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hrm... i have an int and i'd like to translate it in std::u32string... "C++ won't help you" cry
@germinolegrand How did you start learning cpp ?
@HamZa online tutorials (french sdz when it was a good site for beginners)
@germinolegrand hahahaha why the "was" part ?
It has been renewed
is it bad now ?
@HamZa It's now more of a commercial learning site. The old'good spirit of the community is gone :D
@germinolegrand "commercial" ? I didn't have to pay anything the last time I checked on it
mmh, found a solution :).
std::u32string ret;
auto str = std::to_string(d(re));
for(auto c : str)
@HamZa but you may want to get a premium account, so as to download the tutorials instead of reading them in very tiny little parts which are quite horrible to use. (artificialy badly rendered, they were confortably readable in the V3 !)
you may also want to attend the MOOC and pay to get the exam...
Meh, I'm not interested in a premium account. I can live with the actual site.
they just don't care AT ALL about their community, 3/4 of the benevols (is that an actual english word ?) left at the same time, living a letter explaining that they had been treated like "we do no give a $ about what you ask" for more than two years.
@germinolegrand: you can actually do std::u32string ret(str.begin(), str.end())
@BrianBi oh ! this is so simple that it didn't even appeared to me xD thanks again :-)
I liked their tutorials. Although I didn't create an account and participate
@germinolegrand Say it in french, maybe I can translate it (benevols)
I used to actually love the tutorials on it. I even recommend the sdz C++ tutorial today, because it's still the best in french (sadly). I hope i'll be able to change that...
@HamZa bénévoles
thanks :)
hehe, it was like 5 years ago. I wanted to dive into programming, I started there with java/C but gave up since I was on a P2 and starting the IDE was a pain
for me it was... mmh... about 6 years ago ^^.
3 hours later…
I have some C++ code, and have noticed that the performance of particular stl functions (most notably, the constructors of stl::map and stl::vector) are substantially slower on Windows than on OS X or Linux.
On the order of 40x slower, that is, which matters a lot in a couple of my functions. Anybody have any vague ideas about where I might start to look for what might be going on? Wondering whether there might be some Visual Studio project setting for memory debugging that might have gotten turned on, or something.
13 hours later…
@TrevorPowell are you in debug mode or are all your optimizations activated for a release ?

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