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send me your method signature and how you are creating invocation
NSString *response = nil;
NSString *actionName = [actionParams objectForKey:@"actionName"]; //Grab action name from JS layer
SEL methodSignature = NSSelectorFromString(actionName); //Convert action name into method signature
WSCProxy *objProxy = [[WSCProxy alloc] init];
NSLog(@"Action Name:%@",actionName);

//Reflection - Dynamic execution of functions based on signature
if ([objProxy respondsToSelector:methodSignature]) {
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:
one of my method signature is - (NSString*)DeviceFingerPrintCheck:(NSString*)handsetID CIN:(NSString*)CIN WalletID:(NSString*)walletID
now I need to create reflection in this case
can you please show me the output of NSLog(@"Action Name:%@",actionName);
also send me crash description
DeviceFingerPrintCheck - Action name nslog output
It's wrong
It should be something like this: DeviceFingerPrintCheck:CIN:WalletID:
its ok but while I m passing the parameters as arguement it get crashed
the code
for it is that
No but your action name should be DeviceFingerPrintCheck:CIN:WalletID:
after that you can pass argument on it.
You are creating incorrect selector
probably here is issue
NSString *actionName = [actionParams objectForKey:@"actionName"]; //Grab action name from JS layer
SEL methodSignature = NSSelectorFromString(actionName); //Convert action name into method signature
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:
[WSCProxy instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:methodSignature]];
[invocation setSelector:methodSignature];
[invocation setTarget:objProxy];
for(int i=0;i<[actionParams count];i++)
NSString *paramValue = [actionParams objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"methodParam_%d",i]];
if([paramValue length]>0)
[invocation setArgument:@paramValue atIndex:i];

this is my passing parameter value code
see in the for loop scope
&paramValue not @paramValue
[invocation setArgument:@paramValue atIndex:i];
Yes but your method signature is incorrect
Just try to pass static value what i specified and see it will work
I tried with static signature and then passed the argument at that case
it acccpets the selector but crashses in invoke line
wer ru
what is crash log
index 0 is reserved for "self" and index 1 is reserved for "_cmd" (see the link e.James posted for more detail). So your first argument gets placed at index 2, second argument at index 3, etc...
So, your parameter will start from index 2
in your case it is starting from 0
So, this is another bug in your code
i didnt know it
the reservation of indexes
let me check by putting the thign you told
and ye
how to make the selector dynamc
can you send that e.jones link
Q: NSInvocation for Dummies?

John RudyHow exactly does NSInvocation work? Is there a good introduction? I’m specifically having issues understanding how the following code (from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition) works, but then also be able to apply the concepts independently of the tutorial sample. The code: - (void)ins...

check this I have copied from it
meantime can you please look into dynamic selector generation?>
But you are doing it by correct way
You have done two mistakes 1)Incorrect selector 2) Incorrect parameter
can I call you?
Using below snippet you can get all methods of class
- (void)getMethodList
int unsigned numMethods;
char *className = [NSStringFromClass([self class]) UTF8String];
Method *methods = class_copyMethodList([self class], &numMethods);
for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) {
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(methods[i])));
You can compare and get exact method name
from partial method name
Note: above code will not return you the class methods
what is Method class?
You need to import : #import <objc/objc-runtime.h>
It's opaque structure of objective-c runtime library
and self would be the class of which methods I want right?>
I guess I need some framework imported for the runtime right?
just import above header
it gives file not found
at above header
okay. use sensing of xcode just type #import<ob> set what options it is giving
If it doesn't solve your problem then you can search for it. it is popular issue. You will find immediate help
I guess you havent used the class name
its unused I guess
Yes. It was just for testing.
okay man
worked dost thanx a ton
I love you a lot
I want to hug you my love

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