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15:00 - 18:0018:00 - 19:00

A: HLT instruction without hlt

user35443Bochs says that your IF (interrupt flag, inerrupts allowed) is 0, so the problem must be in your far jump. You must make sure that your code after loaded label doesn't contain any hlt instructions you have correct offset for your loaded label (check compilator or linker settings you use) Acc...

Ok, I checked code one more time and I'm sure that there is no hlt instruction. I use yasm as assembler with -f bin flag and don't use linker, so which settings I have to change? Here is the full code (yes, it is incorrect after loaded, but error happens before it) code, pastebin
Delete lines 28-31 inclusive.
And you jmp to reboot, so the loaded label will not be reached.
Nothing changes. If I put jmp . before 28 line, it will go to infinite loop, but warning will alsa remain.
I know, it was just a check. In pastebin version there is no that warning.
What warrning are you speaking about? that bochs?
Yes, WARNING: HLT with IF=0
ok, let's go to cat, I'll help you there
Hi again!
So, you're trying your code with jmp . instructions, right?
in what way do you use bochs? Are you using .bxrc file or GUI configuration?
;you're running on linux or windows?
are you still there?
I am running linux, also I use bochsrc (
ok, may I join you on teamviewer, or you prefer text instructions?
Bochs was compiled by nyself, but I don't remeber configure options(
I prefer text)
//it's not necessary to install teamviewer, it's very simple to use, but ok
//teamviewer is not viewing your face, just your desktop ;-)
you're using debian/ubuntu? (or luckily mint?)
I know, I think, that it will not work.
I use Arch)))
oh. ok: insns:
1. run your terminal and cd to directory with your bochs+image
able to?
Lol, I have make scipt to do all routine)
you don't have to, just get path to your directory, copy it and paste to terminal (use right button, not ctrl+v)
and remember to add cd :-)
Ok, I am there)
ok, now check if you have binary called "bochsdbg" there (you can check it in ls or ls | grep)
I don't have it
Why it must have that name?
and do you have bochs there?
Oh, sorry. I have bochs in other directory and it called simly bochs
Also I use gdb as debugger
yes, but bochsdbg is needed now
What is this? Bochs debuuger?
yes, special one closely connected to bochs itself
it has commands similar to gdb, although x/s and x/i options aren't supported in standard way
wait a minute pls
on copmilation...
Here we are!
I am ready
ok, please try it with bochsdbg --help
Ok, there is also no such command
May be easier to use qemu?
no, it surely won't be. Are you sure that you have your binary of bochsdbg in the same directory as bochs?
Ok, `pacman -Ss boch` shows only simple bochs 2.6.2-1
Aur also hasn't such packege, but it has bochs-with-debugger (compiled-in debugger)
3rd: myself compiled bochs with gdb-stub
ok. so let's use gdb. Please start bochs and connect to it via gdb
ok, so set breakpoint at 0x7c00
when done, check if the first instruction is movw $0x7C0, %ax
`break-range 0x7c00`
this target doesn't support hardware breakpoints
What I am doing wrong?
are you sure you don't want to use teamviewer for your desktop? I find it pretty difficult now
you should use b *0x7c00 or break *0x7c00
now is the instruction there correct?
movw $0x7C0, %ax
How can I check it?
(forgot to tell you to use c or continue)
code should now break on 0x7C00
I used it.
and did you get to 0x7C00, or some error ocurred?
Program recieved signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x000e0000 in ?? ()
that's good,
no, 0xe0000 shouldn't be there
if you're able to write to console, you should write:
> break *0x7C00
> c
and hope it will break there
breakpoint 1 also set at pc 0x7c00
ok, that's ok
now c
got there?
Program recieved signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x000e0000 in ?? ()
The same thing/
ok, use
> info break
how may and what breakpoints do you see there?
1 break keep y 0x00007c00
//also teamviewer needs wine and I have x86_64
ok, so try get to 0x7c00 again
it doesn't need wine.
it works well on linuxes
if i pressed `c` it said:

