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@Adrian I think RebolBot should default to deleting silently, and only confirm if you ask. delete confirm or perhaps confirm delete?
I'm OK with that. What about you @GrahamChiu?
Quiet night for the Rebol room. I guess everyone's out boozing and dancing it up at the clubs on a Friday...
@BrianH what was the rationale for removing user-level ALIAS-ing? It seems like a useful feature. Is there a way to expose it in a way that doesn't lead to whatever dangerous reason you wanted to hide it?
1 hour later…
Hey @anorton, I believe we've spoken before. I'll have to look in the history to see what about. :-) Ah yes, the math.
How's it going?
@HostileFork Hey! :) Yes, we did speak before--I was interested in Rebol. I'm doing alright, but the semester's been pretty busy for me.
I just wanted to poke my head in before headed off to bed--I like to stop by some of these chatrooms that I don't lurk in all the time, just so I can see what's going on. Anyway... I gotta go.
(It's late where I am)
Also--I haven't forgotten about learning Rebol--I'll do it sometime soon! :)
@Bob Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
Hey @Bob. I see the bot has noticed you're new. :-) Ever heard of Rebol?
Uhm.. actually, no?
Ah. I think I'll leave :P
I just dropped in here to check one of the SO chat rooms.
Your loss! :-P
@HostileFork it broke object word access rather completely.
And it turns out that it really isn't useful, despite what you'd think. It was only useful for demos.
It only seems like a useful feature. In practice it really isn't a useful feature.
@BrianH Do you have an example?
Basically, aliasing only doesn't break object word access if the alternate spelling is something that would be considered equivalent normally (case-insensitive). If not, you will end up with conflicts. I could go into details, or point you to the CC tickets, but it really isn't resolvable. More importantly, it is not at all the best way to solve the problem. It is much better to have different words assigned the same values.
@BrianH Well, how would you change the words used by a dialect? Say, parse?
@HostileFork change the source. Seriously.
@BrianH Well, could there be a general hook that was idiomatic for dialect authors...a way of using words that instead of doing it literally would test against values that had been assigned words?
The performance cost would not be that great, or wouldn't have to be at all if you didn't use it. Just say "if you make a dialect and use literal words, allow an /alias option that takes a map of words" or something.
@HostileFork you could test against bindings, but for dialects to be localizable they really need to be designed that way.
@HostileFork right.
Well is there any way at a system level we can help make that easier/faster through some native that isn't alias, but a helper for this specific desire?
In general it's a bad idea. But it shouldn't be too difficult to support, even without native code.
@BrianH I don't know how making dialects localizable is a bad idea... it is worth thinking about if there is a good general way to do this without a significant performance cost.
@HostileFork unless there is a way in the dialect itself to specify the localization setting in the dialect code, making it localizable just means that the code will be corrupt unless you magically guessed which localization setting it was supposed to have. Localized dialects need to be designed for that from the start for them to work.
I suppose you could use some kind of bayesean trick to autodetect the localization.
@BrianH Well, I'll look into this, because I really am convinced some localized Rebol could teach real programming to under-served audiences. So give it a chance. I'm not saying this code needs to be accepted back into the Rebol ecosystem, but their own ecosystems could begin...and when they came out to join the English ecosystem they'd know the methodology. It's the kind of thing one could get grant money for. I'm going to look into it.
@Adrian I'd just create an addtional rule using 'DEL or /del or something
@Adrian conference all day .. finally finished and flown back home
Interesting subject?
New Imaging technologies in rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthropathies :)
uh, yeah
What are they using now? Terraherz waves?
some guy from Australia came to give a talk on collaborating with medical databases and how they've got about 30 docs doing this
I couldn't get anyone much interested when I tried to push this idea 25 years ago! :(
@GrahamChiu At that rate, by the time there is agreement as to how to collaborate, the technologies involved when the specs were laid out (languages, protocols, DBs) will be obsolete.
@Adrian I guess I should have been more vocal
There was a talk on new automated image analysis to be added to MRI scanners, but the software currently is research only and costing 100s of K.
Well, maybe you checked out the link I gave above.
testing on objects .. not human tissues your link
this paper from 2003 discusses UTE or ultrashort TE imaging which is now available commercially .. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14600447
That's how long it takes to get from the lab to the real commercial world
I asked the speaker why we can't take existing images from MRI scanners and just upload them to a web service to calculate automated image analysis for them instead of everyone paying $200k for the software. Because there is no such service!
Are you thinking opportunity?
for someone
Need some sophisticated algorithms to be able to do this with 100s of consecutive images
One of the authors of this paper was talking about their results blackwellpublishing.com/acrmeeting/…
Looks like the sort of thing they show on Bones or NCIS
@GrahamChiu Seems like a pretty interesting talk. I wouldn't have thought that you could accurately align scans spanning months in order to do a meaningful change detection on the kind of volumes involved. Is the alignment automated or does it need some kind of manual calibration?
Are the joints in question marked up in any way to aid alignment?
@Adrian the hands have to be placed exactly and restrained the same way each time.
