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Q: Highlight matched text when data is returned through backbone filters

CindrellaI am using backbone filters for search. Below is my code in collection. search : function(data){ var pattern = new RegExp(data,"gi"); return (this.filter(function(model) { console.log("found match in "+ (model.get("name")).match(pattern)); return pattern.test(model.get("...

yes. fiddle your code. i also can give a try.
yeah doing fiddle
@user10 : Here is the fiddle.. I am using hadlebar template. Didn't find the url of handlebar to attach in external source so didn't do that. Its my first time making backbone fiddle so not able to work. Just put my code in it.
@ekeren : Here is the fiddle.. .I am using hadlebar template. Didn't find the url of handlebar to attach in external source so didn't do that. Its my first time making backbone fiddle so not able to work. Just put my code in it. sorry for any mistakes.
@Cindrella handlebar - Ok let me add and look at it.
@Cindrella posted an answer. is that helpful?
write same code in registry helper.
but the text to be higlighted is written in that helper. "stackoverflow".
how come my helper will know which text to be highlighted since the data will be filtered and dynamically rendered.
yes. helper will give you filtered values.
don't you know search text?
yeah able to get search text..
get your search text via jquery in your helper.
yeah able to do that.
you know search text then what is the problem?
ok will give it a try and let you know
one more question. till now we are writing the register helpers in handlebar.js file only.
i am able to get the search letter in view. so how to pass the data from view to handlebar.js.
I have tried to write in register helper in view itself but that didn't work
see this.
one more thing is my search data list is being written in register helper only. so how to mention that helper name in another helper.
my new fiddle make sense to you?
yeah i understand that. its easy.. but my situation is different here.. got more complications.. sory i am newbie thats why asking so many questions
out = out + "<li class='contact-list-item'>"
+ "<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='contact-item'>"
+ "<span class='contact-checkbox'><input id="+checkBoxIdType + contactIds[letters[i]][k]
+ contactDataType
+ contactIds[letters[i]][k] +"' type='checkbox'/></span>"
+ "<span class='contact-img contacts-contact-img" + contactDataType + contactIds[letters[i]][k] +"'><i class='" + userIcon + " icon-2x'></i></span>"
+ "<span class='contact-name contacts-contact-name " + contactDataType +fullName+ contactIds[letters[i]][k] +"'>"
i am returning the out variable in helper. so here how to use another helper name..
as i know we give helper name as you mentioned in hbs {{fullname name}}
don't confuse me. this fiddle you gave in stackoverflow.
let's take that.
see this.
in the above code 'data' will have filtered data right?
haha.. Actually I didn't thought you I will get answer as another registerHelper to use. so just for simplification I have told hbs file.
var html = this.template(data);
and you are passing filtered data to template.
yes.... ok.. i will give my hbs file and register helper laso.
seriously i'm out of time.

{{!-- Following is the helper method added in handlebars.js --}}
{{#contactslist .}}


oh sorry...
carry on...
yes. please go ahead.
your code is working or not.
till search its working perfectly...
just need to add highlighting functionality
is there a way to access it?
nope...need to have vpn connection.. i can't give that.
your fiddle is not working correctly. it takes lot of time to correct it.
ok. listen.
yeah please tell.
this is your fiddle right?
in that, at this line
var html = this.template(data);
yeah tell me
you are passing 'data' to your template. 'data' holds filtered result. right?
yes thats correct
ok. now see my fiddle.
i am passing result to template. that template will call helper to render each item.
there you can do highlighting stuff.
yes thats correct.. I understand that..
then what is your problem?
ok i get my search data through jquery in my view. helper will be in handlebar.js for instead of com in your fiddle i have to give my search data.
like if my search data is only com... so com will be available in a variable in my view. so how can i access it in helper
did you understant what i am trying to say?
var searchString = $('#txtSearch').val();
add this in helper also.
var dom = name.replace(searchString, '<span style="color: red">searchString</span>');
oh god. so we can get the data in handlebar.js file also.. so stupid of me.. will try that now..
you got it?
yeah.. sorry to keep you wait.
thank you...
thanks for helping
its working
cool. i am glad, i didn't waste my time. it helped you.
great. anything else to chat?
hmm.. yeah .. one more thing... can i know your name if its not user10
chennai, india.
your real name?
email id?
haha.. catch you in
but really greatful for your time.
not a problem. that's cool. bye then.
hey if i have any doubts can I email you... If you have time then only reply to those...
only for backbone and handlebar issues.
thank you .. bye then.
don't forget to accept it as answer in SO.
yeah sure
thanks. bye.

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