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In terms of guiding philosophies of "why bother with Rebol/Red or even thinking about it", it's based on the belief that more can be done with less; a clever evaluator can give you a pocket-sized DSL generation system, and do so without a fat compiler like C++ or a fat runtime like the JRE. The concept is to see code a different way in order to get a force multiplier.
I've said before that it's not so much about the absolute number of bytes in the executable...that's just a heuristic. It's about the "complexity footprint" of the whole toolchain. We'd prefer producing an EXE that's 200k larger to requiring a compiler or runtime that's gigabytes, in order to shave off the 200k--but again, not because of the byte count itself, but because of what the byte count probably represents.
This philosophy has tied our hands in the implementation, to the "Amish coder" stylings I have mentioned before, and so C++ is only used as a static analyzer and debug helper...not a dependency of the build. And it's guided other choices. I wonder if one of the choices it guides is that Rebol value cells (REBVAL) should not require a copy method, but should always be copyable via raw bit assignment
There's already been a small deviation from this, in that Ren-C arrays actually hold RELVALs, and copying those does require an (inline) function call, to treat the copying of such values with the relative bit set differently from those without. But this is very narrow and strictly mechanical; it's not like PAIR! has a "virtual copy dispatch" unique to the type, or anything like that. And the main currency of the system--what it usually works with--is not the RELVAL but the REBVAL.
But now that a PAIR! is actually a two REBVALs, cleverly held in a compressed form of series node with no data allocation, if only raw bit copies of REBVALs are allowed, that means there's no dispatch point to make PAIR! immediate. But really, this is just a canary in the coal mine of asking if only bit-level copies are allowed with no "dispatch", because if so, that means that there could never be an immediate form of arbitrary-precision INTEGER! (for example).
To put it another way, "any data type which cannot fit ALL of its representation forms entirely into sizeof(REBVAL) cannot be immediate". @MarkI ^--
1 hour later…
@HostileFork Agreed, but potential cart-before-horse alert here, arbints may as well be like strings, with integer! playing the part of character.
So the problem being another version of the "all characters are strings" issue.
Yes, they are, until they're not.
Well point being, it couldn't be an extension of the existing INTEGER! type under this rule. Because if some integers are immediate, all of them need to be.
You've already made one-element lists fit into an element, I don't see the difference yet.
Semantically you have to say they're different.
So now there's a REBVAL list, which is of zero or one items in length, and an indirect list, if more.
Are they different types? Should you be able to ask that question? Good questions.
Hm, well I guess you can do immediate even with shared content, just never let the shared content change.
Which is different from how PAIR! is working right now. I guess the question still remains of if PAIR! mutability is a good thing or not. The use scenario I had was pair: find map 'key | pair/value: ... and have that mutate the map. But you couldn't mutate the key. :-/ Ah well.
I thought immutable keys was the magic of maps.
The words of an object certainly are.
The PAIR! can stop you from changing its "key" or "x" or whatever you want to call it, but if it doesn't allow it for what's returned from maps it might be weird if coordinate pairs had the same constraint.
I think PAIR would have to be the element you got out of a map, not necessarily what's in it.
It's a bit exposing of implementation if a MAP! really is just an index over a bunch of pairs...though it could be rather efficient.
I think it is a fine example of a custom type request that should be fieldable.
But if the pair is a copy it's not a good fit for FIND. Anyway, it's just a feature I thought might be interesting, to be able to have "map positions".
Who really cares if implementation is exposed, as long as it's right? This is what Rebol is made for.
We demand open implementations. I demand more, I demand testable ones.
Well, the thing to think about is that a REBSER node can act as a PAIR, exactly 2 REBVALs in size. So a map could be a hash index over a bunch of those, and only the hashes would have to resize, and could leave all the values where they were. Plus the values could be in the hands of the user as "map positions".
Sounds like you have a great test for a key-value pair type. And a map would be the context for the key, for duplicate handling or change prevention.
One downside would be less locality than an array (probably not a big deal in the scheme of things, not a lot of locality in a hashed structure anyway)...another downside would be that if you handed out references to these pairs they'd have to be managed, hence tax the GC a little more.
Kind of a new word type actually.
Hm, actually, the other idea I had for this type was that it wouldn't be a PAIR!, but a MAP! itself... e.g. the pair is the "current position" of the map. :-/
An indexed block of pairs then?
Not necessarily supporting navigation, just saying that the result of pos: find map key is a MAP!
So it can FIND, but can't NEXT.
@HostileFork Find returns strings on strings, so no objections on that front.
This would actually solve my complaint, and pairs can go back to being immediate.
Oops, sorry, without NEXT you can't implement FIND/MATCH. Wait, what the heck is that?
Have you even seen that yet?
Unfortunately yes.
Gotta love this stupid language.
Around every corner there lurks an LOL.
