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A: Irregularity in fetching the details with array

NullVoidYou need to execute like this in for loop where multiple images are found. I created list of multiple movie listing in XML file and test below code. //$movies = $xml->movies; $movies = $xml->xpath("//movies/descendant::movie"); //echo "<pre>";print_r($movies);die; //$images = $xml->x...

only one movie got inserted :( and that too with image Array id was correct
Did you noticed my updated code than your once? I am fetching multiple movies and based on that one movie I am selecting their images and put those Image Urls in $imageUrl and afterwards creating string with multiple Image Urls per Movie.
But the same didnt worked for the multiple movies . It worked well for fetching the correct for single movie But when i used you code in my file, it fetched only one movie
with <code>$movies = $xml->xpath("//movies/descendant::movie");
echo "<pre>";print_r($movies);die;</code> you will get all movies from your return XML.
yeah I getting the mvoies but while insert I can only see 1 movie inserted, rest wont show up in DB
See above image of insertion of multiple movies in table. For test purpose I have created two fields id and movieimage. I could successfully inserted movies.
You there?
I am here
Tell me
Actually I am again integerating my code
with yours
lemme run it again
I am still not able to make it work
here is full code of script
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';


// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);

$arrData = array();
can you see full lcode
I havent integerated your code in it
Yes. Let me check your edited code
it is the normal code which I am having now
NO. You have not integrated my code :(
$movies = $xml->xpath("//movies/descendant::movie");
//echo "<pre>";print_r($movies);die;
//$images = $xml->xpath("//image");
foreach ($movies as $movie){
echo $arrMovie_id = $movie->id;
$images = $movie->xpath("//image");
//echo "<pre>";print_r($images);
$imageUrl = array();
foreach ($images as $image){
if($image['size'] == "thumb" && $image['type']=="poster"){
$imageUrl[] = $image['url'];

//then you need to implode $imageUrl array to string so that you can add multiple found image urls
$imageUrl = implode(",", $imageUrl);
i just showed you mine existing
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';


// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);

$arrData = array();
You have to use $movies = $xml->xpath("//movies/descendant::movie"); and not $movies = $xml->movies->movie;
here is full code with your integeration
still it wont show up all the movies
Have you looked up what I send you after you sent your code/
$movies = $xml->xpath("//movies/descendant::movie");
//echo "<pre>";print_r($movies);die;
//$images = $xml->xpath("//image");
foreach ($movies as $movie){
echo $arrMovie_id = $movie->id;
$images = $movie->xpath("//image");
//echo "<pre>";print_r($images);
$imageUrl = array();
foreach ($images as $image){
if($image['size'] == "thumb" && $image['type']=="poster"){
$imageUrl[] = $image['url'];

//then you need to implode $imageUrl array to string so that you can add multiple found image urls
$imageUrl = implode(",", $imageUrl);
Yeah I checked
and see my latest script shared with you above
it includes your code too
ok lemme share it again
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';


// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);

$arrData = array();
here the above has yoru script integerated
Now it shows you have integrated ;)
Have you uncommented mysql_query($sql_movie);?
Now you should be able to insert multiple movies in table.
When I run with your code
it only echo
it wont show other movies
and in DB also it inserts this row only
string(12) "Go Goa Gone " string(6) "Gippi " 189800insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,movie_ids,image)values('Gippi ','null','Taaha Shah, Riya Vij, Divya Dutta',' May 10, 2013 ',' Vishal–Shekhar ',250,230,'189800','')
string(19) "Shootout at Wadala " string(23) "Lucky Di Unlucky Story " string(11) "Aashiqui 2 "
string(19) "Shootout at Wadala " string(23) "Lucky Di Unlucky Story " string(11) "Aashiqui 2 " movies are not get inserted
string(6) "Gippi " 189800insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image)values('Gippi ','null','Taaha Shah, Riya Vij, Divya Dutta',' May 10, 2013 ',' Vishal–Shekhar ',250,230,'189800','‌​TYJDy4GhGmLF.jpg')
2 mins
yeah sure
//Create array of before the for loop of $movies

//in loop at last and not execute mysql_query in loop
$arrSql[] = "('$arrMovie_id','$imageUrl')";

echo $sql_movie = "insert into dbmovies(id,movieimage)values(".implode(",", $arrSql).")";
change my table name dbmovies with you query
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';


// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'…');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);

$arrData = array();
// Create an array of item elements from the XML feed.
I have integrated changes in your code too :)
Actually now we're executing query only once after loop is executed.
It will create this type of insert query
INSERT INTO `dbmovies` (`id`, `movieimage`) VALUES
(191562, ',,'),
(201562, ',,'),
I am checking please wait
I dont know why it worked for you
for me I am still
here is last code
What error you're getting or not inserting all records?
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';

$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', '@}%W^XlOaZIW');
mysql_select_db('test', $con);

// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);
Do you see any error in that
this time same movie id and images added 4 times in DB
$arrSql = array();
foreach ($movies as $movie){ you have not declared array above
now also print $sql_movie; and see what it's printing
$arrSql = array();
foreach ($movies as $movie){
echo $arrMovie_id = $movie->id;
$images = $movie->xpath("//image");
//echo "<pre>";print_r($images);
$imageUrl = array();
foreach ($images as $image){
if($image['size'] == "thumb" && $image['type']=="poster"){
$imageUrl[] = $image['url'];
for the above I declared
only first movie got inserted
if you run above script how many movies you are able to insert
In my case 3 movies
but actually 4 movies
are you able to get those movies images and Ids
:( I am unlucky to get the sae
Yes. I am able see it in myadmin
can you eacho your $sql_movie variable after loop? here
insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values 189800insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count
insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values
values is blank
here is the echo
then print the echo "<pre>";print_r($arrSql); out side loop and paste it here
insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values 189800insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,mo‌​vie_ids,image) values ('Gippi ','null','Taaha Shah, Riya Vij, Divya Dutta',' May 10, 2013 ',' Vishal–Shekhar ',250,230,'189800','‌​TYJDy4GhGmLF.jpg')
189800insert into jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,movie_ids,image) values ('Gippi ','null','Taaha Shah, Riya Vij, Divya Dutta',' May 10, 2013 ',' Vishal–Shekhar ',250,230,'189800','')
[0] => ('Gippi ','null','Taaha Shah, Riya Vij, Divya Dutta',' May 10, 2013 ',' Vishal–Shekhar ',250,230,'189800','')
There is still something wrong in your code.
You should see like. Output of echo "<pre>";print_r($arrSql);
Means array with multiple values
for other movies the array is blank
// Include the handy XML data extraction functions.
include 'xml_regex.php';
include 'simple_html_dom.php';

$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'test', '@}%W^XlOaZIW');
mysql_select_db('test', $con);

// Use cURL to get the RSS feed into a PHP string variable.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xml = curl_exec($ch);
I see your code here
$movie_name = $arrTitle[0];

$apiKey = '30f44b6ef9472d414e50d2acaa058b60';
$url = sprintf('…"%s"', $apiKey, rawurlencode(trim($movie_name)));
You're just giving one movie name then you will definitely get one movie not other
You had talked in question comment that you will have multiple movie list for that I suggested above code
i am sorry for misunderstanding
Above code is for multi movie listing and you're passing only specific movie name in URL then you'll get only one movie
Then How will you get multiple movie list?
its cheching for movies 1 by 1
Now this means that your problem is solved
but still movies details are not coming
AS you're fetching specific movies and your show your insert query that you're getting one movie details at a time then there should not be an issue
For that you have to check your CURL and whole code.
I will check that
Thanks you for your wonderful help
answer accpted
Thank you :)

last day (14 days later) »