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@Brett ^-- what do you think? I still feel like, for what it's worth (maybe in the end nothing, but we still kind of enjoy the "game") that Rebol isn't quite solved in its basics, and this question of block-to-string as a system function--in its variances--is pretty central.
@HostileFork I'm unsure. I tend to like precision with spacing, so my first thought is this might make me put a lot more groups in. On the other hand a predictable spacing scheme should obviate that.
I think that blocks recursing in print has generally been something that doesn't have a terrible lot of value.
I also think, after having tried it, that the sequential-string-literals-meaning newline has serious didactic issues.
If you're trying to get your bearings, and switch your code from a literal form to one using variables, and see different behavior, in such a basic function... it seems not good.
I'd rather go with | being newline
Single-character literals not spacing has thus far seemed like it gives the expected behavior; I don't find it surprising at all.
I agree that Rebol isn't quite solved in it's basics. Every now and then I enthusiastically start following an idea only to come up against a question of how to implement it in the existing Rebol types.
It's doable but it seems like it would be nice if Rebol did a little more in some areas.
I probably should have kept a list.
@Brett Yes. But I think the thing is, no other language is really going down this line of thinking. Probably because it's crazy and can't be done sensibly, but it does feel like there's something there where it could work.
On a different topic, the latest commit introduced an error in find/last but since there is no test for that you wouldn't have seen it.
So I'm going to add some tests.
@HostileFork Yes, where it does work it works so well. One has that expectation for lots more.
@Brett Cool... so was it a case where it was a refinement being ignored that now errors, or was it a working refinement?
find/last [x] 'x
worked in the prior commit.
now: Script error: incompatible or invalid refinements
@Brett Was it "working" working, e.g. did find/last [x x x] 'x find the last one?
@HostileFork Oh. Damn. No apparently not working working.
Okay, so that's why it's an error now. :-)
Oh good ?
@Brett Yep, good to have the compiler notice when arguments aren't being paid attention to at all...and you suppress the warnings if you actually meant to do that.
Well that's pretty neat then.
@Brett relevant change... I wasn't reading too closely when I was adding the errors as to whether the refinement should-work-or-not. That seems like something that should work.
@Brett Merging your thing and testing, then I'll push it... in the meantime if you noticed this change, it opens up some doors to improvement: github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/pull/354
I noticed that. That's cool.
I'd never really thought about it before but find/last block seems to be just a shortcut for find/reverse tail block
I want the modules to use a command line dialect which looks like a FUNCTION! spec, where you get named arguments that are converted to the types. So you just write an ordinary looking set of things like Arguments: [filename [<opt> file!] /version /verbose level [integer!]] in the header and then it knows how to translate the refinements into things like "--verbose" and get you the integer on the command line.
So my thought was that if that dialect gets sorted out, it should be shared with how Rebol does its own argument processing...a module for that, which isn't actually part of the core C code.
@Brett Ok, fix and your test committed and pushed, tx!
posted on December 27, 2016 by codebybrett

