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posted on August 16, 2016 by rgchris

Invoking HELP on a datatype! value creates an error: >> help string! ** Script error: pick does not allow word! for its aggregate argument ** Where: first print if if help ** Near: ["an"] ["a"] value/title newline "It is of the general type"... system/version: system/build: 3-Aug-2016/18:45:49 (checkout current on that date)

2 hours later…
posted on August 16, 2016 by johnk-

Error using list-dir >> list-dir r3 makefile.boot makefile objs/ CMakeLists.txt r3-make ** Script error: list-dir must return value (use PROC or RETURN: <opt>)

4 hours later…
@HostileFork I don’t do web-dev much these days (fortunately), so I hadn’t updated Lest for a while. Anyway, I still use it, when I need it. Also the test page works fine too.
1 hour later…
Hello @rebolek, how are you? Is there other docs for Lest, apart github.com/rebolek/lest ?
@giuliolunati Hi @giuliolunati fine, and you?
@giuliolunati there's also unfinished docs here lest.qyz.cz/docs.html
@rebolek Very well thanks! In vacation until 21 :-) Now I'm playing with shttpd, and wish integrate Lest
@rebolek any hope I can manage to run Lest in Ren-C?
@giuliolunati I don’t know...what problems are there?
1 hour later…
@rebolek the file lest.reb in repository root is a precompiled, ready to run?
@HostileFork ren-c no more gives details on error -- only error message, no location info (at, near). How can I get them?
@giuliolunati dist/lest.reb is precompiled version.
@giuliolunati one thing that works is: probe trap[code that errors]
@rebolek Thx!
@ingo Thx. And from cmd line? Any option?
@giuliolunati none that I know of. Accept wrapping the whole script into the probe trap ...
6 hours later…
Should this work in Rebol 3/Ren-C?
acc: take stuff: collect [keep :keep]
acc 1
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-not-defined.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: output word is not bound to a context
** Where: apply acc
** Near: apply :insert [output :value none none only] :value
acc: take stuff: collect [keep :keep]
acc 1
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
*** Script Error: acc has no refinement called 1
*** Where: acc
*** Stack: do-console all not unset? set do _execute if all not unset? set do acc
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl

*** Runtime Error 1: access violation
*** at: B76B9036h
rebol2> acc: take stuff: collect [keep :keep] acc 1 acc 2 stuff
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== [1 2]
@RebolBot do/2
acc-a: take stuff: collect [keep :keep]
acc-b: take more-stuff: collect [keep :keep]
acc-a 1 acc-b 2 acc-a 3 acc-b 4
probe reduce [stuff more-stuff]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
[[] [1 2 3 4]]
== [[] [1 2 3 4]]
(I guess that's the flaw in the Rebol 2 approach : )
2 hours later…
@giuliolunati As @ingo says, you can get them by trapping... the question of whether or not error delivery should show the "extra" information is one of usability. Do you want users to see that information? Should HELP offer an option to explain the last error? (I don't like WHY? that much especially since we want the ? returns TRUE/FALSE...)
The information is there but showing it just when the error happens normally is questionable, unless you are in some kind of debug mode. It's a point to think about. But certainly, we could ignore the point and just print it anyway
@rgchris It doesn't work because the keeper function is a FUNC, which isn't "durable" by default. FUNCTION is. As for should it... hm... I don't know.
@rebolek Ok, well I will look at running it in Ren-C once I am sleeping in the same bed more than one night in a row. :-/ I can only do little short-attention span things in coffee shops right now when I have time to kill.
@rgchris As a data point, I intend CONTINUE and BREAK to be definitional like KEEP... what should happen if you sneak a CONTINUE outside the loop? What should happen with a RETURN? Odds are KEEP should be a dead end when the collect is over. Perhaps it could give a clearer error, though.
@HostileFork @rgchris Interesting question. Perhaps Rebol's EXIT error "return or exit not in function" could work here? "The function whose RETURN you are evaluating is no longer active" sounds semi-decent, and can extend to CONTINUE and KEEP with WHILE/UNTIL and COLLECT, respectively, in place of "function". Thoughts?
>> join </> 'b
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== </b>
@HostileFork ^--- this gives error in Ren-C. Is intentional?
>> join </> quote 'b
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== </'b>
@HostileFork ^--- this gives </b>
>> join </> to-string 'b
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== </b>

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