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@SomeKittens That looks like fun and more exposure is always a good thing. Thanks.
I can see Rebol having some awesome answers
2 hours later…
@SomeKittens Hey, what's up?
Just got back from meatspace issues. Grocery store. Sigh. I hate grocery stores.
@HostileFork Been crazy busy lately. Flying out to CA next week.
@SomeKittens Business or pleasure?
Business, though the way the weather's been here in Rochester, there'll be pleasure
Company wants to hire me, flying out for face-to-face and negotiations/orientation
Well how does this influence your entrepreneurial aspirations? Giving that up?
Doesn't kill them
Basically trading my time for money. I'll get a huge pile of experience and my cofounder can work full-time with no worries
Plus, the company I'll be working for is a potential acquirer.
Sounds like a plan. Well if there's a conflict of interest make sure you have a written and signed pre-established-business contract so they don't claim they own your work.
Good plan
The company I'll be working for is a startup themselves (I'll be employee #2) so things tend to be pretty liberal. I do want to make sure stuff's in writing.
Get in that habit.
Learned that the very hard way in my last job. I was so noobish I never even asked what I'd be paid.
Granted, the "interview" threw me off (turned out to be a company lunch, no one ever asked me questions)
@SomeKittens You know that @HostileFork has a dialect written for those questions?
I did not, link?
@HostileFork looks like rebolbot will have to get tryrebol to support rebmu!
@rgchris Hey Chris, thanks so much for the site analysis! I will look into those broken links and see what's up.
@mmcghan No worries—hard to get going (seems to be a crusty old Java app), but auditmypc.com/xml-sitemap.asp appears to work quite well...
@rgchris Thanks, I will give that a look.
@GrahamChiu Heh, maybe you could make a do/rebmu and it would just implicitly run the scripts if we put them up...
Confuse the new users even more. :-P
I think we need a single script ( not on https ) for rebmu
since the version of r3 I'm using doesn't support https
@GrahamChiu Why does it have to be a single script? (it's two at the moment)
I really need to go back and use my more modern Rebol sensibilities to fix the implementation. Spec is good, implementation is embarrassing.
And the scrabble solution actually doesn't work, but I never went back to fix it. It only sort-of works
Found a bug, but since no one else even submitted a solution I figured it wasn't a big deal to fix
Other things to do :-)
@GrahamChiu Funny you mention this - I was also thinking the same thing.
1 hour later…
Well I'll tweak Rebmu at least a little, make sure it still works
1 hour later…
@HostileFork because we'd have to type it here .. so one script hopefully is less typing than 2 scripts
1 hour later…
@GrahamChiu Couldn't do/rebmu instruct the bot to prepend it?
It is one file that includes another. But outside of encapping is there a "minifier" for Rebol?
well, the issue is that the bot is not going to do an eval .. it won't be safe if it has full access to Rebol. So, tryrebol has to do the eval.
unless rebmu can be guaranteed to be sandboxed?
@GrahamChiu Is there a problem with the bot just prepending the do http://example.com/rebmu.r to its request to tryrebol?
Another 2007-era blog entry forced out of the WordPress draft database and into the light. Can't believe how many of these things I have around: programmers-shouldnt-write-invalidation
What was I waiting for to publish this stuff? A personal invitation from The Internet?
Who even is going to read it?
@HostileFork could do that .. can you make the source available on rebol.org as one script?
Or, somewhere else not https
@GrahamChiu I'd rather that someone who has a daemon running (like @rgchris?) snatch a daily Rebmu from the GitHub and stitch it together in a proxy. Seems easier to maintain.
Also, when is Rebol going to get https? :-/
It's kind of...important.
we have https .. just not open source
It's there in the Saphirion builds
I don't use the saphir builds because if we want to promote the bot, we need the versions of rebol where we have full sources
I could use Kaj's cURL extension
Well I think a little proxy for loading Rebmu as one file would be good, and probably would take @rgchris ten minutes to write.
Or @earl, for that matter. :-)
do we need a proxy? How often have you updated the rebmu sources?
@RebolBot do write %./test.txt "hello" print read %./test.txt
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/access-cannot-open.html
>> write %./test.txt "hello" print read %./test.txt
** Access error: cannot open: %./test.txt reason: -3
** Where: write
** Near: write %./test.txt "hello" print read %./test.txt
@rebolbot do print what-dir
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print what-dir
@rebolbot do write %/users/try-REBOL/test.txt "hello"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/access-cannot-open.html
>> write %/users/try-REBOL/test.txt "hello"
** Access error: cannot open: %/users/try-REBOL/test.txt reason: -3
** Where: write
** Near: write %/users/try-REBOL/test.txt "hello"
oh well, can't save the script there
Why couldn't the bot command prepend the script to the expression?
@Adrian it could .. just need a place to store it
along with the bot scripts, no?
a resources dir parallel to the commands one
@Adrian not at present since the rebolsource.net binaries do not have https
Sorry, I'm not clear - why do you need this for having a copy of the rebmu source co-located with the bot?
just do that for now
@Adrian I interpret this as storing it in the rebolbot github repo
Do you mean something else?
no, that
and how to access it then?
and deployed with the bot, until we have https
I can't see how tryrebol is gong to execute this ...
well, the rebmu command loads the rebmu script, from local disk, and prepends it to the expression it posts to tryrebol, no?
we're talking a few 1000 loc
It's not too long to post, is it?
We are going to scare people if we start programming in Rebmu in here
does Kaj set a limit?
I mean a small one?
This would just be a temporary situation
But I really do think we could smoke a lot of the code golfers out there
don't see too much harm coming from this
but I think it would simpler for the tryrebol server could download each time
Sure, if you can arrange that
I think that is what we were talking about
@HostileFork wants a source that is regularly updated
I thought that, for some reason, it was problematic to do right at the moment.
yeah .. politics :)
Well, there you go - you can avoid the politics for now.
I don't think there's political concern running a do reb4.me/xxx script, so if chris can proxy Rebmu there and it's one file it will have a better chance of coming within the time limit
print {If Kaj was going to be that silly, he wouldn't run this because I wrote it. He is not that silly. :-)}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print {If Kaj was going to be that silly, he wouldn't run this because I wrote it.  He is not that silly.  :-)}
If Kaj was going to be that silly, he wouldn't run this because I wrote it.  He is not that silly.  :-)
Q: Shortest code to determine if a string is a palindrome