Add some missing tests for find. by codebybrett

@HostileFork Thanks!
Just been afk waving arms around to encourage a wasp out of the home - bugs during development sheesh - annoying
If only software bugs would reify into real bugs and attack people out of the screen, we might have better software.
(Well, if they attacked specifically the people who caused them.)
Indeed. The wasp I guess would be in the severe category.
The command line dialect idea looks appealing.
I just wrote something hasty, that reacted to the settings as it saw them, because I was doing something pretty drastic in getting that processing ported out of the C and there were other things to worry about. But ideally, none of the "reactions" would happen until after the processing.
And you'd be able to document the arguments, as in function specs, and get auto-generated help.
@Brett So if you wanted to look at that and think "how would I take this BLOCK! of strings as an ARGV and then put it together with a spec block to do that", you'd be able to apply that in practice, and swap it in for my code...
Hm, it looks like it still thinks "usage" is in lib, it got moved from there to user... so --help isn't working.
Cool, that fix resolved my issue.
@Brett and this fixes HELP...but also raises the point that hacking on the command line and environment setup is now something Rebol programmers can do...so if there was some way to auto-generate that usage info from the same spec that is used to process the options themselves, that would be cool...
Red doesn't do that. ... I thought it might. But despite using PARSE, the help is separate.
One tricky aspect to holistic space processing in strings is that if you space "around" things, that doesn't work with incrementality... e.g. join str [(a)] then join str [b] can't make spacing decisions that are cohesive with what you'd get with join str [(a) b] (where I'm using JOIN in the REPEND sense of Ren-C, modifies as it goes)
Yes the building of the spec for string conversion by code seems like it could be the tricky part.
@Brett If there were no auto-spacing in Rebol...it just got dropped as a concept--do you think things would be better or worse?
I mentioned the idea of spaced [a b c] => [a #" " b #" " c] and then you could say things like print spaced [...], and more generically you'd have that to throw in where you felt it was appropriate.
One thing Rebol does pretty efficiently is tear off new arrays if you're not deep copying them. An operation like SPACED would be cheap compared to what you would often think. Certainly very little cost compared to something like I/O.
prints: adapt 'print [if block? value [value: spaced value]] => now you have a spacing print if you really want one.
I think if I were to look at my existing code, it would probably avoid relying on auto spacing in general. Having operations like your spaced is more along the lines of how I deal with things. Perhaps auto spacing style is better as specific dialect, used when required.
I definitely did a lot of PRINT REJOIN because I was trying to control the output.
And that just looks batty
In terms of "reducing overall battiness", I feel like if people saw print spaced [...] and no print rejoin [...] they'd think the language was more sensible.
It does look more sensible written there.
Another thought keeps popping into my head: that the idea of "printing" and auto spacing is almost a function of the port.
The idea that _ is a shorthand for space may not be 100% appealing, but it's also not that bad when you're used to it. print ["The value is" _ x]
But I don't know if I'm just pushing the problem along one step.
If you're dealing with something that communicates fundamentally through structure vs. string, you don't put spacing in the information. One might argue that Rebol doesn't speak English, it speaks Rebol, so you're always outputting code.
Hence PRINT would be more PRINT MOLD.
Why say The value is 10 when you can just say x: 10, after all?
But I think it's just seeming that in the quest to supposedly reduce complexity, that auto spacing is a red herring, which has caused a net increase in worry and complexity.
The terra firma that system functions--when they convert blocks into strings behind the scenes do not auto space--seems more valuable, at the cost of asking people to become personally involved in choosing the moments that spacing becomes involved.
Yes. I think that makes more sense. It makes me come back to a dialect being responsible for spacing if you want it.
PRINT could be an exception, it could speak "the print dialect", the only problem is that thinking of PRINT as a dialect is difficult since it does raw evaluations of whatever you give it.
Given it has no keywords and only coerces what it evaluates into a string, that looks awfully indistinguishable from things like JOIN (REPEND) or whatever. You don't hold in your mind "oh, I'm speaking the PRINT dialect" you think "this block is getting converted to a string by the system"
Every quirk we might come up with, like whether (x) puts spaces around it while x does not, is a quirk you will wonder why it's not there in the other places.
Yes I think of it generally as a short cut to write to the output port.
And as I point out, that's fundamentally contentious with incrementality...having any rule that does analysis on more than one item at a time.
>> help printf
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
    PRINTF fmt val

    Formatted print.
    PRINTF is a function value.

    fmt -- Format
    val -- Value or block of values
That's a new one on me.
Well nothing to write home about. But the point being more that the idea that PRINT has things built on top of it isn't a new one.
>> help format
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
    FORMAT rules values /pad p

    Format a string according to the format dialect.
    FORMAT is a function value.

    rules -- A block in the format dialect. E.g. [10 -10 #"-" 4]

The format dialect, that's new to me too.
>> to string! none
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-bad-make-arg.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: cannot MAKE/TO string! from: none
** Where: to
** Near: to string! none
>> rejoin [any ["a" "b" "c"]]
@HostileFork Can you be a little more specific?
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== "a"
>> rejoin [any [false false false]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== "none"
I think it would be more useful for that to be an empty string.
I think there was a comment by Brian H in the Reword question that said something like it makes no sense to add a none! to a string.
Directly, but you wouldn't write it directly. You'd be using something that returned one.
Yes, I thought that supported your comment.
Well it certainly doesn't make sense to add the word "none", literally, or "unset!" literally.
But I guess the point being, that in my argument from consistency, the system belief that _ were treated as space could be seen as problematic.
You could argue that only literal _ would be treated like that, and then if they were results of evaluation they'd be nothing.
It seems right to have a none! have no effect on a string.
I'm going to have to head off. Catch you again.
@Brett thanks for the tests...!
@rebolek Here you go, all I ask is please let me know if it meets your needs.
3 hours later…
red> (str: "") (append str none) (print str)
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
red> (str: "") (append str ()) (print str)
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
2 hours later…
@MarkI Thanks, I take a look at it
3 hours later…
posted on December 27, 2016 by Brother Damian

