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Q: Issue floating paragraphs left and right on same line in Chrome

jasonbradberryI'm attempting to float two paragraphs left and right on one line, using the method given here I'm coming up with an issue where both paragraphs are wrapping over two lines for no apparent reason. This happens in Chrome, bu...

it looks fine for me on chrome both are on the same line
Hmmm, strange. Updated Chrome and now it looks fine. Might have been a bug in the previous version!
Oddly, this issue has now returned, with no changes to the CSS. Here's a screenshot – Any ideas?
It still looks fine to me, maybe you are zoomed out?
See screenshot link added above.
It looks like it's a width issue, and the text is going to the next line... I think you're zoomed out in your browser.
Yes, I had thought it might be a width issue, but my browser is definitely not zoomed in or out. Just reset it and it's still the same!
All I can see is that when I take the float:left; and float: right; off the two paragraphs, they revert to single line, so it seems the width is related to the floats?
At this point I would try changing the width properties of the elements and see what happens
Hello mate thanks for the help
Yeah, it doesn't look like a real question, but there seems to some problem with your css, I would just keep fiddling with it till it works
I can't really see the source, so I'm just offering suggestions.
Setting explicit width fixes the issue, but I want to keep the layout fluid if possible
Did you look at the link here - in case you want to inspect the source
The odd thing is the issue appears to go away without changing the CSS, then return at random points, which makes me think it's a bug of some kind
Looks like a bug imo, it shows up fine for me, but my moniter has huge resolution.
Thanks, will leave a defined width for now and assume it's a bug

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