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Q: Intent-filter Browsable for and android Application, not Activity?

Y.A.P.In iOS, there is a way to register custom scheme, and it is possible to open a whole app, like new instance or one with some app state (running) and it is not just a single ViewController. For Android i am looking for a way to have whole stack of activity recovered (that might be launched befor...

I hope I understood you question correctly. I think that is what happens when user clicks home button an goes on to do some other work. The stack gets saved and when user wants to et back to your app, he/she long presses the home button and chooses your ap which went to background. Until Android removes it due to resource limitations, the stack of activities remain in the same state as user left it. User can start from the same place where he/she left the app.
That's right, but i wanted to achieve same effect as if user went back to my app upon running my app's intent for new Activity from the browser.
Are you starting the browser from within your app?
Nope. It is external library that is loading my house ad - Admob. This ad is redirecting to some url that redirects back to my custom scheme url that is being recognized by an app, iOS (which wouldn't recognize http schemes) or Android. I can already say that i can't make ad redirect to custom scheme url because ads provider doesn't allow for that (mediations and so on :/ ).
I think then just don't finish() your activities in onStop or onPause. If a browse is strated from add withion you app, then it should automatically be on same activity after you close the browser.
I am not finishing on those events, it wouldn't have any sense. I can't force admob to launch custom event on certain ad, even if (AppEventListener is not being called) i am not allowed to fetch certain ad details (only by reflection , but it's dirty) and launch a browser in my activity or some custom events :/
hi there ;)
any thougths?
Hi ! :) Hey to be frank I am not taking about anything related to advertisement. I am assuming that by clicking on an add or something within the app, a new browser is being opened? Isn't it? And after the browser is closed you want your app to be in same state as you left it. is it or am I getting it wrong?
maybe it would be better if i asked for : how to get ad details without needing to hack
Ohh. I got your question completely wrong then.
it is right
same state of an app, without needing to go back through opened browser
well not really
because i just wanted to know if it is possible or not
what i need to do is to ask another question that would regard to ads
I think so. That would be a good way to go.
i am curious anyway about intenting an applicatio, not sole activity
but thatks for interest
I think a new question will help. I've little idea.
Most welcome. All the best!

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