Andrew GrayA palindrome is some string that is spelled the same way both backwards and forwards. For instance, 'Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?' is a palindrome (EVACANISTAB | BATSINACAVE) For this code golf, using the language of your choice, determine if a given string is a palindrome or not. Edge Case...

Can we beat 25?
do http://www.r3gui.com/rebmu.r
rebmu [pr"HEllO, REBmu!"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do r3gui.com/rebmu.r rebmu [pr "HEllO, REBmu!"]
HEllO, REBmu!
@HostileFork I guess no, but I may be wrong. I'm on 27 with (x: trim/all x) = reverse x
do http://www.r3gui.com/rebmu.r
S: "Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?"
rebmu {=~SrvTR/withS" ,?"}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do r3gui.com/rebmu.r S: "Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?" rebmu {=~SrvTR/withS" ,?"}
== true
>> length? {=~SrvTR/withS" ,?"}
== 18
Ok, looks like I can't use S for the test string :(
1 hour later…
@GrahamChiu Woot! I think you are the first person besides me to ever type in a Rebmu program. :-)
@HostileFork You seem to need to think me.
I bow in respect. (bow)
@earl Did you see! Did you see! Graham used Rebmu! :-)
All those hours will perhaps not go to waste after all!
What is Rebmu?
@pekr Well, first you have to know what Code Golf is. Rebol of course prides itself on a certain form of brevity, but it's not squishy like Perl and other such garbage. But it's handicapped without... a dialect. So I made one :-)
Yes, found a link to blog article. That stuff is - crazy :-)
@pekr I want to write a converter from Rebol source at some point...but I actually do enjoy trying to do it in the native form, because that's the point. Graham wants to put these into QR codes. :-)
It's not that hard once you get used to it. I wanted to know if it would be hard, and it turned out not to be.
So I wrote a bunch of solutions directly in it
It's just like reading pig latin or whatever, your brain adjusts
Just wait until I put a matrix library in :-)
I sort of spaced it out a bit, there's room for expansion
It's a strategy, and watch us blow these golfers away
With an executable that's tiny
They won't know what hit them once we encap this thing!
It's a good marketing tool, but only if we consistently wipe the floor with them
And we can/will. Not only that, I like the name.
So I strongly encourage the input because I know I'm a fairly amateur Rebol programmer, barely any experience before I said "I quit" and since December I've learned a bit more
Can't wait to see what you guys can do
Reading the old Rebmu comments.. heh. For humans, this is a pretty smart group! The code itself needs... a lot... of help.
@HostileFork a: func [ s][trim/with s " ,?" equal? s reverse copy s] in rebmu?
@GrahamChiu You want me to translate that? You actually want an a| ("a func"), a function with a single parameter called "a"
So don't call it a. :-)
Well I guess technically you can
reverse works in place so we have to copy it
got those so how are functions done?
My idea is that if any of us solve a code golf problem, comment it and put it in the examples directory. Link to the commented version from the post. Break comments on "mushing" breaks that you'd have to take anyway
In the solve, just wipe out the comments
@GrahamChiu It's not rocket science. :-) a| is only an equivalence for a-func-mu
I'd love it if people took an interest in this, because I think it's one of Rebol's strong suits... I had a conversation with the creator of GolfScript and he's a fan.
But y'know, it's not that easy to get people who are busy to learn Rebol
Bigger fish to fry in most people's lives
They can go "Oh cool, nice to meet you" and that's about as far as that conversation goes usually.
Although he did suggest someone I should get in touch with to basically get Rebmu on the "accepted golfing languages" list.
I'd like us to do a bit of peer review first.
It looks to some like "cheating" but I think we can make a strong argument that we're not the cheaters, it's the other languages that are "cheating"
Crazy kids and psychopaths are totally into this.
That's our audience, I think. :-)
@HostileFork Fun! :)
@earl I begged people to do this!
We can kick butt at this, I'm sure. It's basically what Rebol is best at.
@innocentDemon Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
1 hour later…
posted on April 11, 2013 by admin

