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12:41 AM
I had somehow blocked out of my mind what a PITA video editing is.
2 hours later…
2:43 AM
just slap em out raw
2:54 AM
@JacobGood1 I did NOT go through all that effort to have videos that weren't worth watching (!)
cmon now I want to hear all those ums, uhs, stutters, stammers, etc.
Or demos that had some technical issue the first time and had to be redone.
2 hours later…
4:31 AM
The custom "podium" was made by using the same machine that printed the vinyl FizzBuzz, but using its cutting feature on sticky black vinyl, then adhesed onto aluminium.
This was then taped onto the front of a table. Came out pretty slick.
13 hours later…
3 hours later…

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