Hi Nick, I 've read in this forum several posts by you introducing tools for mobile and mobile/server programming. I thought I read one describing the use of Red complete with a code editor recommendation. Or did I dream it?

5 hours later…
I am recreating some commits on Rebol-Lexer (Windows line endings NIGHTMARE with git) -- wish me luck, my git-fu is awful.
I will let you know when (if) I am successful.
@MarkI I call them "notepad.exe line endings" because every other piece of software on Windows these days can deal with line feeds. Disable them entirely, don't even try to translate.
@HostileFork It's not the Windows tools. I am a prisoner of cygwin, and its tools are less ... forgiving.
Anyway, I appear to have been successful, so, have at it everyone!
Git is powerful.
@MarkI Quite. It's not so much a version control system as a kit for building version control systems.
Which is both its strength and its weakness.
Exactly. Great if you know a lot about it, bad if you are trying to find out things.
@MarkI Rebasing is good/important to learn early: atlassian.com/git/tutorials/rewriting-history/git-rebase
Oh, also good to learn early, git reflog. It might should be called unflog, because you can stop flogging yourself over your mistakes by realizing all it takes to get back to a previous state is to grab the commit ID out of your history of where you want to go back in time to.
That should have been one of the first commands I learned, because I lost a bunch of work (I thought) in the early days before I realized it hadn't GC'd the history of my previous states, and won't in general unless it has to (or ask it)
@HostileFork I have been searching for that command for days now. Why oh why is it so hard to find? Thanks tons HF!
To go back in time, pick one of those commit hashes and say git reset (hash) --hard. The only thing you stand to lose that isn't going to be in the reflog is anything in your staging area that's uncommitted.
Once it's in a commit, it should be in the reflog somewhere.
What I did was
git reset --hard <revision_id_of_last_known_good_commit>
git push --force
Yup. Just interesting you can do that --hard on something that doesn't show up in your ordinary log.
Hm. So the reflogs disappear if I re-clone, right? My problem is I work from two machines, and I keep tripping up on synchronizing them.
By default I believe it's fresh each clone, but there is some history at the clone source on GitHub of things you've pushed at some point but deleted...there may be a way to get at it even so.
All I know is the reflogs I see on the two machines are ... totally different.
Yup, the branches and commits you formally exchange are the ones that are shared.
Otherwise it's the history of your working state on each machine.
posted on December 27, 2016 by Steven White

When you run a REBOL script by executing the REBOL interpreter from a command line, you can provide run-time arguments to the script.  It appears that if you run a REBOL script by using the 'launch' function from another script, you can NOT provide command-line arguments to the launched script.  I can accept that, but I thought I would ask if there might be a way to provide

Quiz question: what's the difference between the system object and the system context?
I think one of those two needs a new name. And I think it should be the system context, because users generally don't even know it's there.
I think "core context" is fitting.
posted on December 27, 2016 by OneArb

Happy holidays (learning Rebol)! Is there a way to trap the Alt key as event/alternate was skipped from implement? I got the following example from http://www.codeconscious.com/rebol/view-tips.html Does nothing on XP? view layout [    button 'Click me to hide!' 120 feel [         engage: func [face action event][     &nbs

integer!: string!
spec: [x [integer!]]
f: func spec [print x]
f "Hello"
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
integer!: string!
spec: [x [integer!]]
unbind/deep spec
f: func spec [print x]
f 1
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
In the second case, integer! in the spec is not bound to anything. Not a datatype, it's just a word pointing to nothing. But there's a symbol-based fallback that tolerates that and recognizes the word "integer!". I'm not a fan of this behavior.
It seems to me it should be one or the other. Typesets should know literal words, or look up the words. Not both.

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