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I'm going to be travelling on my Sunday. Want to have another test meeting using jitsi on Sunday at 11:00 am which is Saturday eastern 5 pm?
2 hours later…
posted on December 11, 2020 by hostilefork

rgchris: Should LOAD/ALL then be the default? Probably. There's another point to consider on one of your favorite topics, that LOAD/ALL includes headers as data >> load "Rebol [] 1 2 3" == [1 2 3] >> load/all "Rebol [] 1 2 3" == [Rebol [] 1 2 3] It is thus incompatible with the /HEADER refinement (split out as a separate return value in Ren-C). So here it

14 hours later…
posted on December 11, 2020 by gchiu

We are having our second video meeting on 13th December, 11:00 NZDST (GMT+13), or 12th December, 17:00 EST. Location: https://meet.google.com/rfp-znwr-xni Agenda (times are in GMT+13:00) 11:00 Graham Chiu - automating PDF forms, and negotiating endless government bureaucracy 11:20 Brian Dickens - TLS updates 11:40 Open discussion 12:00 Discussion formally ends 1

@Edoc the query dialect .. this is the SQL like thing ?
@GrahamChiu Correct. forum.rebol.info/t/query-dialect-brainstorming/1419/7 (Assuming there's room on the agenda based on whatever arises between now and then.)
@Edoc you're now first speaker for next week
Perhaps just indicate how much time you need
I'd like to record sessions so put on your avatars if you wish. We can stop recording at the end of the formal sessions and then you can say what you wish off record after that
@GrahamChiu I don't mind showing my face. I'll put a few slides together maybe to help put some visuals to it.
I think jitsi even allows one to share a youtube video

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