Still, it's impressive that you can avoid the kind of displacement from scan to scan that would arise due to tissue being soft or swollen in order to measure minute differences in the mm^3 range.
I guess the software re-registers somehow using bone markers
disruption is getting this sort of software into clinician offices for a miniscule percentage of the current cost
Do you have any idea how large one image is, in MB?
I don't think 100s of Mbs
well, I don't know because we access only the low resolution images
posted on April 13, 2013 by Ladislav

[Bug] In the case below the function frame reference used in the interpreter is proven to not be specific enough.

@HostileFork just some kind of hello world too, to see what it's like (after buying a current smartphone last week and realizing that many "apps" (itself a abbreviated, simplified and dumbed down version of the word "application") are rather simple and unsophisticated.
decided with a colleague that we both should do it and have some kind of hello world ready on monday
@graph Eclipse on a Linux VM is my suggestion
Hello @user2098587... welcome to the oppressive metric-based regime of StackOverflow, where you must appease the powers that be before you may speak. :-) Just kidding, 20 points is easy to get to chat. See our FAQ Happy to help, and also once you're on we can teach you about Rebol!
@HostileFork is that because of the java runtime that you don't want on windows?
@graph If I can avoid it, I don't install anything on the host OS.
I would prefer a pure hypervisor, these days they only cost 8% of performance. (due to cooperation from the chips)
Gah, I accidentally knocked over my Mac Pro G5 tower while moving stuff. It landed with a solid "thud". It's built like a tank but the hard drive is very old... I've had much newer computers whose drives have died for no reason at all...and... sure enough, drive is knocking and dead now. :-( Guess I'm spending $15 on Craigslist for another old crappy drive to replace it. I didn't even want to keep the thing anyway.
Nothing on it, just the OS and XCode...I'd formatted it
somebody claimed to have taken a G5 and turned it into a PC with Windows, and had a huge amount of ..negative response
The people buying it on eBay are casemodders mostly, no one wants the computer...sounds like a jet engine, Apple dropped it and it's not even supported well by Linux these days.
It's pretty, but ridiculous.
I could be silly and put an SSD in it :-P
I didn't get as much out of that on my laptop when its drive died as I thought I would. Guess it was too much of a "netbook-class" computer and had a lot of CPU/memory-bound issues.
@graph Ever seen Onelook? @Adrian is talking about making an EnglishBot out of RebolBot to go hang out on the english language and usage chat room...
We can dialect that. :-)
@HostileFork uh oh a meta search engine!
looks nice and ..complete
@graph Syntax is a little too RegEx for my tastes of course, but yeah... it's useful. I also like Lexical Freenet
why are you interested in this? General affinity to language (programming and otherwise) or RebolBots as application or....?
@graph Well, I'm interested in Quite A Lot of Things. I'm interested in cryptography, steganography, puzzles... I think wordplay has applications both recreational and practical. But it only came up today because we were discussing what kinds of things a RebolBot might do in non-programming rooms.
We'd like a screencast so that people can get started with their own RebolBot variant easily, in a turnkey way. As a sort of interesting introduction to the language. Rebol's literacy can make the code very short and interesting. Unfortunately, Rebol code can be much easier to read than to write or debug... it's like it makes sense when you see it, but any change to it can confuse someone who hasn't mind melded with it.
both sites have a "rhyme" section. still dreaming of that hiphop career?
@graph I have an unfinished rap here on the drive, it's actually pretty epic. :-P With vocal modifications I did manage to make it sound like I was being introduced by someone else in front of a roaring crowd. Fairly realistic. You familiar with Mind In A Box? 8 bits, I love 64, Stalkers... there's some pitch work...
room topic changed to Rebol (and Red): "8 bits... are enough for me" rebolsource.net/go/chat-faq [dialect] [interpreter] [json] [lisp] [rebol] [rebol3]
oh I thought you'd rap, like in youtube.com/watch?v=M3w1_E1V46M. This stuff has a female voice (and actor in the videos) - maybe @mmcghan can fill in :-)
@graph Heh, I saw him live in LA at the... hrm, what was it... Viper Room. Pretty funny stuff!
Heya again @GeorgesBordais. We're discussing music. Which apparently relates to Rebol somehow. :-)
I was wondering to myself if we could support in the syntax words like "C#"
type? quote C#
@HostileFork What do you mean?
I guess RebolBot won't even try to pass on invalid Rebol. It says in the interpreter: Syntax error: invalid "word" -- "C#" Musical notes are a good reason to argue to let that be legitimate.
@DocKimbel Opinion on that from the Red point of view?
@rebolbot do/red type? 'C#
@DocKimbel What do you mean?
@rebolbot help
I respond to these commands:
delete [ silent ] "in reply to a bot message will delete if in time"
do expression "evaluates Rebol expression in a sandboxed interpreter (/x)"
help "this help (/? and /h)"
keys "returns known keys (/k)"
remove key "removes key (authorized user) (/rm)"
save my details url! [ timezone [time!]] "saves your details with url +/- timezone"
save key [string! word!] description [string!] link [url!] "save key with description and link (/s)"
show [all ][ recent ] links by user "shows links posted in messages by user"
red>> type? 'C#
== word!
