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First non-crashing full test run of stackless, 30 (non-crashing) test failures.
Total: 5894
Succeeded: 5818
Test-failures: 30
While I haven't run timings or even tried to optimize too much (correctness first...), empirically it's not really noticeable as being slower.
Still missing notable conversion of pathing to stackless :-/ Not all natives are converted, but the unconverted natives are running through the stackless loop... just a new invocation of the "Trampoline". So despite not being converted, they're running the same code path stackless natives use, just without the benefit of not deepening the stack.
Sounds like really good progress @HostileForksaysdonttrustSE
New Nik Kershaw EP out btw
@Edoc Slow and meandering, but motivation is a problem in this day and age all around. I think the thing that bothers me the most about doing "big" things like UTF-8 Everywhere or Stackless is that when it touches so much of the codebase I'm reminded of how many big design holes there are.
@Edoc Will look it up...
DATATYPE! needs to go the way of symbolic/structure, and not this vague unrenderable thing. I think I was probably right to think that word!: @[word] is a good concept for it. Then, quoted word! => @['word]. type of first ['foo] => @['word] which you could build programmatically with the QUOTED operator acting on @[word].
This starts to seem worrisome in terms of ecology; what if two libraries that provide custom types pick the same term. I've mentioned before my "sliding scale of identity" concept, where you use some fully qualified URL as the "real" name but then accept shorter versions in a type of comparisons. 'image ~ http://example.com/image and 'image ~ http://rebol.info/image. But you fully qualify when you run into trouble, if you ever do.
But I have to curb my concerns about this kind of question (which has preoccupied me for a long time) and instead think the niche for Rebol is constructing small personalized systems with a vocabulary you control.
The idea that @[...] as the "symbolic block" doesn't have to solely represent datatypes isn't so bad. I don't know it would be that bad if <integer> = type of 3, for instance...I just think the type should be evaluator-inert. It would then collide with other usages of TAG!, which would be frustrating.
But we'd just sort of commit to not having symbolic blocks mean anything else in any dialects people were used to. So PARSE wouldn't get confused, as to whether you were looking for literally a tag or the tag used as a datatype. Arbitrary quoting gives a rescue hatch for this, as '<integer> could mean "literally match the tag" and <integer> could mean match the datatype...
But my point about using @[integer] is that @[...] forms historically don't exist for any other purpose so no one would feel it's being "taken away" in its convenient literal usage...and it is structural so it can hold richer type expressions (a quote level on simpler types, dimensions on a matrix type, etc. etc.)
That sounds like it might work.
You like <tag> for different things (like C system header-files?). It does stand out nicely but otoh it competes with the value! meaning (html tag).
~integer = type of 3
I'm sure you've covered this ground already in many discussions.

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