Program recieved signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x000e0200 in ?? ()
and wine x86_64 worked well on my comp
ok, still hitting that problem on 0xe0200
will you try to run quick teamviewer (no installation, linux, that green button here
think that 0xe0200 is actually BIOS location
I downloaded it (teamviewer)
ok, runned?
chanfed directory to teamview-bla-bla-bla
and run
do you get any specific error msg?
network process already started
that's the error you get?
in start_up.log:
line 118
well, logs are logs, but are you able to run teamviewer client?
.../teamvierd: No such file or directory
may be tv_bin/Teadmviewer_Desktop ?
may be
launcing Teamvier_desktop...
but nothing happens
(I can print in my term)
gui started surely
what package did you download?
and did you use pacman -S package_name.pkg.tar.gz2?
wait a minute again pls
i am trying to install it from aur
215 290 480
this is id
and password
sry: 766bak
getting there
what next?
hmm still waiting for connection, hope you're not on the other side of moon :-D
I am in Russia))
you turned it off?
it said something about payment...
don't care, no payment is needed
215 290 480
ine more time pls
btw it's not russia as russia, the borders of russia are only cca less than 1000km close to me, but the other side...
hmm, still connecting. You have dsl/adsl?
No. I don't know how to say it in English, but my speed > 10mbit/s
so is mine, and I don't have problems connecting others. You're more people on one connection (let's say one village? :-) )
No, not now))
ok, we may do it differently
you can join my computer and see what I'm doing, right?
I can't reach, maybe you'll be able to reach me
171 092 361
well you joined me, I saw it, but you canceled it, didn't you?
may you try it again?
damned, it say that i use it for commercial licence and stopped
well I don't think so
if you installed it marking free licence (personal usage), there shouldn't be any problem out there
I installed it with pacman
and had no choices?
.. to select license?
must I register?
you don't have to, I'm not registered too
ok, do you have skype (getting the level of communication down :-) )
I need to see circumstances of your debugging and machine
I created account
lets try one more time
//I have Skype but not installed it
ok. let's try it
215 290 480
well, your password is interesting.. getting to connection
hmm, still @connecting
there won't be anything from this... let's try connecting to my comp...
171 092 361
yes yes.. :)
use `--parser=gas
that's true
ok, ok
so how am I going to do it...
but remove pls
I'm going to break on 0x7C00
jmp reboot
then I'm going to step step
ok, will remove
by runtime I'll jump over it, don't worry
so now I'm going to first part
you want to try debug on your own?
ok, will learn you later
BTW what time zone are you?
gmt+3, if i am not mistaking
i'm +1, so there's only 2hour difference
I'm 19:24
ok, so let's try it
I'll comment each step
now I'll step through to find if rep movsw works ok
single step command (s) moves you one instruction forward
only one
i know
ok, let's go
here we are! found problem!
you're missing $ there, just small problemä
content of AX is not 0x9000, but address on 0x9000
in moving LOADSEG and BOOTSEG?
and yes, I'm slovak :-)
yes, there
so let's edit it before we start again
ok, so dollars added
hope you understand what I'm doing right now...
yes, I hope too)
ok, I added $ to constant definition, so you won't need to use dollars before segment constant again
freely using names like BOOTSEG and SYSSEG without $
ok, I'll recompile
looks like I've shocked yasm a bit ;-)
may be close notepad++?
but this is not in that, notepad is buffered...
ok, lol :)
there are few more was for it
ok, now without errors :-)
let's try it
ds seems to be OK
so it is for ES
now I'll jump over rep movsw, as it will take some time (256 steps at all)
are you still there? (write something, you don't have to leave my comp everytime :-))
ok, so let us continue
jumping over actually means that I set breakpoing after it.
I used address 0x7c11 (address of rep movsw) and added 2 bytes (as it is long two bytes)
so I got 0x7c13, which points directly on instruction after it, as it is...
jmp reboot
and I'll show you another little trick ;-)
we can simply destroy contents of jmp reboot
so it won't be there at all
it's very simple
1 second pls
do you know which opcode has instruction NOP (no-operation?)
0x90, yes!
so what if I replaced contents of jmp reboot with 0x90?
processor will get to nop sled and won't have any problem, no jump will ocurr!
yes, it's beautiful!
so lets do the magic
I'll use c command to get to breakpoint directly after rep movsw
then I'll replace contents up there
address is 0x7c19
I will use writemem command to write memory contents
small problem here :D
setpmem is that correct
jump uses three bytes, will rewrite them all
so and now I'll use step and you'll see :)
yes! nop! you see it?
well you can use your keyboard to write on my screen, your leaving is messing my GUI a bit.. but ok, as you want...
iok so we did three nops (the first one was when we set after breakpoint, then that two thers came...)
and as you can see, we're now on cli
and will show you what cli really does
I'll use r command to show contents of regosters as I did before on the start of code
so r will also show value of EFLAGS register, which contains IF (interrupt flag, interrupts enabled) and will see if it is 0 or 1
as you can see 'if' is already lowercase, sou you don't really have to use cli, athough it is good practice
there's only one simple rule:
every lowercase flag is 0
every uppercase (capital) is 1
simple, isn't it?
so now I'll get to that unluck far jump that you've had problem with before
are you there still reading my crappy text?
yes :D
we're there after cli
one more insn and we're on ljmp
ok, so let us start the party
bet before, we can check if there are some instruction on 0x9000:0, ok?
I will use the simplest command of all, the most basic command
it is alternative to gdb command x/i or x/ni like x/30i
it examines (gets|reads) instructions on some location (or within some specific range)
so hope you remember that we used 'rep movsw' on the beginning
we used it 256 times
and because one word is two bytes, it was 256*2 bytes as you surely know
so now, I'll do it like this: I'll disassemble (using dis command)the code on 0x9000:0.
then we'll see if it was copied ok.
I have added one more zero at the and, as the 0x9000 is only a segment
and offset takes also one cipher, simply 4-bits of address.
i know))
notation 0x9000:0 is same as 0x90000
oh, sorry then
windows key.... ok
sorry, it's disasm command
and that's how it is. It disassembles opcodes on address (now only one)
so we can get code range, ok? let's say first 100 bytes (100 in decimal, 0x64 in hexadecimal)
0x90000 + 0x64 = 0x90064 you know :-)
and here's your whole code... Ok, so we see that it's there, let's dare a jump!
I'll use step to jump there and we'll be in 'loaded' label
and there we are...
ok, so we're going to //save new location:-)
BTW placing stack pointer on 0x200 isn't surely safe, it might depend on BIOS
I would recommend 0x400 or higher values, upper 64KB
but ok. remember what I learned you about magic?
ok, so how will we do it?
let me test you :-)
so use your cursor and keyboard to do so
where is our current pos?
0x9000:0032, or simply 0x90032
oh, sorry, it was insn back...
ok, so I'll show you something
15:00 - 18:0018:00 - 19:00

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