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A: Grails and PlayORM

Dean Hillerok, so the first question on the classlaoding issue, there is special logs in there for this issue that go live when debug level logging is enabled only. It captures how it got into that code twice. One interesting piece of code is in ScannerForClass.processIdFieldWorks in which this exists if...

Ok, so thus far I did:
1. Remove the "logback-classic" and solved the logger conflict.
2. Added "debug 'com.alvazan'" setting in log4j section of the "Config.groovy" and did not get the "two fields exception".
However I got the original exception again:
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Entity type=nosql.Transaction was not scanned and added to meta information on startup. It is either missing @NoSqlEntity annotation or it was not in list of scanned packages"

Any ideas? I can provide the code for "Transaction" class.
odd, sorry stackoverflow seems to be sending mail slower than usual or I didn't notice this post until now. also, shoot, I must have committed but not pushed my changes. I will do that tomorrow. Send me the just in case though it is either byte code now or it is classloading since you already have the @NoSqlEntity annotation on
I can't think of an easier way to debug this. Basically, at scan time, playorm creates a map reading from the annotations. When you do a put(I assume you are doing a put when you get this?), it looks in the map and this class file is not there. In eclipse debugger step into the put method and look at the variable holding that class when playorm gets it, then look in the Map and that class should be there but both will have different ids which means you have two Transaction classes loaded via different your jar being included twice.
also, I checked in all my changes were posted so there is a change on June 19th BUT this change won't help your current situation.
can you post the stack trace so I can give you better/more info on debugging this?
make sure you post a comment after editing your post as I am only notified of comments and posts not edits.
How can I send you my code? Just post it? Your stack profile has no email address and I emailed you at [email protected] but not sure you check this address. My email is listed on my profile.
"MetaClass metaClass = metaInfo.getMetaClass(cl);" gets "null" which I understand means it has no meta on the "nosql.Transaction" class.
Which "map" are you referring to? "metaInfo"?
Turns out there is stackoverflow "chat" :)
dash, you ther?
Hi Dean,
Yes I am here
if so, metaInfo.getMetaClass ....step into that method to see the Map
I checked the "tableNameToClassMeta" HashMap within the "metaInfo" and there is no "Transaction" class, only meta classes.
Is there any way to monitor class path at the time the PlayORM is "scanning" for classes? Where should I set a breakpoint (if that 's even possible)?
look into that Map, there should be a Transaction.class somewhere in that map
there is, just a sec, let me get that
The first one would be ClasspathDiscoverer line 144 and you are interested in resources as that is the list of all the files named nosql/Persistence.class that are found
there should be one found in playorm.jar and one found in your jar file
hmmm, oddd, that other nosql/Persistence2.class should probably be nosql/Persistence.xml....I need to ask Vikas on that one
I am working in Eclipse. Any hints on how to get to the "ClasspathDiscoverer" or locate it?
you can defined a Persistence2.class file instead
then type in ClasspathDiscoverer
great if you don't know the package name that way
if you are using the playorm jar that includes source it brings up the source automatically or if you are using gradle with dependency management the source comes up automatically when you select the class file
if you are using maven, the source may come up....not sure
Should I open "master.jar" or "master-srcbin.jar"?
what is master.jar? that sounds very odd
when I run the build for playorm it builds
playorm.jar and playorm-srcbin.jar
Sorry, I meant "playorm-master" vs "srcbin"
we have a project not using gradle nor maven so we use the playorm-srcbin.jar
which has the source....if you use gradle(or ivy really), you just add the dependency and it downloads the source with it anyways
so we put playorm-srcbin.jar in the path and none of hte other playorm jars in our path and put the playorm 3rd party libraries in our path
Oh, ok, I use neither at this point because of extra grails integration overhead
neither? don't you have to use one to actually use playorm?
I have all 2 files in my path: bin, srcbin and src
Sorry Dean, I mean neither "maven" nor "gradle"
ah, just srcbin file is enough and you can delete bin and src
srcbin is both
Ok, great.
and eclipse notices the source is there so when you open up a playorm class file or step into it with debugger, it automatically opens the source instead of the class file
so on line 79 of that same class is the loop as once it discovers ALL the files called Persistence.class and Persistence2.class, it then creates urls to those files and determines if they are in a jar or in a folder on the filesystem
then line 82 calls into processFile if on file system and line 84 calls into processJar if in the jar file
Ok, I will try this in a sec.
I think I found something of interest (could be wrong):
urlsToScan (@ line 79) contains:

