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Making slow and painful progress on stackless w.r.t. to the error handling. Some changes have actually cleaned up a bit of historic ugliness and wastefulness.
It enforces more rigor about managing state on the whole. You have to be very diligent if you expect to be able to stop at pretty much any moment, and pack up the interpreter to run other code...then be able to unpack it and resume. Anything that you're in the middle of--like molding or reducing, which accrues state, is affected. Error handling and throws have required a different way of looking at things.
A difficult aspect of it is generalizing the Trampoline to serve for any purpose that one might use recursion for (I pointed out that COPY and MOLD and a lot of other operations which aren't the evaluator can risk stack overflows if they don't have some "stackless" approach). There's nothing that says they have to incorporate into the same loop...but it seems like there's an advantage if it does.
Random example: if you have green threading, a large copy running its recursions through could be interrupted to schedule a bit of another task, and then resume copying. Or if COPY or MOLD became extensible and ran user code, you might kick into the debugger and be able to see the granularity of the copy or mold "frames" above you.
2 hours later…
Python2 is deprecated, and things are starting to break because I guess people just aren't maintaining them. But this exposes a pretty big dependency mire. I guess Python2 was pretty well ingrained for a while and they'd hammered out all the bits so you didn't necessarily see all the things it needed or put places, but the same hasn't been done for all distributions (esp. older ones) with Python3.
To get that marionette web driver thing working on Xenial Ubuntu, before all I needed was pip install marionette and it appeared to "just work". But in Python3, I need:
        - python3  # used for "headless" web testing
        - python3-pip  # installs marionette driver
        - python3-setuptools  # also needed (for whatever reason)
        - python3-wheel  # Xenial needs this (Bionic doesn't seem to)
Then I have to add pip3 install wheel and pip3 install bdist_wheel or the pip3 install marionette-driver. And of course each of these things are fairly large packages of many files...
They still have the ethos that if your environment is set up with all the things you need, your project can just be one file, and you don't need a command-line "wizard" to create a dozen folders with pre-made mandatory boilerplate junk. Which is something. But still... comes with quite a lot of "stuff".
12 hours later…
@rgchris TRANSCODE interface opinion sought.
With [value pos err]: transcode "^M^/a b c", the idea is that because you asked for a POS in the output it will go one item at a time (this is the same as saying TRANSCODE/NEXT with 'POS). And by asking for an ERR you will get an error as a result instead of it being raised (same as saying TRANSCODE/RELAX with 'ERR).
The policy is now to error on ^M. Question is: when the error is raised, should POS be right before the ^M or after it?
It seems that trying to consume the error is better? This way you could maybe keep going more easily if that's what you wanted to do.
It's interesting, because it used to be that the scanner didn't use ordinary raising of errors when it hit the error. It had to pipe the error up through the stack and use some weird gotos in order to get to the point in the scanner where it could check if you'd asked for the /RELAX option or not. If you did, it would not go through the exception-like "raise an error" routine.
I felt this was unnatural, so I had an idea that the "relaxed" mode would push an error trapper (CPU state buffer) which the non-relaxed mode did not. It would catch the error, and when it did it would notice how far the scan got up to. Then it would assume the scan was deterministic... and run it again right up to the point before the error had occurred.
Not efficient in the case of an error, but if we assume it is rare then it allowed the scanner to be written in a more natural style where if it wanted to fail, it just did.
But with stackless, you always have a "trap" in effect which you can exploit at any stack layer. It's the one Trampoline-wide stack protector. It all simplifies, you don't have to run twice and there's no need to special-case the relax case for the CPU state.
posted on July 26, 2020 by @hostilefork Brian Dickens

@hostilefork wrote: I pretty much consider being able to declare variables at the point they are first used to be a non-negotiable feature. This is why I was a big fan of FUNCT when I first saw it. It looked for SET-WORD!s in your function and "gathered" them up implicitly as being local to that function. funct [arg1 arg2] [ ; R3-Alpha "funct"

