@Priti **table > tr** is all tr's that are direct children of a table. **table tr** is all tr's that are descendants (can be children, grandchildren etc) of a table.
@Priti Apologies, I'd prefer not to give my e-mail out (this chat room conversation will be indexed by Google etc.) If you ever have any questions you don't want to post on SO, I guess you could just comment on my answer to your question and I'll help out.
@Priti Yes, but keep in mind I'm not very active in terms of responses via e-mail. You are far more likely to get an answer quickly asking the question using StackOverflow, but I've noted it down anyhow :) Thanks!
@Zenith once I will email you with some doubts,i will also comment on the answer you did in my post. then please check your email box... but sure I will not disturb always.. probably sometimes for help and most of the times as a freind..
please drop me one email.. so that I can save your one in my email favorites