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A: Persistence of a QMultihash

RiatecheThere is no standard way to do it, especially for arbitrary key and value types. Here is an example of how you can convert QMultiHash<int, double> to QVariant and back: QVariant convert(QMultiHash<int, double> hash) { QVariantList variant_hash; for(QMultiHash<int, double>::Iterator it = ha...

Thank you ! I will use both QString as keys (images names) and values (algorithm names), if it's possible to do so.
Yes, the simplest way is to replace int and double to QString in my code, and replace toInt and toDouble to toString.
Last question : is there any way to save the QMultiHash in a .ini so it is readable (let's say by opening it with notepad++) ? I know that Qsettings::SetValue() takes one value for one key, so I can't have multiple values for one key, correct ? What could I do instead ?
You should use settings.setValue("my_hash", convert(hash));. QSettings will use this object as a single QVariant value, you don't need to care about keys count. The result will be hardly readable. You should have mentioned in your question that you care about readability. If this is important, it's better to use serialization to JSON.
Isn't JSON for PHP ?
No. Why would you think so? JSON is related to JavaScript, but is totally language-independent and is not related to PHP in any way. It's just a good human-readable serialization format.
OR, I can just use QStringList to add elements (i.e. values) and simple string manipulation (adding a comma separator), then I translate it to QString when setting QSettings values (QStringList sl; (QString)sl; ) I think that should work.
Hi. You really doesn't need to care about comman separators etc
QSettings will take care about it
you can just put QStringList using settings.setValue(key, list)
can get QStringList back using settings.value(key).toStringList()
so I keep the for loop on the QMultiHash iterator
and just replace values by QStringList in setValue
in order to keep my QMultiHash and its keys
not exactly
sorry I'm a bit confuse with all that, first time I ever use it :)
firstly you need to populate aQStringList of values for particular key
the simpiest way I can suggest:

QHash<QString, QStringList> lists;
for(QMultiHash<int, double>::Iterator it = hash.begin(); it != hash.end(); ++it) {
lists[it.key()] << it.value();
foreach(QString key, lists.keys()) {
settings.setValue(key, lists[key]);
so we populate a QStringList for each key
and then save all QStringList's
btw, where does foreach comes from ? it's not regular C++ as far as I know ? second time in two days I see it
foreach is Qt's macro
I'm still there, just reading your code
shouldn't it be
for( QMultiHash<QString, QString>::Iterator it = multi.begin(); it != multi.end(); it++ )
yes, my mistake
it works :) (don't say : obviously it works !)
thank you VERY much
when you want to deserialize your data, you should use QSettings::allKeys() to obtain full list of stored keys
ah ok I was so happy I had almost forgot that part :)
then for each key I get a list
and use insertMulti
for each key of the list
ok, will do this. I don't know how to thank you.
you are welcome

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