I'll go on, so.. let us continue
okI set eip instead of IP as bochs have one small problem (it can't access registers in amount smaller than 32-bits)
and now you can use setpmem on 0x9002f, but wait...
you can set it whole... but why would you? nop will not mean anything, let's get little hacking (and thats what hackers really do...)
hacker gets to some computer... well, it's good to be heard, but in fact, he needs to find vulnerability.
Usually it's stack, heap or some static buffer, which doesn't have set up it's access correctly (it's not being checked in it's length for example)
so we have instruction movw $0x201, %sp, right?
what if we only needed to change that value 0x201?
let's have a look on bytecode (simply bytes generated by compiler for that instruction)
and we'll see what we can do
do you understand me till now?
yes, ok
it's 0xBC 0x01 0x02
to introduce you to that values, I'll say this:
the first byte, or more bytes on the start are setting up where will the value go and what will be done with it
we know that we're moving something, so let us look to the manuals, right?
this is one of the pages taht I use for older manuals, it's good, although it has poor design, but trust me: looking into intel manuals in PDF is much slower than using ctrl+f and searhcing through links :-)
our instruction is MOV
one I use is older and shows up only pentium instructions, so I'll search google
to exmplain this... hack...
intel is using some instruction opcodes... well it merges them into one
so I can't simply exmplain why is it so, but as you can see, it is.
ok, so I can have a look to intel manuals, but that's only getting us further away real job
only thing we need to overwrite is immediate value that gets into SP
you might wonder why is there 0x01 0x02, well, have you heard of endianessness? (not sure about that ssss :D)
yeslittleis -used by intel, yes, little
so it won't be problem for you to understand that
so let us write something on address 0x9002f+0x01 (1 byte is used for opcode)
remember, that we need to write only two bytes. For beginning, you should try to write address 0x400. So, my comp is now yours :-) go
ok, so we have it. you can try to use disasm command to check if everything is ok, ok?
well, and now you see it.
that we have been editing 0x90030, but real opcode is on 0x9002f, so everything is good, just change 0x90030 to 0x9002f
so you now understand what partly hackers do
not really hackers, just crackers
they get some executable with game for example
somewhere in code the license key is being checked
and there wher it's compared and jumped, they change just jump address, or simply whole comparasion
you think you understand it?
questions before we continue?
not now
ok, so I'll get somewhere for a 30-secs... you know.,.. everyone must do it... food-in, something-out :)
ok, so I'm back
ok lets contionue
so you remember we set CS=0x9000 and EIP(IP)=0x002F?
we have set it, as long as we set the instruction there
simply, we can just use s as step to continue. our instructions are there (on that address), and we're there too, but we still didn't executed that instruction, we have just pointed on it... so what I'm going to to is using:
1. r command to get and check state of SP (it should be 0x201 currently)
2. s command to execute our edited instruction
3. r command to compare state of SP (it should be 0x400 now)
let's go
1. ok
2. ok, without exception (when editing code manually, invalid opcode exception may ocurr if you did something wrong, but we didn't :))
and what the hack is this?
ok, again
interesting, buggy behaivor
0x2E should be cli
ok, one of my hacks is not successful, I'll check it later. it seems to be caused by bochs... but you git the point?
yes ok
ok, so lets continue to clean the screen :)
int is special instruction, you know
it will move us there
before we enter charms of bios, try to find out address of next insn after it, ok?
first of all, don't forget that prefix 0x
it's very important
second, no
have a loog on that code after semicolon after insn disasm
or simply 0x10CD
that are two bytes, so 0x90035+0x02 => 0x90037
ok, so now when I use single step, we'll jump somewhere far away. before it, I'll set up a new breakpoint to quickly return
ok, so now that step...
you see? we're far awa
pushf insn is start of bios code, written by BOCHS/QUEMU developers..
ok, we can get back
you remember what function 0x03 of int 0x10 does?
clears the screen,
or sorry, I messed up something
we're clear
we cleared the screen be resetting mode using function 0, value 3
more on this on wikipedia page for int 10h
ok, you see your code is now working
i know that this int clears the screen but dont know that it changes video mode)
so your problem is solved now, is it?
yes, thank you at all!
you want to meet me again on chat?
if I have more questions can I ask you?
you're connected?
Btw I gotta go
I'm going to mountains tomorrow
if I have more questions can I ask you?
*will have
yes, you can now, or we can meet again
Thanks! Bye! Good night)
BTW you need my mail
ok. Maybe we can meet tomorrow, If you wanted to
at what time you are free?
well, later at the evening, let's say 15-16 UTC, so 18-16 your time
but I can be here sooner
ok, i'll send you an email, thanks again.
well, here as here, this room will disappear as soo as we log out
ok, good night and OS dreaming :)
good night)
well we can also cooperate later, as you have basics needed
15:00 - 18:0018:00 - 19:00

  last day (16 days later) »