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A: Get only personal record of the DB and not all of the records

Sheriff_McLawDogAll you are missing is a WHERE statement in your model. As an argument for the WHERE statement you can use your session variable containing your email address(assuming your database table stores emails in a field called 'username': class Profile_model extends CI_Model{ function userInfo(){ ...

Is it secure to use data from my session to use it as an query? Isn't it possible to get the userID from the DB instead?
You need something ( like the email address stored in your session ) to compare to the database entries in order to narrow your query results down to the one you want. If you don't want to use session variables directly in your model you can store the email address in a separate variable and pass it into the model like I did in the second example. Otherwise I don't know how you could retrieve a single record from the db without anything to compare it to.
I don't think this is any less secure than any other way. Another way would be to use the WHERE query with an argument supplied from the $this->input->post() variable directly from the login form. However if you went this route your users would have to log in over and again every time they tried to access their profile information, since the $_POST info would be gone after they successfully logged in.
Ok, I think I understand. I'll try to implement it now. If everything is going just fine, I'll accept your answer! Thanks for your help, time and info sheriff!
One more question before implementing it, which method of the 2 is prefered and why?
BTW. Do I still will be needing my foreach in my view? Basically I just have 1 record, so a loop isn't needed right?
Honestly, I am not 100% sure about this, but I started using the second method just to clean up code and not have to call session info directly in the model. I don't know if it actually hurts anything or not. :/
I usually always return info from the data model as $query->result_array(). Even if there is only one record, it usually stores all the info from the record in a 1-dimensional associative array, and then puts that in an indexed array. So, yes you will probably need to use foreach or alternatively use $data['records'] = $query[0]; ( in the controller ). If you are not sure what format your data is stored in, I would recommend using var_dump($query); in the controller, followed by die; to view the data structure.
@Sheriff_McLawDog I didn't quite get your last post,
well, in your model you have:
return $query->result();
which returns an object, alternatively you can use $query->result_array(); which returns an array object instead
i usually find result_array() better unless i have to manipulate the data in the datamodel before returning it
I think I get it
And what does the 'die' do?
so for 1 record returned as result_array(), the format will be: array([1]=>(email=>'[email protected]'))
die just stops the program
Okay I get it! :D
so if you are not sure what is inside your variable, a good debugging technique is to use var_dump(variable);die;
it will dump the var contents so you can learn how to better manipulate it
just make sure to comment out the var_dump and die; commands when you are done with them :)
Okay, I'll try a few things out so I'm certain I have the hang of it when I need it the next time :)
Thanks very much for your help! That helped me and cleared everything out of the way
Maybe if it doesn't bother I still do have one other question
Like you said earlier in your answer, I need something to compare to with my DB entries. You suggested to use the email in the session (luckily for me, to register it has to be a unique email)
But what if someone deletes his cookies?
Because of what I understood of codeigniters sessions, is it stores it in a cookie
the sess_destroy() would do the same thing, which you should be calling when a user wants to log out. if that happens, they would just have to log in again
logging in would make a new session
But that shouldn't throw me an error?
i would have to see more of your code to know that :/
ill try to get some of mine online so i can show you mine
I won't be bothering you with more of my code, I already took a lot of your time :)
if there are areas of your site that people need to be logged in for, use the is_logged_in session variable to make sure they are, if they are not, (cleared cookies, logged out, or just expired) then you can use redirect('controller/login') to send them to the login page
the logged out part has been done, but still needs a check for cleared cookies or expired, at the moment he just gets a message that shows that he hasn't access to that page
I know I asked a lot of your time, but I'd really like to have help with 1 more thing if that isn't a problem for you?
no problem
Okay thanks!
At the moment I set my cookie like this: $data = array(
'email' => $this->input->post('loginEmail'),
'is_logged_in' => true

so I have the email that comes from the inputfield 'loginEmail' and that is what I set in my session
But instead of the email I'd rather have the UserID that corresponds to the given email, because I think later I'll be needing that for joining tables in my DB
I'll post 2 code snippets the controller and the model
lemme look quick and see what i got on that. its been a while since i have done anything with home grown login/auth systems since i started using openID
**Login controller**

function inloggen(){



$query = $this->login_model->validate();

$data = array(
'email' => $this->input->post('loginEmail'),
'is_logged_in' => true

$this->ongeldig = "Ongeldig wachtwoord/gebruikersnaam";



function validate(){

$this->db->where('email', $this->input->post('loginEmail'));
$this->db->where('password', md5($this->input->post('loginPassword')));

$query = $this->db->get('tbl_users');

if($query->num_rows == 1){
return true;
return false;

Is it a bit clear, or do I need to explain?
yea i get it, one sec

function validate(){

$this->db->where('email', $this->input->post('loginEmail'));
$this->db->where('password', md5($this->input->post('loginPassword')));

$query = $this->db->get('tbl_users');

if($query->num_rows == 1){
return true;
return false;

wait that didnt work
gotta copy to notepad quick
Take your time :)

function validate(){

$this->db->where('email', $this->input->post('loginEmail'));
$this->db->where('password', md5($this->input->post('loginPassword')));

$query = $this->db->get('tbl_users');

if($query->num_rows == 1){

foreach($query->result() as $record){$userID = $record->id;}

return $userID;

return false;

this validation function would return the userID if the user is in the database, and false if they are not
and from there you can store the returned userID in the session variable with or instead of the email if you want
But wouldn't the problem be if($query)
because $query is now an id and not 'true/false'
I mean in the controller
no. in PHP, true and false are evaluated as '0'(false), and NOT '0'(true). So returning 'false' will evaluate in the controller as 'false', but any non-zero value will evaluate as 'true'
*any NOT zero, NOT null and NOT "" value will be evaluated as true I mean.
Really? :D
That's great!!!
Your info was really clear and helpful!
Nobody ever helped me this much and good, everything is clear to me now :-)
thanks. Anytime!
Thank you for your time and help! Hope I won't be needing help anymore, but we both know that is impossible, because everybody needs it :) I just hope if I'll need any help again in the future, that you'll see my post :D
And of course, if I can return you the favor to help you with something, I'd be glad to!
You maybe still here?
@Sheriff_McLawDog If by any means you are still here, I have a new question if you can help me with this. Something hard I believe
3 hours later…
@mXX hey im back
@mXX whats up
@mXX sry went swimming

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