If a map "position" is a pair, then how do you access what's "at" the key vs. "at" the value? :-/ Integers 1 and 2? 1 and -1 are probably better. :-(
m: map [1 "a" 2 "b"]
pos: find map 2
probe pos/-1 => 2
probe pos/1 => "b"
pos2: find pos 1
probe pos/-1 => 1
probe pos/1 => "a"
pos/1: "c"
probe select map 1 => "c"
pos/-1: "d" => error
Erm ... isn't that the easy part? /key /value refinements?
map/key already means something.
Does map/1/key?
(e.g. select map 'key)
So, we're re-using 'key a bit ... another thing Rebol is great at.
Then what type is map/1 ? If it's pair, then not much traction has been gained on making pair immediate.
Forget I even said it HF, too ugly, you don't even have to say it.
I guess you'd have to switch on the length of the map, so it's a "character" access versus a "string" one.
A theme tonight it seems.
The pos/1 and pos/-1 is actually not that bad. It's like you're asking about the current position (the one you just found) and -1 would be like "looking back" for the key.
And then, your MAP! with a position is useless for any other indexing, but you can still select or find in it.
map: make map! [1 "a" 2 "b"]
print map/1
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
You really are begging for it, aren't you (total smiley alert)? -1 and 1? What about 0? You know what the record shows people fight over ...
After having analyzed the syntax of Rebol way too deeply, I have come to actually like the idea that there is no datatype that can hold all possible types.
Because you can't put one of those somewhere, and have those somewheres also be able to tell you that they are empty.
Another version of the void issue methinks.
I'll take that as a void endorsement. :-)
void not being a member of ANY-VALUE! and not legal in blocks is a very important step for taking on a lot of bigger questions.
Drawback being that every time you try to pull something out of somewhere, you have to be able to handle a "nothing there" signal.
Or let it naturally fall to an error.
As in, is there a somewhere there, or is that missing.
@HostileFork Right, one presumes the errors would be ... explicatory.
Or at least, that they can be!
If you're feeling philosophical and want to review: github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/issues/252
Have you edited that recently?
I do try to keep up ...
No, but if you have new thoughts, then sharing them as deltas or reactions to what I've already said is the most useful thing.
Anyways, must toddle, hope your holiday weekend was OK.
@HostileFork No problems, I have always felt I've contributed too little to your deliberations, and am looking forward to changing that.
Yup, there's still time...
Cat surviving?
Seems so.
But yes, I've come to believe that voids, or something like them ("invalids"), are unavoidable, ha ha pun not intended.
I wish there were a name for blank that didn't share 3 letters and a length with block :-/ But I don't like any other ones.
Semantically I mean, if you don't have a way of saying something badly, that is, if everything makes sense (everything is a string!), then you can't say anything.
It has to make enough sense to be wrong, to quote a certain person.
So there always has to be a way of screwing up, as it were, causing an error, or at least a re-think of some kind.
Ever read Godel Escher Bach @HostileFork?
I think that's in there too.
@MarkI Yup, long time ago. "Oh, that book. Yeah...well, it's like when you are at a party and someone is telling a joke, and it goes on... and on... and on... when you already know the punch line."
It does go on, and he is too proud of it, but still great. Like Zen and the Art.
I keep thinking there's some detail in those two books that I've missed, and that that's why I'm such a failure :)
"If I can read a book, by golly then I should be able to write one!"
Sorry, that's Sam Clemens. Or Spider Robinson, take your pick.
Oh noes!
So you can either read the wiki or contribute to it, I guess.
Or ... mu.
1 hour later…
I do want to start moving the dial a bit more toward immutability. But more analogous to C having const as a pervasive language feature that the standard library and everyone honors, as opposed to turning the language into Clojure or something.
So I see there being 3 types of locks. One is the PROTECT we know today, as a user-controllable bit you can fiddle on variables; which might be better thought of as a debug feature than anything else. Since you can UNPROTECT at any point, it's not really anything that will help someone looking for immutability guarantees.
Another is a RUNNING lock, which DO or PARSE takes on any series it is currently operating on. This is a temporary lock which is released when the execution is stopped by a throw, failure, or whatever. It's owned by the system, but again, its temporary nature makes it no use to anyone looking for immutability guarantees--it may become writable again.
(Note: this may be an interesting use for the RUN word, which would be a variant of DO that lets your user code ask for an ephemeral lock. code: {my string dialect} | RUN code [stuff that processes code while it's locked, throws or fails out of this block release the lock])
Finally would be a real permanently-frozen lock, which would always be deep on arrays, that guaranteed for the lifetime of the series that it would never be unlocked. This kind of guarantee is the kind you need to put a block in the key of a MAP!, for instance.
I propose this be called lock, and that there be a lock/copy operation which will copy the data if it is mutable but not if the source was already permanently locked. Then lock-of: specialize 'lock [copy: true].