@RebolBot do/red print {Hello Red}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print "Hello Red"
Hello Red
@DocKimbel Problem is it runs through an R3 parser before getting passed on. :-/
It works from the interpreter (which has a poor's man lexer), but not from the compiler. It seems at first look that allowing such syntax (# character used inside a word) shouldn't be ambiguous...
@DocKimbel I think that being miserly with symbols inside of words, as R3 has shifted to, does not make all that much sense in the context of Unicode. I feel like it's okay to prohibit whitespace, but I do wonder about the inconsistency...e.g. with URL
probe reverse hostilefork.com
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> probe reverse hostilefork.com
== moc.krofelitsoh//:ptth
@DocKimbel That kind of thing makes me wonder exactly what people are being protected from...?
What protection? Why just words?
@HostileFork You should ask @BrianH for that. ;-) Personally, I think we could relax a few rules wrt to words.
About the URL example above, IMO the question is more, what result from REVERSE would be the most useful to users, would ptth://krofelitsoh.moc be more useful? I'm not sure.
@DocKimbel I think the musical note stuff would be nice, for MIDI and some kind of CSound-like dialecting. I'm not sure quite where I stand today on // for comments, which I have wanted before because I think semicolons are too slight and I have gotten very used to double-slash (I'm not the only one...)
(or maybe just http://krofelitsoh.moc keeping the scheme as invariant)
// is problematic, because it's a valid word, and it's already used in the language.
@DocKimbel Well I think as a string subclass there's no other answer, the question is if it's subclassed to the point where it disallows illegal formats to ever exist (as WORD! does) or if there are only some operations that refuse to put it out in an illegal sense (e.g. MOLD willingly molds a URL! valued moc.krofelitsoh//:ptth)
Well I think it's used trivially, and I'm not worried much about that kind of backward compatibility...anyone with old code has bigger fish to fry than looking at old cases of // and replacing them with mod...
Being a string subclass is mainly an internal feature. From the user POV, if we need to specialize some actions for "sub-types", it shouldn't be a problem.
I am not concerned about R2/R3 compatibility as I am R3/Red compatibility and the "Rebol X" initiative as I have begun to call it, in reaction to BrianH's declaration that we should not make radical change because "Rebol is a version 3 product, not a version 1 or 2". I am not interested in that, I think we should go for "Rebol X".
I think determining what this "Rebol X" is involves feedback from Red, REN, and all the unfinished business in the R3 issue logs.
We should all converge on it, and really in some sense it is REN that may be the place to converge the agreement...as a grammar that can be built out against multiple languages, the data exchanged. That's a benchmark of how well the formalism was specified for the format.
REN has specific goals. Rebol and Red could be adapted to match REN rules natively, if that makes sense.
@DocKimbel I think it makes sense for alignment of all three on precisely that part of it... beyond that point, everything is bonus... but I think that part is very important.
@RebolBot who is HostileFork
@HostileFork I know this about HostileFork and their local time is 13-Apr-2013/4:21:01
As RebolBot is correct, I'll have to get some sleep now :-) But more forthcoming over the weekend. I narrowly avoided a crippling loss of my monitor for a warranty repair by figuring out the only thing that happened was its power cable went bad... so hopefully I'll get something done this weekend!
@HostileFork Indeed :)
And I'll be putting @mmcghan back to work on Rebol. She's been shredding paper and joining the digital upload. :-) But better to do some programming writing...
In any case, goodnight...the vast universe of unpaid work can wait until tomorrow :-)
2 hours later…
R3/View for Android Announcement by Robert on AltME:


Here is first *alpha* of Rebol3 with graphics on Android: http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/r3-droid-view.apk

Current features:
- AGG based compositor
- Basic windowing support
- Working DRAW dialect
- Very basic input event handling (DOWN, UP, MOVE, CLOSE events)
- "Menu" button now sends "escape" to the interpreter so loops etc. can be easily interrupted
- "Back" button closes opened windows, if no window is open it quits interpreter
3 hours later…
@onetom Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
guys, have u seen this new DB architecture: datomic.com/overview.html
it's built on immutable facts, which are obviously cache-able for infinity, so the query engine can be moved right next to the application and the write handling which coordinates transactions can run separately even from the actual storage engine.
@onetom Heya. I see RebolBot greeted you... so you must have been away a while! Have you been introduced yet?
@RebolBot "I'm famous" for onetom
i dont think i've been introduced to @RebolBot.
