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If I had known HTTP schemes were that clever in doing POST I would have probably gotten interested in network schemes much earlier. It seemed to me that the only way to change these things was by poking values into the system object!
Sigh. Rebol documentation and discoverability fails again. No more! This is worth mentioning in the user-level portion of the network scheme document. For that matter--is there a reason there's not a write/options URL value port-spec?
2 hours later…
@rebolbot version
dead, and I'm on the road and shall be for the next 5 hours
rebol2 used read/custom to do similar things
1 hour later…
@GrahamChiu I feel as if I have blood on my hands...
I'll not sleep for the guilt.
@HostileFork What does that gain over write port-spec value?
@rgchris If you can do that, then nothing. Even better! That works?
(Remember: only met ports a week and a half ago)
Hi folks! I want to try an easy, beginner Rebol project. I started using an online recipe-sharing site, Key Ingredient. I want to write a program that grabs my recipes from the site and makes a backup on my computer...so I'm looking for guidance.
I wrote a question on the cooking stackexchange just trying to understand the ramifications of crowdsourcing recipes. It has links to a couple of recipes I typed in. I thought a tool to let people back up their online recipes would be useful and I bet it can be done in Rebol without too much work!
@HostileFork refuses to write it for me :-) so I have to ask StackOverflow questions or communicate here in chat to do it.
@mmcghan Laziest method might be to store a copy of each recipe's HTML page, parsing the HTML to pull any related images. More ambitious would be to parse the HTML, extract recipe data and store in a format of your choosing.
@rgchris Can your XML importer handle the key ingredient format? Have you considered offering a bridge that uses an HTML => XHTML cleaner? I've seen those... HTML tidy or some such name.
@HostileFork I'd love to combine the AltXML model with Gabriele's HTML parser—be a very worthwhile thing to do. I'm not sure the best way to go about dependencies.
The HTML parser is part of the PowerMezz package, not standalone.
I suppose Rebol's core attitude is "we accept URIs as perhaps a fact of modern life, and are building them in. But HTML/XHTML/JSON/etc. is cruft and you only get it if the core is packaged with something that processes it." I do, however, think some basic packaging must come with abilities to deal with those.
Incidentally, anyone have thoughts on this: an AltXML object has a GET method. Currently the design is that it returns the least amount of information—for example, foreach entry feed/get-by-tag <entry> [entry/get <title>] —returns the title as a string. However if an element has more than just text as a child node, it'll return a child object. This can be convenient but inconsistent—which is the lesser evil?
@rgchris You mean, why doesn't it always give an object? In general, are text nodes without children processed as objects in other places?
There aren't really other places.
I think if you reach a leaf, and given Rebol's ability to inspect/reflect types, returning a string if it's a terminal makes sense.
It's really this: <title>Foo</title> would return "Foo" and <title><b>Bar</b></title> would return the object for <title>.
I guess the trick would be if you want a generic-ness where you want to get the parent back, in which case, you'd need an object.
Again, the original case use was to quickly get the content of a sub-element. As if you were accessing an object: [entry: make object! [title: "Foo"]] vs [entry: make object! [title: make object! [b: "Bar"]]]
But then it may be more useful (or more importantly, consistent) to return the child element.
Could you use the consistent method as the default, but have a refinement for those wishing just to get a simple value?
A possibility. Or have GET return the textual value whatever the subtree is—that'd be consistent too.
In the second example, that'd just be "Bar"
It should be made clear that when @rgchris says "However if an element has more than just text as a child node, it'll return a child object", the 'more than' includes the case where that element could have an attribute but no text.
i.e. this can be a relatively frequent occurrence
and there is always the text method available on the node objects, so you can always get the text, if needed
I guess you can see my preference here :-)
Though for that, you'd need a two-step process: get the sub-element, sub-element/text
sure, but there are other parts of the node you might want to query
But, could be the answer is refinement: GET returns the object, GET/TEXT returns the text.
sure, sounds good
Or, GET returns the text, GET/NODE returns the object :P
would you make the value function also a refinement?
Value isn't a function though.
just a data field?
again, I'm thinking of consistency
so if you would have refinements on get, maybe value should be a function returning the value field
Could do, it's not so much the value as the tree.
(the VALUE is only the value next to the element name in the tree, so it'd be the tree that changes)
I'll leave it open overnight if anyone else has thoughts/opinions.
The tree would indeed be more consistent and more verbose:
[<title> "Foo"] becomes [<title> [%.txt "Foo"]]
1 hour later…
@Adrian Hi. I have had a read of the bot source and it looks quite easy to reuse. I'll have a play at getting it posting messages to the sandbox room first. I'm sure I can get parse extracting the data from the feed reasonably easily, then just persist a last updated date on each iteration. Spare time will be the issue for me to get this done.
@rebolbot version
@GrahamChiu 0.0.33 11-Apr-2013
@rgchris I couldn't find the screen where the bot was living so don't know what caused it to die before.
@johnk , there's no rush. Will you make it a bot command or are you planning on having a separately running script?
Hmm, I was thinking of a separate script. Maybe it doesn't need to be. I need to go and review the restrictions of running in a command.
There are no restrictions. :-) Any change that makes sense can be suggested.
If it is a command what would trigger it?
For example, right now, commands that need to do something periodically are sent a pulse through the pulse-callback
see the who is online command
I was wondering what the pulse stuff was all about :-)
it's a very basic implementation now, though - if the command includes the correctly named function, it is called. We can make a more elaborate mechanism if need be.
Homework for later tonight for me is to go through the who-is-online-command and understand pulse
yeah, that's the best example I think since it already is doing some html scraping
If this works well I may consider getting this talking to yammer at my work which would extend the market a lot
Yeah, that would be nice!
Reading through their REST API I was not able to find any hooks to do a welcome so it would be responding to messages only.
Maybe I should learn to walk before I can fly though
Do you have a link for the API?
No real concept of a room so you can't see who is viewing your group
Must run TTYL -J
k, l8tr
I think you can poll the users of a group periodically and maybe find out their presence status using the get user info call:
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/[:id].json
View data about one user.
@PeterWAWood Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
@RebolBot No thanks, Spammer.
@PeterWAWood Can you elaborate on that?
@RebolBot Your constant spamming gives a bad impression of REBOL.
@PeterWAWood What do you mean?
@RebolBot You're an electronic version of REBOL Tutorial and as thick as two short planks in the bargain.
@PeterWAWood What do you mean?
Q. E. D.
@PeterWAWood Be nice to her, or she might just leave us!
@earl It would help if you could get iiqux to show her how to behave :-)
@PeterWAWood Red-blooded iiqux who always gets flood-kicked whenever Doc does a merge? Nooooo .... :)
@earl :-)
@earl I guess the difference is that iiqux is in operations and RebolBot is in sales.
I'm not very keen on these cold calling sales people.
@DocKimbel Isn't it time to get the dynlib emiiter branch up to date?
@PeterWAWood More up-to-date than 2 behind?
@PeterWAWood I thought I've updated it a few days ago?
I was thinking iiqux needed something to do. It looks as though I'll be getting the flood-kicking when I update the branch.
@PeterWAWood iiqux already handled that. Gracefully. By getting kicked.
I've just caught up the 72 commits.
do http://reb4.me/r3/altxml
feed: load-xml/dom http://www.rebol.com/article/carl-rss.xml
foreach title feed/path [<rss> <channel> <item> <title> ?][print title]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do reb4.me/r3/altxml feed: load-xml/dom rebol.com/article/carl-rss.xml foreach title feed/path [<rss> <channel> <item> <title> ?] [print title]
R3 Graphics?
Making R3 a 3.0
Cross-compiling Rebol for your favorite embedded board
Calling REBOL Rebol?
Rebol source color-coding (syntax highlighting)
Github issues for issues, not bug reports
R3 issues and wiki are now online
Another way to access/submit REBOL source code
@rgchris seems to work okay.
5 hours later…
Just trying the bot. I can get it reading from the sandbox, but I think I am getting authentication issues with speak. I added a couple of print statements to show the error in speak
chat-target-url: chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/1/messages/new
message: "Hi"
make error! [
    code: 513
    type: 'Access
    id: 'Protocol
    arg1: "Server error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: none
The output is from changing mold err to print mold err in speak
2 hours later…
A: Sublime Text 2 plugin for REBOL