@rgchris ^-- more important. R3C has METHOD, correct? Being used to Rebol2, would you be willing to live in a world of non-locals-gathering for a while, since I don't feel "the solution" to that problem has been articulated?
    str: "Cat😺: [😺 😺] (😺)"

    did all [
        'Cat😺: = [value pos]: transcode str
        set-word? value
        value = 'Cat😺:
        pos = " [😺 😺] (😺)"

        [[😺 😺] (😺)] = value: transcode pos  ; no position, read to end
        block? value
        value = [[😺 😺] (😺)]  ; no position out always gets block
    bin: as binary! "Cat😺: [😺 😺] (😺)"
    bin =  #{436174F09F98BA3A205BF09F98BA20F09F98BA5D2028F09F98BA29}

    did all [
        'Cat😺: = [value pos]: transcode bin
        set-word? value
        value = 'Cat😺:
        pos = #{205BF09F98BA20F09F98BA5D2028F09F98BA29}
        (as text! pos) = " [😺 😺] (😺)"

        [[😺 😺] (😺)] = value: transcode pos  ; no position, read to end
        block? value
        value = [[😺 😺] (😺)]  ; no position out always gets block
Neat stuff. As high codepoint cat shows, full unicode support up through 4-byte UCS4 (R3-Alpha topped out at 2-byte UCS2 characters). Also can transcode strings (R3-Alpha could only transcode binary, but with UTF-8 Everywhere the string is always in a binary UTF-8 format).
And fun with multi-returns. If you don't ask for an output position, then it assumes you want the whole thing read to the end. If you ask for an output position, it assumes you want one thing.
Also, arbitrary quoting lets you have a quoted SET-WORD!, here with a high-codepoint cat in it.
And... shows off AS aliasing. This gives the same ability as AS-TEXT and AS-STRING from the Rebol2 world, where you don't create another series but just view a string as binary or a binary as a string...and mutations in one view affect the other. Except it's UTF-8, not Latin1.
Is there an overview of how to handle various in and output for extensions? Bit much trial and error atm.
@iArnold Saying "various input and output" is about as general as saying "computation". Be more specific.
Input Rebol string / integer / handle / object
Output string / integer / void
This is the return rebText( str outputstr);
@iArnold For ease of use, before you #include "sys-core.h", you need to #define REBOL_IMPLICIT_END.
Is there an echo in here?
Mar 8 at 18:56, by HostileFork says dont trust SE
@iArnold before #include "sys-core.h", do #define REBOL_IMPLICIT_END like this: https://github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/c8cd075ae5477f3812e653c3d5876cfa8e6ddc1a/extensions/zeromq/mod-zeromq.c#L54
Feb 21 at 12:59, by HostileFork says dont trust SE
@iArnold You can feel free to do so. Right before the #include "sys-core.h", put #define REBOL_IMPLICIT_END ... like this
If you don't do that, then when you make calls to things like rebValue() or rebElide() they will always need to end with , rebEND). That is a pain to remember. Being able to do otherwise requires C99 or C++11 or higher.
rebText takes a C char* of UTF8 text. You can just return rebText(str); and it should work.
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE I made a copy of another one where I already had added that, but apparently I deleted that line. Have added the define just not merged to the repo (vacation almost no wifi, taken by the kids)
If you read ZeroMQ extension or ODBC extension they show examples of API use.
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Yes found those. Thanks. bedtime :-(
C programming is not really for the faint of heart, a lot of raw pointers and very little is taken care for you automatically.
2 hours later…
g: generator [
    yy: enclose 'yield func [f] [
        f/value: me * 10
        return 1 + do f
    yy yy yy 10
did all [
   g = 100
   g = 1010
   g = 10110
   g = null
   g = null
^--- @giuliolunati That is crazyawesome. :-)
So with erroring a bit more under control, I can now clean shutdown with generators and no leaks...even if you don't finish the generator. (Given that some generators are indefinite and never finish, like generator [while [true] [yield 10]], there are going to be some that never release their state unless all references GC.)
They're not exactly what I'd call "lightweight", but if you tried to do it yourself in usermode it would be a lot heavier (and also not actually work).
I might think on if there are more foundational building blocks than generators the system could provide that let you build generator-like things...but for starters, generators (technically "Yielders" which are more general) are the building block.

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