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The Guardian is a slightly left wing newspaper in the UK
so why is Pence naming the space force personnel Guardians ??
Do they all get a free subscription?
In Ireland the police are called the Guards ... Gardaí
1 hour later…
Next meeting 10th Jan, 2021. Calls for presentations
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE did you mean that download is able to grab a file and save its contents into a JS var?
2 hours later…
Here's a another scheme to probe values to the JavaScript Console:
use [probe][
    probe: js-awaiter [
        return: [void!]
    ] {

    sys/make-scheme [
        Title: "Console.log Scheme"
        Name: 'log

        Actor: [
            write: func [port data][
                probe form data
Usage: write log:// "Value" — Would be curious how this could be done without the PROBE middleman.
The URL could be anything of the form "log:" some skip. Could use different values to represent different outcomes: write log:error "Something Bad Happened"
Or a triplet: write log:type=error "Something Bad Happened"
use [probe][
    probe: js-awaiter [
        return: [void!]
        type [text!] value
    ] {

    sys/make-scheme [
        Title: "Console.log Scheme"
        Name: 'log

        Init: func [port][
            port/spec/path: form find/match port/spec/ref log:type=
            assert [find ["info" "log" "warn" "error"] port/spec/path]

        Actor: [
            write: func [port data][
                probe port/spec/path form data
@rgchris is it this, or the other?
those others don't have the appearance of a scheme
write log:// value or write log:error value
1 hour later…
@GrahamChiu If you want to grab files from a URL and save to a JS var, that is what READ of a URL is for. I have fixed download which will let you save a BINARY! or TEXT! to the browser as a local file. Say download %filename.txt "some text" or download %filename.bin #{DECAFBAD}. You can also specify a /MIME-TYPE, but it defaults to text/plain or octet/stream
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE next time!
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Interesting
8 hours later…
@GrahamChiu In the first version, you can use log:<whatever>. The second version you explicitly use one of log:type=info|log|warn|error
@GrahamChiu I decided against the :// notation, it's not really a URL (even if it's a URL!).
The scheme is always determined by that first part, e.g. log:type=warn — the port is created and the URL is parsed by DECODE-URL (port/spec), though the original URL is still available (port/spec/ref), so you can really use it however you want.
2 hours later…
I've attempted an updated version of CLEAN-PATH—should be good for R3C as well. I removed support for clean-path %///foo —I'm not sure where that convention came from or whether it was behaving correctly.
Test usage:
>> decode-url: sys/decode-url: lib/decode-url: :sys/*parse-url/decode-url
do gist.githubusercontent.com/rgchris/…
== make action! [[path /only /dir] [...]]

>> clean-path %foo
== hostilefork.com/media/shared/replpad-js/foo

>> change-dir %/foo/bar/
== %/foo/bar/

>> clean-path %baz
== %/foo/bar/baz

>> clean-path %../baz
== %/foo/baz

>> clean-path %foo/../baz
== %/foo/bar/baz
Interesting talk last night folks! Too bad it is a little late from this perspective, and saturdaynight boozed ;-) too but the choice was the talk or 'quality time' with the misses and it was not my choice ;-)
(nature calling guess LOL)
Also viewed this interesting talk youtube.com/watch?v=VFns39RXPrU
3 hours later…
@iArnold I can change it to be an hour earlier if that also suits the others
@GrahamChiu Well that would be better in theory yes, but practise is always kind of stubborn.
@iArnold Well, we need a commitment to participate/contribute otherwise you can just watch the recording after it goes up.
That is what I said. Do not change for me, because I may be 100% flexible, my environment is the opposite.
I'll probably drop by again next time for a comparable timeslot.

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