They are what's supposed to be used by clients of the API, because the actual RL_XXX functions aren't supposed to be defined there...
So internal to the core, you call RL_Foo_Bar, but if you're an API client you're supposed to call RL_FOO_BAR
Again, for mysterious reasons that do not seem to be explained.
> The REBOL API provides common API functions needed by the Host-Kit and also by REBOL extension modules. This interface is commonly referred to as "reb-lib".
There are two methods of linking to this code:
Direct calls as you would use functions within any DLL. Indirect calls through a set of macros (that use a structure pointer to the library.)
Yup. Well, as far as I'm concerned, it seems to not have much of a point besides namespacing, which you only get if it's the client who initializes a global variable with the name they want for the API and make your calls through the variable...but then you have to worry about exporting that variable around.
I guess another advantage would be you could use a DLL from a different version and it could defer failure until runtime when you used a routine that was no longer offered, as opposed to failing at compile time. So your wrong-version'd code could appear to work up until you hit use of that failing routine.
Whether this is a bug or a feature may be in the eye of the beholder.
Well, you could get that as well just by leaving the routine in for ordinary linkage, as opposed to leaving a gap in the table.
"Random" of an integer picks an integer from that range. I'd suggest "random" of a block should pick an element from the block, while "shuffle" should be what reorders it.
Alternately, random of a block should take a "random dialect" which describes the distribution of random numbers, or multiple sets, etc.
Could anybody explain to me why the above didn't return TRUE? I thought "BREAK" would break out of SOME when it sees "b", and then "'a 'c" should match the remaining input "a c".
@ShixinZeng I think break just breaks a list of options via |
break meant "this rule did not match, and don't try any more options", so you get a result like some ['a | ['b 'unmatchable]]
I had some naming quibbles with break, continue, accept, reject--and while I don't remember my proposal offhand, it did involve changing them around some.
@ShixinZeng There was one line of documentation in the PARSE project wiki which may or may not have come back online, but repeated here... referencing an example in UNTIL but there wasn't one.
It seems that the spectrum of what is needed: * reject the current option in an option list and go on to the next one * accept the current option in an option list * to reject an entire option list (or single rule) * to break a loop and consider it a match * to continue a loop by starting the match over (only useful if you modified the series or state somehow?)
I dunno. BREAK and CONTINUE do seem to be loop-oriented words, so I think parse <whatever> [break] being an error seems reasonable.
@ShixinZeng lit none is the literal word none, e.g. 'none ... and the goal for Ren-C is none [1 = 2 | 3 = 4] => true, so it's not going to mean what it means in R3-Alpha. But I would say that lit _ should match in PARSE
And blanks are considered valid values for compose, while voids dissolve... (and failed IFs return void, SWITCH that doesn't match, CASE that falls through, etc.)
; Brought to you by:
*** Script Error: PARSE - invalid rule or usage of rule: lit
*** Where: parse
*** Stack: do-console all not unset? set do _execute if all not unset? set do parse
I actually kind of liked the idea of blanks meaning "match anything", so parse [a b c] ['a _ 'c] => true, but there's some advantage to it being a no-op if you want to null out a rule. And it's a bit less obvious if you say [(rule: all [1 = 2 | 'x]) 'a rule 'b] and then that matches an arbitrary thing in the middle.
So I guess I'd say that the guidance on what blanks mean should come from that context.
From that, it almost seems like the blanked rule should be a blanks match nothing. Then empty blocks can just mean no-op and keep matching.
@RebolBot foo: func [x [integer!] y [string!]] [] foo 10
; Brought to you by:
** Script error: foo does not allow string! for its x argument
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
So I've found a way to make it no less performant (in non-erroring cases) to check the number of arguments and then the types, as opposed to checking the types as you go along in the enumeration. This means the above would both say "foo is missing its y argument" as the first error to be hit.
(If a type error is found in mid-parameter evaluation, it swaps out the function to be dispatched to be an Erroring Argument Function, hence there's no extra flag to check in the non-error case, because it was going to dispatch the function anyway.)
Assuming there is no currently-unknown-to-me technical reason anyone (@MarkI, @rgchris, etc.) can think of why this change would be any worse, there's a known-to-me-technical reason why it is better.