@onetom Adrian mentioned it in passing, I hadn't looked it up... closed source :-( almost always a deal breaker for me.
well... rebol was closed source, but we all have still looked at it and liked it...
mystring: "Use shift-enter to get new lines!"
print {I run any code that's put on new lines after you write @RebolBot on the first}
print mystring
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> mystring: "Use shift-enter to get new lines!" print {I run any code that's put on new lines after you write @RebolBot on the first} print mystring
I run any code that's put on new lines after you write @RebolBot on the first
Use shift-enter to get new lines!
it brings that much efficiency into database handling as rebol did to programming w dialects
but thats why i said we should all look at its architecture even if we wont use the actual implementation
So many things to look at...! :-)
@onetom Anyway, what's new? What have you been up to? Note that it's possible to sort of catch up on "highlights" here by looking at the starred chat message list...you can then view those chat messages in context if you like.
In ways, it's easier to catch up here than on AltME with such tools available.
not a lot of news, except this datomic. it has really got me excited the same way as rebol did back then, thats why i thought i will chip in and share it with you guys too.
@onetom I like being able to issue queries against the past, that feature is in Freebase also. see "AS_OF_TIME"
Use the as_of_time envelope parameter in a mqlread query to specify that the query should be performed historically, against the Metaweb database as it existed at the specified moment in the past. The Metaweb database has a journaled structure, making this kind of historical query relatively simple and efficient to perform. Note, however, that type and schema information used in processing the query is current rather than historical.
Also not open source, although their data sets are licensed openly. Google bought them and are using them now for some semantic web search stuff.
thx for the summary
regarding freebase vs datomic, it's important to note that the schema in datomic is also defined the same way as the data itself, in form of fact assertions / retractions, so when doing time travel in the db, schema is adjusting too
@onetom The biggest news in the room has been RebolBot, who @GrahamChiu has been enhancing and @Adrian is helping to modularize. "She's" a helpful evangelism tool when people come in the room, and makes us look pretty "cool". Greets people we've never seen before and gives them the FAQ, can run R3/R2/Red and hopefully soon Rebmu. Being generalized for IRC/etc.
@RebolBot do/red
print system/version
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print system/version
0.3.2, 6-Apr-2013/1:10:01+2:00
i remember when hackerspace.sg just opened i hooked together an ircbot in rebol but it didnt want to work, so i did it in ruby at the end :( ... it was using the "speak" sw under linux to blast messages out to the guests of hackerspace via speakers
when we had some girl company in the space, they have even used it for flirting w the girls :)
We are getting new people at a rate that's a little bit of a trickle, as of course the average person does not have a lot of time for a new language. But people stop by and word of mouth on Rebol is "hey, that's a neat language...don't have time to use it, but I see why people like it". So I don't consider it a waste of time to do our daily chattering in a place which has drop-ins, even if they don't come back right away (or ever).
@onetom The room has one girl now (although I made her join... :P)
(thumbs up) for your recruitment!
it's sad i was the only one commenting on your rebmu implementation :/
@onetom Well it's making a comeback. These things have been lying in wait, ready for the right time. :-) Graham made the first--to my knowledge--Rebmu code that hadn't been written by me...
@onetom Are you going to be able to make it to the convention in Montreal?
hmm... im very low on floating cash, but thats a big enough event... i've never regretted i've joined the 2005 rebcon, so i think i will make it happen.
the flight should also be pretty straightforward from hong kong. it has strong ties to canada
@onetom Well hopefully we can make some local connections for crashspace. I've got a couchsurfing.org account and a small amount of karma there...and maybe the local Rebol community has friends/etc. who could at least do something about the staying-there cost. The plane cost, well, that's what it is.
so is it confirmed to be held in july? is there a website for it?
I was proposing we have our slide decks submitted and viewable in advance; this isn't Halloween, it's not about surprises (mostly). In fact, the more we can get done before the conference the more we can get done at the conference.
so it's already conference time technically :)
The conference is pretty much exactly a month after my lease expires. So I'm using it as a jump-point to wherever @mmcghan and I decide to live next. But I need to drop off my worldly possessions somewhere before trying to cross the border into Canada. Maybe at @BrianH's place in Chicago, it's on the way. :-P
RebolBot needs to do days calculation to the conference. July 12 is 90 days away
my lease ends on december, so i cant painlessly move before that, but if i would love to join a rebol based startup ;)
2013-jul-12 - now
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 12-Jul-2013 - now
== 90
@onetom @DocKimbel has some entrepreneurial ideas for Red. I think we should be thinking about this stuff...I'm extremely good with tactics. As I've mentioned lately, search for rebol fork. :-)
The open sourcing did open possibilities...although it would have been much easier in a different economic climate and when there weren't so many entrenched alternatives powering the web. There's a handicap because of the timing, and certainly various pieces lie incomplete on the factory floor. But there's no denying the power of the approach... it's just that without the ability to find and hire Rebol programmers, scalability is low and your code capital is not valuable.
My personal plan is to try and see Rebol, Red, and REN agree solidly enough on the exchange format itself that we can worry less about which runtime succeeds... whichever finds a niche finds it.
@Adrian how about whatever the next big Rebol thing is be done with countdown? and then RebolBot says the number of days as well as what that next major event is? (It would help if there was a weblink to the conference to provide.) :-/
Or maybe all saved links have an optional date to provide if they're time sensitive. If they're in the past it can tell you how old the link is.
