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Q: crash on animating the sprite from sprite sheet

Begining of bright futureBelow is the my code that i am using -(Void)addSprites{ [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"image.plist"]; CCSpriteBatchNode *spriteSheet = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:@"image.png"]; [self addChild:spriteSheet]; // Load up the frames...

make sure that self.walkAction is declared as a property and have retain property.
yes its already done. but not working
so if u create breakpoint on the line (which crashes) and check the walkAction value it shows ??
fixed it .. i had to use [background runAction:_walkAction]; instead of [background runAction:walkAction];
auto synthesis Xcode :-)
@Hamdullahshah... auto synthesis Xcode?
@Hamdullahshah... one more question i have used non retina image to create the sprite sheet.. its working fine in simulator.. but when working on the device its showing small images ..after that i have also created another sprite sheet and plist with retina image but its not working, retina images are showing but with same size as non retina image.. i mean retina images are cutting.. do i need to do some extra thing for it?
need to be a new question. But :-) make sure all the file names inside sprite sheet are same and add "-hd" at the end of sprite sheet for retina e.g "sprite sheet-hd.plist" & "sprite sheet-hd.png"
@2x is for UI cocos2d use -hd
ok i will try it
but for my all other images(without sprite sheet) i am using @2x and itys working fine
while creating sprite sheet for retins do i need to user image name also image-hd?
Are you using Zwoptex for creating spritesheet ?
This crash is not related to property or hd/2x

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