[Comment] I have added the following new platforms: "Linux ARM", "Android", "HaikuOS" and "Syllable". Let me know if more are needed or if some needs renaming.

1 hour later…
@HostileFork Put a redirect on my site currently pointing to Graham's source. Let me know to change it: reb4.me/mu Will contemplate a proxy/daemon.
@rgchris Oi, redirects :)
@earl Temporary...
@rgchris Only that R3's HTTP redirect handling can't cope with that yet :)
@RebolBot do
read http://reb4.me/mu
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/access-protocol.html
>> read reb4.me/mu
** Access error: protocol error: "Redirect to other host - requires custom handling"
Ah, right! Well...
posted on April 11, 2013 by Ladislav

[Comment] "One model is to start with UCS1 (aka Latin-1), then upgrade to UCS2 when characters not in UCS1 are added" - not sure, but read somewhere that Carl implemented strings that way? However, as far as the CHAR! datatype is examined, there actually should not be any encoding involved.

@HostileFork @GrahamChiu @rgchris I think I can do a quick proxy setup for RebMu later on.
Is now R3 friendly :)
3 hours later…
posted on April 11, 2013 by BrianH

[Comment] "read somewhere that Carl implemented strings that way?" - that was the plan, but he hasn't actually implemented this plan yet. Much of the string/binary series code can handle 1-byte and 2-byte element sizes in the macros, so we'd need to add support for 4-byte. The autoconversion code isn't written yet. Most code that refers to individual characters uses the REBUNI type, which is 1

posted on April 11, 2013 by Ladislav

[Comment] "whether we should be using signed or unsigned 32-bit values to store codepoints" - I slightly prefer unsigned

posted on April 11, 2013 by BrianH

[Comment] The main problem I ran into is that I didn't understand the hash calculation. Does it need unsigned integers or not? Does it need to be adjusted to be able to handle 32-bit values? The Unicode Consortium code doesn't have any hash code, so I can't just go off of its preferences. Not knowing any better, I also slightly prefer unsigned because that is the convention for 8 and 16 bit ch

2 hours later…
I was looking at Rebmu again and thought "Hm, I shouldn't abbreviate TRUE and FALSE, I should just use NO and ON"
Then I realized oh, I did that.
I guess it's been a while since I've looked at it.
So golfing has formally added "popularity contest" as a metric
Q: Rock Paper Scissors

anakataImplement the classic rock paper scissors. Conditions: user will input 'r', 'p' or 's' program will output 'r', 'p' or 's' and the result program choice ('r', 'p' or 's') has to be pseudo random (I'm looking at you Howard) result can be represented with any printable character, there should al...