1 hour later…
Frankly, I lost every interest in REN observing:
- the main inspiration being JSON (why? main inspiration is Rebol, even for JSON it was)
- total disrespect to Rebol syntax (this does not go any further than to the tip of somebody's nose)
@Ladislav Well, hence my comment that I do not think it should be anything but a cross-language parser for Rebol/Red. There was a rumor that it supported strings not enclosed in braces or quotes...was this true? Is this the syntax issue you are speaking of, or is there another?
@HostileFork That is one of the issues, but not the only.
Whatever it does do, it should be in agreement with Rebol, which should be in agreement with Red. I just think it would be neat if the Rebol parser were available as a library for other languages...even if their runtime kind of left them on their own for what to do with the results. The more uncool your language, the more data types just turn into blobs or strings.
It would not necessarily kill Rebol to have some trickery to have a string that wasn't in quotes, because this has killed some dialect applications, so thinking "outside the box" somehow might be worthwhile. Not to be taken lightly. But if it can't be done in Rebol it should not be done in REN.
I bought a new chair today! greiff.com/images/produkte/i33/3379.jpg
what do you guys sit on right now?
@graph Looks good. My precise model is discontinued, but it's a Lifeform adjustable management chair along these lines.
I do not think I will be moving it with me :-( which is too bad because I like it.
the actual chair that I got has "X-Racer@ written on it as well, for faster coding
About $1k or so new, I bought it used.
hm doesn't look like 1k sorry
the backrest better go all the way to the head!
hm true
The thing is, it's not just manufacturing cost, it's economy of scale. Cheap chairs are market saturating.
not sure about that specific argument: The worldwide demand for high quality chairs should be sufficient to provide economies of scale for several competitors
So if you actually design a chair that can be adjusted, lumbar-wise, lots of levers...the thing deforms and twists all kinds of ways. You're paying for the design and durability when those who care not for that thing will choose something cheaper. There is price skew as a result; high-end chairs are driven out of any kind of middle market.
I, buying it on secondary market, only paid $100-something for it...precisely because they couldn't find another person who would buy it for much more. People on Craigslist aren't buying $1000 chairs...and executives aren't looking for chairs on Craigslist. :-) Still, best chair I've ever had...counting those meshy ones from work.
That are supposed to be so great because of airflow, or something. I don't like them.
Those are stupid expensive too.
well I'm sure there are high price tags that are fully justified
but right now I'm resting my head comfortably as I write, and I paid 260€ for it
good point on the secondary market, but other people have farted in your chair, are you comfortable with that? :-P
@graph I stay in hotel rooms, so, yes. :-)
ah my chair can rock a bit too, and you can adjust the resistance of the rocking mechanism
@earl Half-meshy, I might not mind that as much.
but you might like the "Herman Miller" - part lol
It's a very nice chair; but I found chairs to be a rather "personal" matter :)
So better try a chair for yourself :)
@HostileFork Don't forget to add anything like this to the rebolbot issues so we don't lose track of them
@RebolBot save issues "I've got issues..."
@HostileFork issues I've got issues... can not be saved as key
@Rebolbot save issues "I've got issues..." github.com/gchiu/rebolbot/issues
@HostileFork added key: issues
Any sign of Sunanda recently?
@Henrik If you see him, I (and some others) would like us to speak about the future of rebol.org ...
@HostileFork OK. Well, I just heard he has a medical condition, and am a bit concerned.
@Henrik Oh no. :-( Sorry to hear...
I think in general, we need to have more Skype connections and more of a peer network so these kinds of things are known about.
Perhaps as part of the general culling of outdated Rebol content, and getting in touch with people, we can get some "emergency contact info" for everyone.
@HostileFork Yes, I've often thought about, what to do, if a community member permanently leaves for whatever reason.
@Henrik There was a lot of mystery surrounding one of the better known Ruby guys ("Why") who just... vanished. Apparently they think he might be back.
@HostileFork It's quite dangerous, especially if there is business dependency on such a person.
But I wanted us to get in touch with everyone still interested in Rebol, who might have lost touch...anyone who has content on the web basically, and see if it's still relevant... and maybe put a "this is for archival purposes only" and link to something more modern. But not just to get the web cruft cleaned up, also to reconnect.
With 90 days to the conference, it's a good excuse to start that outreach.
Make sure everyone is accounted for.
@HostileFork "which should be in agreement with Red" - there is only a limited agreement. On the other hand, such dialect-oriented language as Rebol should not insist on needing all dialects to be essentially the same...
However, syntax is a different matter. In my opinion, all dialects should be syntax-compatible as much as possible.
@Ladislav Well we'll only get as good as we can in that respect, I like things like FUNC and FUNCTION being consistent, or the return syntax in the function specification dialect. Getting the basics compatible seems possible. But being able to load the same files...have the same definition of a legal word/etc...that seems like we benefit greatly from agreement. (Doc and I were discussing if "C#" should be a valid word, e.g. for music dialects)
@earl any perceptions you can share?