MaxVI use SciTe (http://www.scintilla.org), it's ready for Rebol syntax, and all configuration files are very simple text files.

2 hours later…
I'm not sure whether to try Sublime Text or the new TextMate. Open source vs. completeness?
My main environment is Qt Creator. As I mentioned, we need to take a stab at a Rebol debugger...not having one is not good.
SciTe always seemed rather lame to me. Perhaps I'm missing something.
"Hey SciTe....Notepad++ called. It wanted me to tell you that Windows called and wants Notepad back. Just spreading the word to everyone affected."
Aaaaaand another old unpublished blog draft complete: meaningful-prefix-ideas-cplusplus. I'm finding that taking ambitious projects like "an explanation of my entire theory of naming" and cutting them back to "my theory of how to prefix member names in C++" is a good way of finishing things that would otherwise take forever.
Aaaaaand another old unpublished blog draft complete, this time only from December: rebol-on-haiku-os. I'm on a roll here.
And I opened up the Mac G5 and realized it's old enough that it actually uses the giant SATA drives. I have a couple of those but they're in enclosures. I'll have to crack those open. Thank goodness it's not SCSI.
Good thing I noticed, because I was just going to get rid of those drives.
"Giant" SATA drives :) ?
Something even bigger than 3.5" :) ?
@earl To me that's giant, I haven't seen one of those in a decade. :-)
1 hour later…
@johnk If you're not authenticating, it likely means you have the wrong credentials
@Adrian had the same issues. You have to join the room first using the browser and using the same ID of the bot ( which must have reputation > 20 ). Then once you've joined, grab the fkey and cookie and use them for the bot.
Then you should be able to post in to that room.
It appears that the fkey and cookie changes depending upon which rooms you have joined.
Thanks Graham. I will try again and use my own id for testing.
2 hours later…
Is the cookie the one from the chat site named csr with the syntax t=XXXXXXX

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