More like "funniest or most clever solution" instead of "fewest characters". The person who makes the problem gets to declare the objective. Hmm.
@HostileFork IMO, this lessens the value of the exercise significantly.
@Adrian Yeah, well let's hope it's rare
Takes away the objectivity
I mean it's like playing real golf with the point being to wear the funniest pants. Or hat. Strangest looking club. The degrees of freedom available are infinite - inversely proportional to the value of the original.
I think your idea of a good golfing language being consistently in the top running is what proves its worth. General purpose usability.
@Adrian Hehe. :-) Hey @graph
hey @HostileFork
So we're discussing making Rebolbot have Rebmu as one of its languages. Which means we can do silly competitions for shortest code with my "code golf dialect"
The kind of people who think that's fun or interesting will likely be interested in Rebol. Especially if we keep winning.
And I think we have a good shot at being a top golf language, with some crazy advantages thrown in
@Cellane Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
Hello @Cellane. Welcome to one of the coolest chat rooms on StackOverflow. :-) I've upvoted your JTextArea question so you should be able to speak! (Although there is a server delay to propagate your score from the main site to the chat server...it might take a few minutes...but stick around!)
print {And @cellane, I am the room's very own RebolBot. I can teach you Rebol right here. You'll like me, I promise!}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print {And @cellane, I am the room's very own RebolBot.  I can teach you Rebol right here.  You'll like me, I promise!}
And @cellane, I am the room's very own RebolBot.  I can teach you Rebol right here.  You'll like me, I promise!
I had discovered CodeGolf while toying with my Regex-Game idea, being delighted how so many people bother with such a limited, unbalanced and difficult and specialized thing as CodeGolf, confirming the validity of the idea of educational games for real, grown-up skills
@HostileFork Rebol, biggest fish to fry in you guys' lives?
@graph It's a pretty big one for me, and some others, as evidenced by our presence here. Not necessarily the biggest, but big. Solving the mire of modern programming and the myopia that is creating brittle and unmaintainable stuff which people casually come to rely on is important.
I mean, think of medical records, as Graham does. This does start to come down to life-or-death issues, and one can't be sloppy about that.
The way people are writing most of the codebases out there is not on par with other areas of engineering. In fact, it's not deserving of being called engineering at all. The newness of the field and the evolutionary nature of the ecology has produced crap. I'm an EE, Carl's an EE, I guess we just think differently about these matters.
To be fair, Rebol is a bit hackish itself. But in it, I see the potential to really not be hackish.
couldnt you actually work on better medical records right now, using normal programming languages but good coding style and your experience? Write a better codebase with the common tools?
@graph It's exploration into another methodology to see where it goes. I agree there's interesting work going on, I'm about to take off to run my meetup where we're hosting Blizzard engineers, and I think C++11 is great. I've written way, way, more C++ than Rebol.
And I continue to think it's awesome.
(For certain purposes.)
I read Nelson Mandela's biography a bit recently. Interesting to read what building blocks built the man that he is
Rebol is just kind of radically different as a philosophy and way of thinking. It's very literate. What we want to know is how far this idea can go.
Reading a bit about Julian Assange today
how he got what it takes to ...change the world, and to go through all of the hardships and win in the end
Anyway, Mandela had ..proud upbringing, destined for some kind of power...wtf-moments with british rule/disrespect for african culture, fahter dies -> he has to grow up quickly. He also became and remained christian (a cultural leap I think we often take for granted, like chinese taking western first names/ adopting western clothes etc.), which makes it easier for the west to make him a hero etc.
"As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."
not sure if I'd spend 20 years in prison for a programming language
@graph Heh, well that's about how many years its been for Rebol. Did you have an opinion on REN, BTW?
posted on April 11, 2013 by abolka

[Comment] Preferences: - Fixed width internal strings + with automatic widening (so the "UCS-1" to UCS-2 to UCS-4 model). - Slight preference for unsigned 32-bit integers for Unicode characters (but that doesn't matter much). One remark: "UCS-1" to UCS-2 widening was not only planned, it is already implemented and used (in R3). So I think that suggests to continue with this model and provide f