REN doesn't care about the runtime at all, so it may be a good convergence point...in fact, if we say Rebol and Red are "runtimes with a REN-native specification" it could be a marketing angle. Because it is so mixed up right now where people think that "Rebol is the DO dialect" etc. If we give names to the components and separate marketing pushes, that might help people not be confused.
"REadable Notation" is a good hook. The comic character is popular and not affiliated with software. There's another angle with the Chinese character.
@Ladislav But these concerns about compatibility should be addressed, cross-language parsers for REN are not useful if that cannot be read natively by Rebol/Red. It would be like JSON that Javascript could not load.
@Ladislav I like it very much. Nicely adjustable and quite nicely adapts to your current seating position. But I'd very much recommend trying it for yourself; I found that personal preferences vary a lot, for chairs.
"I like things like FUNC and FUNCTION being consistent" - yes, but in Rebol that is not syntax, in fact (they are not keywords, just words), but I am quite concerned if REN, e.g., cannot be compatible with such "things" as en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_Modelling_Language
@Ladislav Hm, never seen it... what's the incompatibility? Requirement of a REN header?
@HostileFork None, so far. REN is not yet specified.
@HostileFork # is not used to specify musical notes, ♯ is.
@RebolBot do type? load "C♯"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> type? load "C♯"
== word!
@BrianH Heh, well, I don't have a key for that on my keyboard. :-) I guess it's just the broader question of what benefit disabling characters in words has, given the point made about how you can reverse URL to be completely invalid yet it is still a url!... my question was what are we really being protected from, and to what end?
It's not a matter of protecting, it's a matter of the syntax for any given datatype not being something on its own, it's part of the greater syntax. A lot of what currently counts as words could in theory also count as other types, but only count as words because of priorities in the syntax. For that matter, some characters that could be considered delimiters (like #) currently aren't because making them so would reduce the readability of Rebol code.
There are many cases where not having some characters as delimiters forces you to put spaces between values, and those spaces make your code easier to read. There was a ticket to make some of these characters delimiters, and it should be rejected because it would make Rebol harder to use and read.
@BrianH I feel like whatever this theory is needs to be hammered out, also w.r.t. the grammar spec, and @DocKimbel thinks R3 has put in restrictions that are unnecessary. Given the requirement of spaces, I'd like to see a solid argument for why C# should not be allowed as a word.
Because you can't use series operations on the characters in a word, they do have the ability to protect against things like whitespace, blocking at the entry points to creation. So at least the possibility exists to limit it. And that possibility has been exploited in R3 but it doesn't seem to have been truly explained.
@HostileFork word syntax needs some work. But if I were to come up with an argument against it, it would be because the interpretation of what that should be is a bit ambiguous. Should it be the word C#, or the two values C #, or an error? For that matter, every character we allow in words is a character that we won't have available for use as a decorator for a new datatype, like prefix # currently is. Every change we make reduces future possibilities.
@BrianH Well one of the rationales I give is that generally speaking, Rebol gets a lot of mileage out of being firm on the "words separated by spaces". The idea of the efficiency of a-b representing subtraction is considered to be a penny-wise, pound-foolish situation vs. explicitly saying a - b and letting a-b be its own word. I think breaking this rule for brackets and parens is okay, but I'm not that gung-ho about:
We are really limited as to the set of characters we can use to create more literal datatypes. Every time we allow a new character in words, that is one less possibility for us to create literal syntax for new datatypes.
length? [foo<a>bar]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> length? [foo <a> bar]
== 3
@HostileFork yup, that shows the downside of allowing < as a delimiter right there.
I don't necessarily think the mileage gotten out of that compression is worth losing foo<a>bar as a word. It seems to undermine other arguments which sound solid and consistent.
@RebolBot do/rebol2
type? to-word "a b"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> type? to-word "a b"
== word!
Yup. Rebol 2 has a lot of syntax bugs, only some of which R3 has fixed yet.
The main argument I see for disallowing things like <s> being a word have to do with the fact that round-tripping it through mold and load would fail. But there are so many things that do so without a better serialization format that it seems silly to prohibit just one case.
@HostileFork " I think breaking this rule for brackets and parens is okay" - actually, I prefer seeing space after brackets and double quotes and braces even now when it is not mandatory
@HostileFork the main argument against <s> being a word is that it is already interpreted as a tag.
@Ladislav After closing brackets I prefer it as well, but after opening brackets I prefer to leave out the space: print [foo] bar.
Yes, that is the convention I use
@HostileFork We have a rather flexible generic "construction syntax" which would allow roundtripping almost everything.
Rebol gets a lot of mileage out of having many literal datatypes, particularly when creating dialects. Every time something is interpreted as a word, it is not available to be interpreted as something else, which reduces the flexibility of the Rebol data format.
@earl me too. And that is what mold generates.
So the question is mainly, if we want datatypes to enforce some invariants users can rely upon, or not.