; Brought to you by:
*** Script Error: PARSE - invalid rule or usage of rule: 3
*** Where: parse
*** Stack: do-console all not unset? set do _execute if all not unset? set do parse
A variadic argument error may have to appear to originate from the function that defined the variadic parameter... not the location that ends up TAKE-ing it.
I didn't say not to evaluate them. I said not to give type errors until after all the evaluations had been done, and you'd done any necessary arity erroring.
Well arity-checking is a relatively limited protocol (although complicated by variadics), but parameter checking is something that can expand into kind of arbitrary pre-conditions, range-checking, etc. Trying to build in the current type-checking convention leaves a lot of questions open and asks a lot of the definition of the evaluator.
If type checking came after the arity checking, it could be modeled as happening after the function had started running. Hence, it could be more easily extended and rethought.
This would remove it from the MAKE FUNCTION! definition, as RETURN was removed and layered on by FUNC/PROC
Anyway, I just figured out how to reverse the order without costing anything extra (such as a second pass of enumerating the arguments to type check them). They're still checked on the first pass, and there's no "did it fail" flag to run special behavior that successful calls wind up checking.
Could wind up being important but before worrying about that the module/usertypes/virtual-binding/etc. concerns have to be sorted out, and I am still kind of stuck on figuring out how to attack it all.
@HostileFork I think you have to look at it from a non-library-writing perspective. The "wasted evaluations" I mentioned are not no-ops. In fact, as is obvious to anyone, they can even obscure the type error right out of existence:
>> b: does [b: does [1] 'seven] print [mold try [add b b] newline mold b]
; Brought to you by:
make error! [
code: 305
type: 'Script
id: 'expect-arg
arg1: 'add
arg2: 'value1
arg3: word!
near: [try [add b b] newline mold b]
where: [try print try do either either either -apply-]
Design is tradeoffs, so it depends on if the benefit outweighs the consequence.
In this case, the consequence of dealing more or less with what you are dealing with already; e.g. it's not doing some large scale paradigm-breaking flaw where that flaw was not existing before.
How about I file that as "thank you for bringing up an issue, that's worth noting". And yes, it is a tradeoff.
But to bring up a change that I think has been quite the success, allowing SET-WORDs to be the target of void evaluations and thus unset is one.
And although here and there, trapping an accidental storage of "no value at all" to a variable had value, in the grand picture of things it wasn't helping all that much considering what an irritation it was...especially when voids became a more common meta value that couldn't be stored in blocks.
And the slew of "variables holding a value you didn't want it to" cases... a string where you wanted an integer, or whatever, stopping those assignments really wasn't doing many favors in the code.
@ShixinZeng The parse tracing doesn't seem to be hooked in generically to every point that might match. I've mentioned that the parse code is kind of bit-twiddling spaghetti code; which means it doesn't do very good error checking. Red's approach seems more sane.
; Brought to you by:
*** Script Error: result has no value
*** Where: print
*** Stack: do-console all not unset? set do _execute if all not unset? set do print
@ShixinZeng I imagine that DO was considered useful for making dialects in PARSE. It has some other undocumented things like DO INTO and DO SKIP and DO QUOTE. Anyway, for now, here's a change for the error reporting and QUOTE
Apparently those "undocumented things" are things you don't have to use a block for. So do skip doesn't call into rule recursion, but do [skip] would, with the same effect.
If you're going through the input, parsing it and then picking out some part of it to run an evaluation, you almost certainly want to have a way of getting the result of that evaluation.
I'm not sure what this hypothetical code is for which you want to evaluate input using DO, which says [1 + 1], and have it produce a 2 you have no way of accessing.
Purpose: Putting REBOL code in your dialects. Block parse dialect only. Syntax: DO rule At the current parse position, a single expression of REBOL code will be evaluated, using the algorith...
Should evaluate the expression "1 + 1" and set the word 'RESULT to the resulting value (2). The PARSE cursor should be advanced after the expression (i.e. to the tail of the block, in this case).
Very definitely a bug in SET. Your example as written sets RESULT to an integer!. So it is intended to work as you say, and COPY does work as it should.
I think I still think & should probably be used for characters, given the overuse of #...the precedent of HTML entities...and the overall unlikeliness of & ever being embraced as a favorable character in words. first "abc" = &a and third "AT&T" = & are more graceful than first "abc" = #"a" and third "AT&T" = #"&".
And having that HTML entity table in the interpreter to use for decoding, it could then be made available through a native or some other means, which would be useful.