@HostileFork sounds good. That page is very well written
@graph Well, it's basically a marketing initiative, to make Rebol structural parsers for lots of languages. Just a re-branding where you don't talk about the runtime at all--format only. So the goal is to thrash YAML and JSON and all that jazz.
Don't know why no one did this before
Seems a bit...obvious?
hm json is kinda built in in many places though
like in jQuery
Well, it's native data in JavaScript, that does give it an edge...which REN will have the exact same edge in Rebol
But a ren.js will hopefully make it tolerable to use in JavaScript, and then for other languages it shouldn't be that big a deal, although obviously it will be a bit more complex to parse
It's a good name I think
Anyway, getting to be that time...gotta take off. @cellane ... do feel free to bug @Adrian, @GrahamChiu and @rgchris if you do get the power to speak. :-) In chat, people get a beep if you put an @ symbol in front of their name.
Oh, finally I can speak :)
So, ehm, hello! And cheers for the upvote... that was a long wait until the chat server registered my newly acquired score
Welcome, @Cellane!
@Cellane Ah, well, I have a few minutes remaining....so a brief moment to greet. I'm organizing an event with the makers of World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo etc., and as mentioned above, I do like C++ a lot but Rebol is the only interpreted language I like. Heard of it before?
@HostileFork Actually, I am afraid I have never heard of Rebol until today, and I thought I know at least little bit of something about pretty much each popular programming language of today :)
But I have read a bit about it while waiting for the score to propagate to the chat server, it looks... very much different!
That event looks awesome by the way, Blizzard used to be one of my favourite game developers for a long time... Shame I won't be in the US yet at that time
@Cellane Well, it really is about "language". It's a LISP derivative so it uses the "code as data" paradigm. And that's one of the tricks--is that everything in the language is basically a tinkertoy that you can use how you want in what are called "dialects". But a couple of very important "dialects" are built in... DO and PARSE.
DO is the result of dressing up Rebol to use these Tinkertoys to look like a "normal" language (although it only looks that way)
code: ["Hello World" print]
reverse code
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: ["Hello World" print] reverse code do code
Hello World
code: [print 1 +]
append code 2
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print 1 +] append code 2 do code
print length? [print 1 +]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print length? [print 1 +]
print length? "abc"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print length? "abc"
That looks very cool, and the bot seems to be a pretty smart one, too! :))
@RebolBot xmlflawed for Cellane
@RebolBot "I'm famous" for Cellane
@HostileFork Aww, one would like to almost give him a candy... binary candy of some sorts :)
I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now, so welcome, and I delegate greeting duties to the room. :-) But thanks for stopping by!
@Cellane Hi Cellane, welcome to Rebol and Red chat. Have you programmed in either language?
Of course, see you around and thanks for the warm welcome :)
@mmcghan Hello mmcghan, I am afraid I only learned about both of these languages for the first time today, the chat room name caught my eye, I was like, "Hmm, what is this? I have never heard about something called Rebol before"
The syntax looks like nothing I have seen before... Damn, I really should have took the class on university about LISP-like languages :)
@Cellane It's very unique! What kind of programming do you do and in what languages generally?
@mmcghan Well, I am forced to do a lot of C#/.NET programming this semester (and I admit, I would have never thought an Apple user can enjoy it as much as I do, I was really surprised) but before that, I was programming for few years in Java
I am still an university student, so my creations are mostly small and of no significance :)
@mmcghan What about yourself? Is Rebol your main programming language?
@Cellane Do take it, if you get a second chance :)
@earl I still have (at least) one year ahead of me before graduation, so I might actually do that
Think I need to sign up for one more optional class anyway, so this might be the one :)
Hey there was no traffic. :-)
So I have a few more minutes to kill. Anyway @Cellane, there are a few major differences between LISP and Rebol. And as I like to tell people, the decisions in Rebol are (mostly) pretty well thought-out. So for instance, LISP uses parentheses for blocks...but Rebol uses the square bracket. It's nice because you don't have to push shift to get it (on most keyboards). Hence the logo redesign :-)
@HostileFork Oh, welcome back :) I actually thought that might be the case after I quickly looked at some Rebol code!
@Cellane Yup, and Rebol is very much about "words separated by spaces". The micro-optimization of being able to do subtraction of "color" from "background" with "background-color" is not considered worth losing the atomic "word" background-color. You'll notice that a language which is firm on this can really optimize writing in other ways...
Most languages pick a symbol and say "this symbol means X". Rebol is very much about analyzing each token in a literate way.
print 12-Dec-2012 + 1
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print 12-Dec-2012 + 1
Wow :o
type? hostilefork.com
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> type? hostilefork.com
== url!