I must say that I did not consider 'to word! "a b"' to be a bug, I rather saw it as a "curiosity", but otherwise quite harmless
damn, having trouble with the markup
@earl another question is what we want done when those invariants are violated. Do we want an error triggered? Do we want mold to generate construction syntax for such values, even if /all is not specified?
@HostileFork Sunanda has replied on AltME. He does have a medical condition, but is improving. He has left the REBOL community due to too much noise. Perhaps there is a chance for some discussion regarding rebol.org.
@Ladislav I don't consider to word! "a b" working to be a bug, as long as mold to word! "a b" generates #[word! "a b"].
yes, that is an alternative to the present behaviour
@BrianH Construction syntax, yes.
@HostileFork Sorry, he did not respond himself. The message was relayed.
@Ladislav I figure that we could restrict the character set of words, triggering errors, or we could allow words with such characters and have mold generate values that will load properly when such characters are in there. But what I don't like is R2's behavior of allowing the characters, but generating garbage syntax; that seems like a design flaw to me.
Ditto for empty paths or paths containing elements that won't parse correctly in normal path syntax.
I am OK with offset paths not showing the whole path when you mold them without /all, but a path with a date in it should mold to construction syntax for the portion after the offset.
>> to-path [a 1-Sep-2000/0:00]
== a/1-Sep-2000/0:00
>> length? to path! [a 1-Sep-2000/0:00]
== 2
>> length? load mold to path! [a 1-Sep-2000/0:00]
== 3
I don't like that. The mold function should make sure to generate data that can be reloaded as the same value (minus any binding issues, of course).
And also minus the other weird keyword and DO construction syntax stuff for logic, none, functions, objects, closures and maps.
"But what I don't like is R2's behavior of allowing the characters, but generating garbage syntax; that seems like a design flaw to me." - yes, a design flaw, but rather harmless in this case
regarding the DECIMAL! type name. If something is a gotcha then it is this.
@Ladislav well, no, not that harmless since it means that we can generate code that doesn't load, without even making cyclic references. That's bad. Agreed on the decimal! thing though.
In this case I really don't understand Carl, especially when now we have the MONEY! datatype that could well deserve to be called DECIMAL!
@Ladislav that's the legacy naming thing. It's extra strict when it comes to type names.
Me neither. I'd very much prefer to have money be called decimal and call decimal float or real.
Hmm, R3 is still alpha, so if there is any opportunity, it is now.
In this case it is a real gotcha, as we all know.
I just posted this to AltMe, reposting it here as well for you to be able to let me know what your preference is:
Hi, all, a "stupid" question: R3 is still called "alpha" (and there *are* issues I want solved before moving it to beta). One of the issues is the "gotcha" represented by the DECIMAL! name. I know that it is used consistently in Rebol, but it is still a "gotcha" for any possible newcomers actually stating something like: "here mathematics is not welcome", which is not true so much as I (mathematician by the education) would say.

Also, having a "truly decimal" datatype called MONEY! in R3, I would prefer a rename:
I guess that I already know the preference of @BrianH, he seems to be in the "keep the DECIMAL! name" camp.
@Ladislav I don't like the name, but it's just because it is a type name. It's a problem to change any of them.
If we decide to change even one type name, we might as well change all of the type names that have problems, because we will have thrown out compatibility between R2 and R3 in such a big way that it will be really difficult to have code that even loads in both, let alone runs. It throws away one of the benefits of saying that R3 is Rebol.
It would be nice if you, @BrianH (or someone else with sufficient knowledge about related usage patterns) could collect and write down a quick list of backwards compatibility concerns involved with changing a datatype name. Just a short overview would be enough.
Still, fixing the syntax would have the same effect, so if you all agreed to change the type name I wouldn't object. The only thing I object to is changing the type name of email! to handle! - I have no problem with changing the name, but I object to it being called handle!.
I don't think that all datatypes are created equal re backwards compatibility. For example, many datatypes don't yet have a construction syntax, so for those types this at least wouldn't be a concern.
@BrianH handle! is a no-go. I had the impression that we have a rough consensus that adjusting the syntax to allow Twitter-style @handles would be enough, while still calling the type email!.
@earl The only reason they agreed to still call it email! was because changing type names was considered a never-do. Not calling it handle! is good because using any Twitter-specific jargon is also a never-do. However, if we start allowing type names to change, changing the email! typename would probably be a good idea as long as we kept email! as a synonym, and as long as we make sure to avoid Twitter jargon at all times.
5 years ago it made sense to keep some level of compatibility with R2 in R3, because they were basically comparable - mostly closed source, running on similar platforms. The only way we were able to justify losing even a little bit of backwards compatibility was to tell people to use R2 instead. That made sense then because R2 still made sense then.
Now, the landscape has changed. The R2 business model no longer makes sense. Nor does its application model, since uniformity in computing platforms is a thing of the past. We have looked too closely at R2 now, so it's hard to ignore the design flaws. Even its character model doesn't make sense anymore. So it is no longer reasonable to tell people to use R2 instead, which takes away the initial justification for breaking compatibility. But too late, we already have.
