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A: Passing data from one view controller to other view controller through xib file

iUserSorry , I couldn't get why you have done these two line code : tempView.fullName = self.nameTextField.text; [tempView setFullName:self.fullName]; Instead , Make a property of NSString in Second View Controller's .h file @property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *strFullName; and synthesize...

Thank you so much.. I have already done same thing but because of this line [tempView setFullName:self.fullName]; I am getting null. Now after removing this it is working fine. I spend my 2 days for this. thanks for your valuable answer.
Your Welcome. Happy Coding (:
which way is more preferable for navigate one view to another by button and again from that controller navigate to third controller through button?
It can be according to the requirement of your application.
for this same question i am using both times addSubView for navigate to another page. By pressing button in second view controller it is giving error of " Thread 1 : EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1, address=0x69202020) "
But if you want to move to second view then you need to use pushViewController , else if you want to add that second view on first view , then you need to add subview on first view.
in secondviewcontroller.m - (IBAction)GoToThirdVC:(id)sender {

UIViewController *control = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @"SecondViewController" bundle: nil];
// UINavigationController *navControl = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: control];
//[self presentModalViewController: navControl animated: YES];

//[self.navigationController pushViewController:SecondViewController];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:control animated:YES];
this is also giving same error. can u give suggestion?
you are pushing secondViewController from secondViewController itself
Why so ?
Make thirdViewController's object and just push it
sorry.. my mistake. i have write this in firstviewcontroller.
Can you define what you exactly want and to which view controller you want to move and from which view controller ?
see i have threeview controller. in first i have a button. by pressing it i come on second view controller. for that code is : - (IBAction)GotoSecondVC:(id)sender {

FirstViewController *temp = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FirstViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:temp.view];

} And in second view controller i have another button and by pressing it i want to go on third view controller. so in second controller i have written : -(IBAction)GoToThirdVC:(id)sender {
First Thing , You need to make a navigation controller in AppDelegate and then make your first view controller as root view controller of navigation , then

In first view controller
SecondViewController *objSecondVC = [[SecondViewController alloc]init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:objSecondVC animated:YES];
[objSecondVC release];

then again in secondVC,

ThirdViewController *objThirdVC = [[ThirdViewController alloc]init];
ok. let me try.. i will tell u after that. and thank you for giving answer.
thank you sir.. its working now.. :) can i ask any other question related to it in future?
thank you so much.

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