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Hi @Moti
error is showing in this line merge.mergeAccupdate(winToLosers.keyset(),winToLosers);
when changed the function header
I've updated my answer to contain full code
try it..
Thanks alot @Moti. Let me try out and tel you the difficulties I face
Np mate :)
Now I am getting unexpected token 'Map' on trigger .
Map<ID,List<Account>> winToLosers = Map<ID,List<Account>>();
Map<ID,List<Account>> winToLosers = new Map<ID,List<Account>>();
i got it . Thank you :_)
Initial expression is of incorrect type on this line ' winToLosers.put(loser.masterRecordId,new List<Id>{loser});'
winToLosers.put(loser.masterRecordId,new List<Account>{loser});
Id -> Account
Method doesnot exist or incorrect signature:merge.mergeAccupdate(Map<Id,List<Account>>
getting this error in this line merge.mergeAccupdate(winToLosers);
The header of the function is
public static void mergeAccupdate(Map<ID,List<Account>> winToLosers)
Thats how it is, but i am getting error
very strange.
public class mergeClass1
public static void mergeAccountupdate(Map<ID,List<Account>> winToLosers){
List<Account> losers = new List<Account>();
for (Id winnerId : winToLosers.keySet()){
for(Account loser : winToLosers.get({
loser.winnerId__c = winnerId;
update losers;
try to comment the trigger. save merge class file (add a space or smthn) . and the remove the comment in trigger.
trigger accountMerge on Account (after delete) {
Map<ID,List<Account>> winToLosers = new Map<ID,List<Account>>();
for (Account loser : Trigger.old) {
winToLosers.put(loser.masterRecordId,new List<Account>{loser});
if(winToLosers.size() > 0)
Ya i try,
on class i am getting Unsupported parameter type Map<Id,List<Account>>
still try to remove @future ..
if i remove @future , variable does not exist
remove the dot it should be winnerId
and it looks right in the code you posted ? if you have two versions of this class pay attention on which one you working
Now no error. Let me insert a record and check whether its working
When I merge records, Trigger showing this error
Apex trigger then.accountMerge caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: then.accountMerge: execution of AfterDelete caused by: System.FinalException: Record is read-only: Class.then.mergeClass1.mergeAccountupdate: line 8, column 1
Thats a problem..
Let me think of it
Regarding the logic if the account is deleted how do you want to save them ?
For example in your old code you were saving id of object than doesnt exist anymore how would you use it then ?
What i do , I get the deleted record id and used the @ future method so that i can hold the id and update in the newly merged record id
That is working fine for two records
Masterrecordid of deleted record is same as the newly merged record
thats the condition i checked
I know how you did it.
I ask how would you ose this id in the future ?
I was not able to get the id's in the process of merging. so I hold it and then @future calss
The question is for what purpose you want to save the ids ?
How would you use them later. Beacuse the objects are removed so those ids would be useless.
Unless you have some purpose which i dont get.
I can able to update field during the merge process, only when i used that
I want to know what id's got deleted during the merge process
need to send the both winner and loser id in outbound message
OK. we misunderstand each other.
I would suggest you go back to the old code but instead of using refernce field use text field and save ids separated by commas or semicolon ;
Thats where my doubt lies
that will work only for two records na
sory three records na
why you can set a text area fiel for arount 64000 characters
if i get two loser id na the field will be for eg., '001233','0012444'
if i get one loser id means , '001233', _____
so what is the problem ?
ya Now i understood. But i can able to get only one loser id now na
can you paste the code ?
public class mergeClass1
public static void mergeAccountupdate(set<Id> ids, Map<ID,Id> mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps)
List<Account> winnerList = [select id from Account where id IN: Ids];
for (Account winner : winnerList)
winner.Field_to_update__c = mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps.get(;
system.debug('**********************'+ mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps.get(;

update winnerList;

trigger accountMerge on Account (after delete) {

Map<ID,Id> mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap = new Map<ID,Id> (); // maps winner ID to loser Id;
List<id> losserId = new List<id>();
set<Id> MasterRecordId = new Set<Id>();
for (Account loser : Trigger.old)

if(mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.size() > 0)

But you still need to use a Map for loser Ids Map<Id,List<Id>>
and then you can write
winner.Field_to_update__c = mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps.get(';')
When I use Map<Id,List<Id>>, I get error on this line mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.put(loser.masterRecordId,loser.Id);
yes change the code like in my sample
with if and stuff
When i added that if stuff, i gt the error in this line mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.get(loser.masterRecordId).add(loser); as Incompatible element type as SOBJECT Account for collection of id
should be loser.Id
Ya but in the else part mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.put(loser.masterRecordId,new List<Account>{loser}); getting Incompatible value type List<Account> for Map<Id,List<Id>>
agian should be loser.Id
I changed that List<Id>{loser.Id} what i am doing is right?
Yes :)
Finally method does not exist error mergeclass1.mergeaccupdate(Set<Id>,Map<Id,List<Id>>) on this line mergeClass1.mergeAccountupdate(mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.keyset(),mergeWinnerIdT‌​oLoserIdMap);
again change mergeClass1.mergeAccountupdat
to accept Map<Id,List<Id>>
as seconf arg
I changed that , it is showing unsupported Parameter typr in the mergeclass
change all the maps to Map<Id,List<String>>
Throwing the same error
paste the code..
public class mergeClass1
public static void mergeAccountupdate(Set<Id> ids, Map<ID,List<String>> mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps)
List<Account> winnerList = [select id from Account where id IN: Ids];
for (Account winner : winnerList)
winner.Field_to_update__c = mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps.get(';');
system.debug('**********************'+ mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMaps.get(;

//winner.Field_to_update__c = deletedId.values();
// get the loser's from the trigger.oldMap
trigger accountMerge on Account (after delete) {

Map<ID,List<String>> mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap = new Map<ID,List<String>> (); // maps winner ID to loser Id;
List<id> losserId = new List<id>();
set<Id> MasterRecordId = new Set<Id>();
for (Account loser : Trigger.old)
mergeWinnerIdToLoserIdMap.put(loser.masterRecordId,new List<Id>{loser.Id});
and the error is ?
ok i mate i got to go
wish you good luck
hope youll get thru :)
Thanks friend for your lots of help
thanks a lot again

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