aka it does not contain "/GrailsWorkSpace/gibb/src./java/nosql/..."
...also it did not go into the "for" loop because it skipped my breakpoint there.
just one sec
it should NOT contain gibb/src/java but sould contain gibb/bin/nosql.Persistence.class, etc. etc.
ie. it does not scan for but scans for Persistence.class
where is your class file located?
eclipse usually outputs it in the bin folder
are you in jdk7?
or 1.6?
java version "1.6.0_37"
line 139 is the jdk call to get all references to that file on the classpath and for some reason you don't have your nosql.Persistence on the class path.....A quick try if running from eclipse, rename file to
I have to folders: "/gibb/target" and "/gibb/target-eclipse"
and retry it
we used class files as xml files have always had a problem in IDE's where class files are generally in the classpath though you are the first where for some reason this is not true
I should not say classpath, I should say classloader
hmmmm, you should try passing in the classloader!!!!
Transaction.class.getClassLoader() will get the classloader that exists in has a method for this where you can pass in the classloader
Just a second...
this classloader should have the Transaction class visible AND hopefully the playorm classes are still visible as well unless grails really mucked with the classloaders
Where do I try to "Transaction.class.getClassLoader()"?
Anywhere in the app?
...or where do I "pass classloader"?
I am back
you call one of the Bootstrap java methods, correct? (which one?)
For PlayORM?
how do you create NoSqlEntityManagerFactory
package nosql;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.Bootstrap;
import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.DbTypeEnum;
import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.NoSqlEntityManager;
import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.NoSqlEntityManagerFactory;
import com.alvazan.orm.api.base.Query;

public class TransactionPersist {
private static NoSqlEntityManagerFactory factory;
private static NoSqlEntityManager mgr;
* Static initialization block.
* TODO: Not sure how to handle potential errors.
I call "Bootstrap.create(DbTypeEnum.CASSANDRA, properties,null,null); "
yup, so one of the Bootstrap.create methods can be passed the classloader so you can pass in Transaction.class.getClassloader()
grails I am guessing is playing around with classloaders which is very annoying sometimes
if it is null as I think you call the one with the classloader, then we use the classloader that PlayOrm jar is loaded into
Something like this: "factory = Bootstrap.create(properties, Transaction.class.getClassLoader());"
yup, or yours is fine.....Bootstrap.create(DbTypeEnum.CASSANDRA, properties, null, Transaction.class.getClassloader());
I will be back in a sec - rebooting my machine...
Here is the "cl" classloader I see in debugger:
cl URLClassLoader (id=120)
Should I just let it run?
It has "classes" object with "elementData" vector, but I cannot find "Transaction"
yeah, to start with just let it run to see if you get the same exceptoin
Now the "urlsToScan" has:
[jar:file:/home/saasbook/Dropbox/Projects/GrailsWorkSpace/gibb/lib/playorm-master-srcbin.jar!/nosql/Persistence.class, file:/home/saasbook/Dropbox/Projects/GrailsWorkSpace/gibb/target/classes/nosql/P‌​ersistence2.class, file:/home/saasbook/Dropbox/Projects/GrailsWorkSpace/gibb/target/classes/nosql/P‌​ersistence.class]
Which is fine I guess. I will let it run.
that looks much better
classloading games that platform's play, joy oh joy
you are snazzy on github, right?
It sort of worked - I got a different exception:
Failure scanning field=java.util.Date nosql.Transaction.timestamp for class=Transaction
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: See this url for what you did wrong:
what's the rest of the exception?
On github I am " dashingly" and my name is Danil, in case you were wondering :)
oh, LOL, yeah, the jdk date stuff has tons of bugs so use joda-time instead which they were supposed to put in jdk 7 which they didn't
ah, ok, someone else reported your same nosqlId error just now is all, thought it was you
Ok. Thanks a lot for your help! :)
have fun, signing off and heading to a meeting now...later
good luck

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