So you don't have to put URLs in quotes or anything, it notices the pattern of foo:// and says "oh, that's a URL"
Strings can be in quotes OR in curly braces. The nice thing about using curly braces is that they're asymmetric, and hence matched pairs don't need escaping
print {See what {I mean} about that?}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print "See what {I mean} about that?"
See what {I mean} about that?
Another critical thing to understand is that parentheses are available as yet another tinkertoy
print length? [() () ()]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print length? [() () ()]
print second quote (a + b)
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print second quote (a + b)
@Cellane So basically, the parse logic does symbolic structure analysis to build parentheses and square brackets as two different kinds of symbolic blocks. You can use this to mean what you want.
That is interesting, trying to wrap my head around these concepts, it is so different from every other programming language I know :)
compose [1 + 2 + (1 + 2)]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> compose [1 + 2 + (1 + 2)]
== [1 + 2 + 3]
@Cellane Yup, it's mind blowing, and it's been around for 18+ years. Only open sourced in December so a bunch of us have gotten a little hyped. We're having a conference in Montreal to work out some of the...politics.
parse "aaaabbbbcccc" [some "a" 4 "b" some "c"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse "aaaabbbbcccc" [some "a" 4 "b" some "c"]
== true
parse "aaaabcccc" [some "a" 4 "b" some "c"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse "aaaabcccc" [some "a" 4 "b" some "c"]
== false
Okey, mind = blown now, that is really awesome
@Cellane Rebol's unique literacy means that you can create what we call "dialects". That is one called PARSE
It's built in as optimized C and is really fast, you can use it for tasks you would think something so high level would be inefficient for and write open code in another language.
a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b"]
parse "aaababababaaa" [some a-or-b-rule]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b"] parse "aaababababaaa" [some a-or-b-rule]
== true
And remember how I told you that parentheses are there for the taking in the "tinkertoy" box for dialects? In DO they are used for precedence, like in an ordinary language. But PARSE uses it to indicate when a certain point in a parse rule is matched, it is DO dialect code that is run.
parse "aaaaabbbbbeeee" [some "a" (print "found some a") some "b" (print "found some b") some "c" (print "found some c") some "e" (print "found some e")]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse "aaaaabbbbbeeee" [some "a" (print "found some a") some "b" (print "found some b") some "c" (print "found some c") some "e" (print "found some e")]
found some a
found some b
== false
a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b" (print "found a b")]
parse "ababab" [some a-or-b-rule]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b" (print "found a b")] parse "ababab" [some a-or-b-rule]
found a b
found a b
found a b
== true
Oh, I see, the definition confused me a bit but I see from the example what you meant :)
a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b"]
parse "ababab" [some [a-or-b-rule (print "matched either an a or b")]]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> a-or-b-rule: ["a" | "b"] parse "ababab" [some [a-or-b-rule (print "matched either an a or b")]]
matched either an a or b
matched either an a or b
matched either an a or b
matched either an a or b
matched either an a or b
matched either an a or b
== true
@Cellane In any case, Rebol is the Matrix Red pill. In fact, our compiled variant is called "Red". :-)
@HostileFork Oh, so that is where the name comes from :))
Let us call the above "the tip of the iceberg"
Ever heard of the Commodore Amiga?
@HostileFork Definitely! Altho I did not own one, I only got my first computer many years after Amiga's golden years
Well anyway, the main designer of Rebol (though it has been in various ways a group effort) was one of the main AmigaOS developers. He was sort of forced to open source it or watch it die, because Red was gaining a following. So one of our big missions is to unify the compiled and interpreted variants as best we can.
And I keep wanting to push it out of the shadows, because Rebol people hate HTML, CSS, and the other mess... so they used a chat system written in (guess what?) Rebol.
Having been around StackOverflow and being a 10K+ moderator, I thought this would be a good place to convene.
any [true true false true]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> any [true true false true]
== true
all [true true true true]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> all [true true true true]
== true
Ha, you are saying I am not the only person that considers the current ways of creating websites a horrible mess? :)
Aaanyway, @HostileFork, thank you so much for this introduction to Rebol, I very much appreciate it
all [3 > 2 4 > 5 6 > 5]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> all [3 > 2 4 > 5 6 > 5]
== none
But my bed time is here, I should go sleep or I won't wake up tomorrow :)
all [3 > 2 5 > 4 6 > 5]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> all [3 > 2 5 > 4 6 > 5]
== true
@Cellane Please do come back, we'll show you...things. :-)
@HostileFork Will do, see you around ^^
@mmcghan, are you around?
@GrahamChiu, can you accept the changes I made to the bot's stackapps page? I forgot to mention it and it looks like the you didn't see the notification.

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