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A: Add close button to popup

MojtabaPut an element in your source page (here page.php as you wrote) and give it a unique id or anything else (for example id="CloseModal"). And in your script, write this event handler: $('body').on('click', '#CloseModal', function () { closePopup(fadeOutTime); }); If you don't want to change ...

Hi Mojtaba, I still don't understand what I must put in the page.php page and consequently adjust on the master page. Appreciate your help on this.
Because I don't know what modalPopup function do, I offered this solution. If you wrote the definition of the function, I can help you and give you a solution that doesn't need to change your source page.
Ok I've added the javascript "modalPopup" function above and "closePopup" function which may help you.
I've added the code as instructed. On the target page I see [CLOSE] at the top but it is not a hyperlink or anything, simply text and does nothing when I click on it.
@Steve What is the version of jQuery on the page?
jQuery version 1.2.3
@Steve Your version of jQuery doesn't support for on method. If you can, change it to version 1.7+. If not, add this line closeDiv.setAttribute('onclick', 'closePopup(fadeOutTime);'); after this line: closeDiv.innerHTML = '[CLOSE]';. It will attach the event directly to the element. Give me the results :)
I tried both, adding jquery 1.7 and changing code above separately, but still I just see [CLOSE] and i cant click it or do anything with it. Any ideas?
makes sense to discuss here..
Hi steve, which browser are you using?
Hi Mojtaba, using safari
on latest mac
Can you use chrome? Or firefox with firebug plugin?
just did same issue
In chrome hit F12 to run Inspector, and go to console tab and refresh your page.
When you click on [CLOSE], is it generate any error?
Where are you man? I'm here for helping you... :)
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' search-home-owner.php:46
(anonymous function) search-home-owner.php:46
fire jquery-1.7.2.js:1075
self.fireWith jquery-1.7.2.js:1193
jQuery.extend.ready jquery-1.7.2.js:435
Thats what I see in inspector I think that relates to this, thanks so much for your help
Nothing comes up when I press close
[CLOSE] is just like text, i can select it thats all
Ooooops. Please clear this lines:
$('body').on('click', '#CloseModal', function () {
Or use the latest version of jQuery (1.9.1). It should solve this error :)
ok just deleted this, nothing happened
will try latest query quickly
Don't forget to put the code you deleted back...
Remember that [CLOSE] is text, you can set the css for it to make it as a hyperlink or button.
Oh now I am confused... I don't know how to do that
I upgraded to 1.9.1
But now you say the [CLOSE] was supposed to be text all along
how do I turn it into a close button?
It's a text, but will close the window for you. I'll give you the css, don't worry. By here, did it work or not?
When you say did it work...i don't know what you mean
the close button is still does nothing
its just like text on a page, doesn't close or do anything
In console you have error anymore? after upgrading to jquery 1.9.1?
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' search-home-owner.php:46
(anonymous function) search-home-owner.php:46
c jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3
p.fireWith jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3
b.extend.ready jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3
After upgrading, it shouldn't generate this error. Are you sure you have only one jquery script in your page? Your source page (page.php), maybe it has another jquery script tag?
yes there are no query references in the page.php and nothing else in the parent page
the source page is just plain html no javascript
thats it
I really confused. It must work correctly. Give me some minutes to check on my computer...
is this chat public? can I send you a link to look?
cant I just put a hyperlink close button on the page
At the moment if I click outside of the page it closes
but instead just a hyperlink button would be perfect
I don't know this is public or not. You can email it for me ([email protected]).
I tested in my localhost, It didn't generate any error for me.
ok just sent to you
sorry about all this trouble
Ok, I'll look at that now...
Try to add this line :
closeDiv.setAttribute('onclick', 'closePopup(300);');
after this line:
closeDiv.innerHTML = '[CLOSE]';
If you do that, I'll check it online...
AHHH it works!
Now just need to make it look like a close button as its black
yes it did :)
OK, W8 a minutes
add this to your css file:
#CloseModal {
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
background: red;
margin-bottom: 3px;
margin-left: auto;
excuse me this one :D
#CloseModal {
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
margin-bottom: 3px;
margin-left: auto;
and change [CLOSE] to [X] in your javascript. I hope this was good for you
Perfect!! Thanks sooo much for your help. Im sorry it took so much time, update the answer and will rate it there
Have a great day!
Your welcome Steve :)

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