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@HostileFork Just watched your presentation for Atronix here. Must say quite impressive. How did they react to this? And why don't the unknown Rebol programmers show up? Because it is their job, not their hobby?
1 hour later…
@iArnold Thanks. As per quote from David, hopefully the upshot is to realize it isn't just about features but the tightening of the screws that made the features remotely possible. So even if one doesn't need the specific language features attacked, it still has value for when they'll need other modifications or want to diagnose problems faster.
And as for why they don't want to be more involved in design and discussion after work, it may be they have no time for anything but work, sleep, and eating...with all the rest of the time spent in Atlanta traffic. 😀
4 hours later…
@HostileFork Thanks for stopping by, and talking about the RenC. It's quite informative and helpful
@ShixinZeng Great! Glad it worked out to get the meeting together. You've got my email if you need it...
2 hours later…
@HostileFork That's a fantastic update HF. Very impressive work, I'm in awe.
2 hours later…
>> a: 1
== 1

>> a <| a: a + 1 print a
== 1

>> b: []
== []

>> b <| insert b 1
== [1]
I understand why b works like this, but should it?
>> tee: function [value code][do bind code 'value value]
== make function! [[value code return:][
return: make function! [
["Returns a value from a function." value [<opt> any-value!]]
[exit/from/with (context-of 'return) :value]
(do bind code 'value value)

>> set-infix 'tee :tee
== make function! [[value code return:][
return: make function! [
["Returns a value from a function." value [<opt> any-value!]]
[exit/from/with (context-of 'return) :value]
(do bind code 'value value)
>> 1 + 2 tee [print value]
== 3
This surprised me a little, why do I have a different value in the middle of the function, than at the end. (Well, limited lookback, I guess.)
@HostileFork ^
Is there an easy way to get to the empty / zero value of a datatype?
e.g. for integer! I want to get 0
for string! I want to get ""
I remember a short discussion about such thing in a gitter room. Gregg had some suggestions too. It was basically about using if in a rejoin where the if returns a none value instead of an empty string. There was an alternative function IFS that someone used.
I remember I called my optional function value 'OPT
posted on August 08, 2016 by John Sowden

I downloaded robol, extracted it.  Clicked on it in my desktop directory.  Conformed the execute attribute is on. No response.  Right-clicked, clicked on execute no response. read somewhere that it does not work in graphic mode in Linux.  Opened a console (one), executed ./robol at the command line.  Got the following user error: Bad face in p

You can use a construction like a: make string! 1 and see what that brings. But integer! you then need to provide the value... so that looks to me like you need to make some function for this.
Yea, that's the conclusion I've come to, as well.
Thank you.
How do I find out wether a value is immediate, or needs to be copied? (series!/? and scalar!/? don't catch pair!)
Pair! is no series!. Only series! type need to be copied as a rule of thumb.
You can think about this as a pointer value that points to the same memory location, whereas values like integer! just take up a single memory place and so can get their own value.
@ingo You can always try to find it immediate! ly:
>> a: 1x1
== 1x1

>> b: a
== 1x1

>> a/x: 2
== 2

>> b
== 2x1
>> immediate!
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== make typeset! [none! logic! integer! decimal! percent! money! char! pair! tuple! time! date! datatype! typeset! word! set-word! get-word! lit-word! refinement! issue! event!]
Are you sure? :-)
How sure do I have to be? :) :)
try.rebol.nl is such a practical site for this kind of thing!
>> a: 1x1 b: a b/x: 2 a
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 1x1
Seems to have changed in ren-c, then.
see above.
Yup. Ren-C issue.
But I have wondered why unset! is not immediate (in Rebol alpha, of course).
posted on August 08, 2016 by IngoHohmann

>> a: 1x1 b: a b/x: 2 a == 2x1 >> immediate! == make typeset! [set-word! get-word! lit-word! refinement! issue! path! logic! integer! decimal! percent! money! char! pair! tuple! time! date! map! typeset! varargs! handle!] >> series! == make typeset! [set-path! get-path! lit-path! group! block! binary! string! file! email! url! tag! bitset! vector! blank!]

@HostileFork May I inquire as to the reasoning behind blank! being a series type?
I wanted to have a function, that automatically returns the empty/zero value for every datatype, but specialize allows a whole new way of programming. Build functons hich aren't meant to be used directly, but to be specialized ...

giveme: function[test [function! datatype! typeset! block! logic!] value [<opt> any-value!] default][if blank? result: maybe test value [result: default] :result]

giveme-int: specialize :giveme [test: integer! default: 0]

>> giveme-int 5
== 5

>> giveme-int "bla"
== 0
@MarkI I guess so it can be copied without getting an error.
afk for now, CU.
@MarkI the bug kind of reason, it appears. Probably to do with type renumbering
@iArnold this is a change in Ren-C, where pair is used for more purposes...including the expectation of being able to FIND a key/value pair in a map. Its main purpose pertains to the api, however, there are advantages in putting values in pairs not losing precision or forgetting if they are integer or float
@ingo Ther pair change is in the early stages but yes that should be immediate..more to do all around...
@ingo The idea I have with dataypes being contexts supports zero, min, max, user defined actions, etc. It's the biggest next area to think on
@ingo consider x: b: [] | insert b 1 | x ... It works how it does unless Rebol gets a change of heart and does something like clojures persistent vector...
@ingo Ren-C infix lookahead is always greedy github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/master/src/core/…. On cell, but... Heres link to note in source
@HostileFork Good to hear, thanks.

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