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At least now I know how android apps are made, I suppose.
Explains why some look better than others (native UI) compared to others (Hybrid UI)
I haven't done Android in a while, no clue what this native/hybrid stuff is, probably showed up after i dabbled in it.
native UI are the apps that look like the ones made by android SDK
hybrid ones are the ones made by HTML/CSS/JS
so Hybrid is made with something like phonegap?
It's called Hybrid because it runs on web and mobile.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
Why can't this be a little bit more straightforward.
Yeah android dev is not terribly easy to get into =/
tbh I don't get why :/
Even Windows managed to make a much better API.
Qt too.
I don't see why mobile development can't make something similar
Windows and Qt are so straightforward with little surprises.
You know Windows Phone 8 uses something similar to WPF?
Oh wait. It is WPF.
Yeah I knew.
lol it looks like a dream compared to this :v
I heard its easy to dev for, then again the guy who said that interned at MS
I'm looking at their "Getting Started"
it looks amazing
So straight forward
I don't know if it's familiarity bias but it looks a lot better
No, I would be inclined to agree that it is just plain easier.
I wonder how good Windows Phones are.
tfw no Windows Phone.
I originally wanted a Lumia 920 :3
That's the only one I heard of I think =/
I didn't get one because it's not popular :/
I feel like it should be.
No popularity = no apps = :(
But you can make your own! ;)
lol yeah
I could probably actually make something useful for sure
Been 2 hours or so and I still don't know what I'm doing on Android dev :s
I brought Unity's framerate to a crawl. I spawned a bunch of cubes which had mesh + collider
and by a bunch I mean most of a 64x64x32 chunk xD
Oh that's a bad use of class variables... he uses them, than when he's done he resets them to 0, he just wants to avoid passing them around... ewwwww
I'm going to refactor the crap out of this =/
I've done that before.
It's not that bad.
if(py == 5)
    Blocks[px, py] = 2;
else if (py < 5)
    Blocks[px, py] = 1;

if (px == 5)
    Blocks[px, py] = 0;
The meaning of this is clear as can be >.>
@Rapptz But they're public...
How do I view documentation in this IDE
Ctrl + Q
incredibly unhelpful :v
Do you know what the hell Bundle is
I'm trying to understand what this code is doing to no avail
I dont
Q: What is a `bundle` in an Android application

TusharWhat is a Bundle in an Android application? When to use it?

^ but this does :)
A super object.
I feel spoiled
I don't know why but Windows Forms is easier than this Android drag and drop
You know how in WPF/WinForms you have tabbed sections and you can edit specific tabs with drag and drop?
Why can't I do that in Android Studio
1 hour later…
Day9 just made the stupidest yet most hilarious deck ever
His opponent's hand was always full and so he kept losing cards
a milling deck?
(btw, if your opponent's hand is full and you "return card to hand", it kills it instead)
@Rapptz something like that yeah
yep.. seems like a milling deck
semi-popular in other TCGs
don't know how you'd make one in HS
didnt even think that was possible in HS
the idea is you fill his hand either with his cards or junk (see mukla's bananas) and then return shit to his hand with sap/vanish
1 hour later…
I guess I am spoiled
You know how in C#/WPF/WinForms you just do
this.myTextBox.Text = "Hello"; to change the text of something?
I had to do this on Android and it felt weird
TextView t = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView);
I am a spoiled spoiled man :(
Guess I won't make fun of Microsoft anymore :v
Join the dark side, we have WPF :3
Qt is good too.
Only lacks Data Binding, though I think it has it now
Here's the fun mill deck
I actually already saw someone on 4chan play with a mill deck 3 days ago.
Hayley Williams is pretty.
1 hour later…
Unsurprisingly, the raw IntelliJ is actually better
Yes, IntelliJ IDEA is pretty good. Its a JB product after all
Still takes up assloads of memory
I haven't seen ThePhD in a while
yeah i wonder if he left again
Wonder if he left after complaining about things
3 days ago eh
11 hours later…
Awww yes, refactoring job complete :D
The only class variables I had are const/readonly
I also shaved off 50+ lines by removing duplicated code
don't know what to program
Learn something new :)
tried that already
pretty terrible experience

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