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A: How do I display folders in date of creation order?

Ryan NaddyThis will grab a list of files from a directory put them into an array then sort the array by date. <?php $dir = 'resources/'; $files = []; foreach(glob($dir.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $resdir) { $files[] = [ "name" => $resdir, "time" => filectime($resdir) ]; } // Sort files...

How would I change this to grab directories instead of files?
This does get directories instead of files.
How would I merge this code with the snippet I included? as in, what would I keep and what would I replace?
I updated the code for you.
instead of echo include you may want to just do readfile
Thank you, however this now displays a 500 error
Use HEREDOC it is a bit more readable with that much HTML in a string. You may be getting a 500 because a file doesn't exist. check your log files.
Ah yes, the log says "File does not exist: /var/www/resources/js, referer:; Why is it trying to get to a JS folder
maybe because I didn't have $dir = 'resources/'; in the code...
Ah, Nope, I added that in and still nothing :/
do a var_dump($resdir) maybe it isn't pointing to the correct spot
Nope its pointing the the right place alright, do you have skype, might be better to talk on their than spamming up the comments.
Skype: wpcheese
Ah yes, This is better. I was unable to start a chat because I am a noob or something ;)
Any other ideas why this might not be working?
Well your error log says the file can not be found right?
What did the var_dump show?
Hmm it showed:
string(8) "SmoothUI"
is that not a folder?
Yes it is
Ah wait, that was the output with the current working code I have. How am I ment to do var_dump on your code when the page gives me a '500' I will not be able to see the output
comment out the "readfile" line
that is probably thee line giving the error
Nope, still unable to read the page
What version of php are you using?
PHP may be complaining about either the "anonymous" function, or the short hand arrays if you are not using an up to date version of php.
It is up to date, I only installed it a couple of days ago, Its running on version 5.4

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