For that matter, 6 years into the project, R3's design isn't ambitious enough anymore in some cases, notably the high-level port API (the low-level port API is still good). And with the new development model, it is possible to tackle problems that have been put off for years or rejected altogether because of limited resources. So we can afford to be more ambitious now.
I find it difficult to even tell people to use R2 for R2-compatible code now.
Actually, this is what Sunanda is said to have said

"I am mainly building applications in R2 rather can contributing to R3 or Red development. I'm happier getting on with what I am doing without having to listen to a continual background buzz that says what I am doing is "just bonkers."

I'll leave those working on the next generation in peace to get on with it.

Best wishes,
@HostileFork you might be interested in having a look at the 26 LOC user-defined exceptions handling I just added to Red/System. ;-) Looks like Red/System architecture is not as bad as I feared (it could be way better though...).
@DocKimbel Well being garbage collected it's going to be simpler than something like C++, I'm really not too aware of the ramifications of having an exception-hander that is basically a goto, though @BrianH would know more. I can look to see if Rebol does anything complicated.
@HostileFork Rebol does both, internal unwinding and setjmp/longjmp.
@GrahamChiu His position is understandable, but I do think we should speak to him about rebol.org. If he wanted to keep his stuff up it could be under a subdomain, then use a sitemap to redirect rebol.org/xxx/yyy/zzz to r2.rebol.org/xxx/yyy/zzz
@HostileFork Rather than that .. perhaps we need to get working on that JIT migration tool for R3 that @dockimbel was suggesting. Anyone ideas on how that could be started?
www.rebol.org is a result of many years of collective effort .. I'd rather it not be swept away in a redirect
@GrahamChiu Well I need to bring the Red port up to date, and I was thinking that could be the first R2/Backward client. The debates have mostly settled down on the indexing and it looks like Red/R3 will use the same method. I think the first-back, second-back etc. can cover some of those complaints.
Doc did a proof of concept at one point, and I guess we should look to see if we can apply it practically to any of the changes.
@HostileFork where?
what happens when r3/backward meeets r2/forward ? :)
@GrahamChiu Rupture in the space-time continuum.
Whenever I find things that fast, I think "the people who really believe AltME is better are smoking crack". And if you do your private conversations in Skype you have voice, screen sharing, etc. Sigh.
@earl that sounds MAD
or mutually assured destruction
@HostileFork Eh? No CIA monitoring?
@GrahamChiu We could, we just don't find it worth monitoring. :-)
If I had the time, I'd write an Rebol client for SO chat that used public key encryption for private mesasaging :)
Likely not allow you to edit messages as is allowed here
@GrahamChiu And then they'd find out and kick us out. You'd have to do it steganographically, encoding the cryptographic information as inane remarks about PHP or somesuch. :-)
@HostileFork Is it against the TOS?
This is StackExchange. The TOS is, for the most part, "use common sense". If they made the chat public they did it for a reason. There probably isn't an explicit prohibition against encoding your music collection into chat messages and storing it in a channel...but I'd not advise doing it.
In a narrow sense, if you wanted to do something funny like a voting system where you could somehow take a vote from the room and RebolBot would be able to tally the votes, and it used cryptography so you wouldn't know who voted what...that might be cool.
@GrahamChiu The current Universe ends up in a big crunch and is rebooted into an almost identical one with the exception that Carl didn't give up on R3. ;)
@DocKimbel Can we fast forward please ? :)
Hehe :)
Would take another ~13 billions years...;-)
@DocKimbel Hey Doc, what's the best workflow for merging on GitHub? I've actually never made updates to a pushed branch (that needs to be merged). What I've been doing before the push each time is to stash, merge up, and then apply the stash and sort out the conflicts. But how do you suggest me merging up to current Red, and pushing any modifications into my existing pull request for Red?
@DocKimbel hence the need to press the fast forward button
@HostileFork I guess you need to delete the current pull request and create a new one, but I've never submitted a pull request, so I'm not the right one to ask about that, @earl is the git master here. ;)
@earl Reminds me .. new season of Dr Who has arrived ..
Also: if R3/Backward is going to be its own project, how should we include it in multiple projects? If it's just one file are we going to use a sub-repository or have it live its own chaotic versioned life in lots of projects?
@GrahamChiu Could work until the crunch, once the singularity point is reached, it is unsure if time itself still exists or not, so the fast forwarding might just stop there. ;)
@DocKimbel might be easier for us to learn php
@GrahamChiu Mid-season beginning was last Sunday, next one tomorrow.
This gets into "module system" questions, where the build process needs to do updating, and I've not seen a Rebol project that does anything like node's npm
@DocKimbel I can watch delayed broadcast courtesy of Sky TV
@GrahamChiu I'm afraid it could affect us both mentally and physically in unpredictable ways. ;)
@HostileFork Fetch the remote changes, then rebase your branch onto the fetched changes, then force push to Github if you want to update the pull request. During rebasing, you'll be doing the actual merging.
G'night all!
@HostileFork Alternatively, just fetch the remote changes and merge into your local branch.

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