Rather than allowing mutable strings to be put into maps and disallowing blocks altogether, instead require all series that you put in a map as a key to be permanently locked. Since source will be locked by default, this wouldn't necessarily be too inconvenient (map/"foo": 10 would work, s: reverse copy "oof" | poke map s 10 would not, so you'd either say poke map lock s or poke map lock-of s depending on your future plans for s)
The hardest aspect of source becoming immutable is that it will become harder to let people "play" with series experimentally, e.g. append "abcd" "e". But I think the /copy variants can be learnable, and don't look that bad specialized... append-of "abcd" "e".
And in the balance of things, I think stopping the newbie mistake of forgetting to copy has a lot of value.
In practice, I have yet to find all that much code that does mutation of source that isn't a bug. Consider again things like get-the-string: func [x] [switch x [1 ["a"] 2 ["b"] 3 ["do you really want the caller to be able to modify this when they get it back?"]]
(And I will reiterate my thought that REPEND => JOIN, and what is known as JOIN today be called JOIN-OF, and then the world is rid of another lousy word. Migration plan would just be to deprecate JOIN and tell people to switch to JOIN-OF, leave REPEND around indefinitely as a synonym for JOIN but one day flip it over.)
And in Rebmu, the -of suffix will be abbreviated to +. J for JOIN and j+ for JOIN-OF a.k.a. JOIN/COPY, AP for APPEND and AP+ for APPEND-OF a.k.a. APPEND/COPY. I do not think this is appealing enough to put in the box as JOIN+ and APPEND+ etc., though, it's too "operatory"
@Brett I've noticed that if the native spec in the C source has a minor syntax error, like missing a close quote or brace on a string, there's no error given on the load failure. I've gotten used to realizing that if there's an error where it seems like it's not picking up a native to go hunt for those. But it might be nice if there were some signal that it was expected to LOAD that make prep stopped with an error.
The presence of the string "native:" in the comment would be enough to signal that any LOAD errors of that comment should halt the process and report the error.
7 hours later…
@HostileFork Please, how can get a frame from stack, and pass it to fail/where?
@giuliolunati If you want to indicate the caller and "blame" them on a parameter they supplied, use the parameter word as the /where. To get a frame for a function use CONTEXT-OF on any of its parameters or locals, and then you can pass that around and somehow get it to the fail location and pass as the /where.
If you don't have any frames in your hand and you want to climb up and pick one (using some arbitrary heuristic) that requires the backtrace API, which is part of the debugger, which I'm not actively testing right at this moment, but from casual testing it doesn't seem to be completely broken.
>> foo: func [x] [fail "bad x"]

>> reduce [1 + 2 foo 3]
** user error: bad x
** Where: fail foo reduce
** Near: ... fail "bad x" ??  <= with no /where

>> foo: func [x] [fail/where "bad x" 'x]

>> reduce [1 + 2 foo 3 + 4]
** user error: bad x
** Where: foo reduce
** Near: 3 + 4 ??  <== with a /where
@HostileFork Thanks! Do you can enlight me about backtrace API?
@giuliolunati It looks like it hasn't been tested for a while and so may need a bit of freshening up. But you pass it an integer to get a frame for that depth. So backtrace 1 would give you the FRAME! that called backtrace. backtrace 2 would give you the frame that called that, etc.
You can also pass it a function, and if that function is on the stack, it will give you the frame of the most recent call to that function.
I was tinkering with the API and input is welcome. It motivated the creation of <end>-ability, and I haven't really gone back over it much since that. But I wanted it to be able to take non-quoted arguments, like backtrace n + 1, and yet still allow backtrace to give printed output...whereas before HELP and other such functions could only do that trick if they quoted their argument.
But the key thing to think about is the existence of FRAME!, and that (when all is tuned and working properly) you can do things like FUNCTION-OF, WHERE-OF, LABEL-OF, RUNNING?, etc.
Day to day, I'm still hammering in the bits and pieces that these things rely upon, to make sure they'll actually work right...lots of edge cases to worry about.
@HostileFork awesome!
And as I mentioned to @rgchris, I think the main way to get good info about where an error originated is to be in a debug mode where any error which would be bubbling up to the top is trapped before it does the bubbling.
So if an error is not going to be trapped, it stops you right with the stack at the problem point, in the debugger. There you can look at each stack level and probe it, see the position, look at variables, etc.
It's a bit of a losing battle to try and figure out how to capture system state to pass up to a level after you've thrown all the relevant stack frames and information away.
5 hours later…
@HostileFork I am experimenting importing external libraries. The idea is that when a library is loaded, an initialization function will be called, and it can do anything that a builtin module can do. The intention is to replace the current extension framework. So that user can choose what features they want during runtime. For instance, we can separate encryption functions out to a library, or build the VIEW as a library, and then we don't need a different interpreter for VIEW.
For the external library being able to use functions from the interpreter, they have to be exported, and on Windows, it doesn't seem to support importing symobls from an EXE to a DLL, so the interpreter needs to be split into at least two parts: a core library that exports symbols and an executable that wraps the library.
Thus the external library can import symbols from the CORE library.
The downside is obvious that we can't have one standalone exe for the interpreter.
But the upside is that the interpreter is more modular
and more extensible

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