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@DocKimbel Maybe this? youtube.com/watch?v=AGt5f70K02Q Censorship and copyright is another giant war to be fought by those who can think straight. :-/
@DocKimbel I must think there are good ideas else I wouldn't be trying to advise, why would I be here otherwise? I'm just pointing out that if pleasing the already-defined Rebol community is the only goal, then why not just let them use Rebol2? If growth is the goal then new ideas and the best ideas must be contemplated.
@HostileFork What we want is improve Rebol through Red, not destroy it as you often try to do. That's the difference.
@DocKimbel That new user who wants to contribute to Red, @kennykoc, quickly went to x: quote y: followed by x 10 and print y and asked why it didn't print 10. That's day 1, and clearly the kind of user and contributor you should want. Would you not agree?
Does that seem like the kind of thinking of a day-one encounter-er of the language that you want to keep, and not throw away or discourage?
Yes or no.
You better say "yes, that's the kind of thinking we want around here, to ask such questions".
Is the answer that it should print 10? No, I don't think so.
@HostileFork I don't know what you're talking about, could you show me the whole code not cut into pieces? Is is x 10 or x: 10?
x: quote y:
x 10
print y
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
*** Error: word has no value!
@DocKimbel x contains a value that happens to be a set-word (y:). Should an instance of it behave like a literal set-word, being the question.
I believe I can provide a reasonable justification for the answer being no.
The potential cycles alone, being a good reason not to: x: quote x: then x 10.
Right, answer is no, because the evaluation process is not recursive.
Okay, but my question wasn't about whether the answer to that is that what happens is right or not, but whether a day 1 user who asks that is a valuable and bright potential contributor.
I think the answer is yes, that's who you want
@HostileFork Why shoudn't he be a valuable contributor? I don't get your point.
@DocKimbel My point is evidenced by him then following up with comments you might not have read yet, in which he was discouraged by the way you were answering things, to the point of possibly not being interested in the project.
you turned him off by the way you were reacting to challenges
And I don't think it's necessary.
@HostileFork Well, thank you for your help in pushing me into corners...
@DocKimbel You are the one pushing into the corners, answering language design issues with "15 years of 20 people writing code never needed it" etc. Why not talk about the merits of the technical design only? Use cases, design, ergonomics? We'd all have more fun.
@HostileFork I have, but you are cherry-picking only what suits you.
Lest I need to remind you:
@DocKimbel I'm trying to give you the benefits of my perception. If something looks like nonsense, and makes your language look like nonsense, e.g. REFORM which is a really weird word... I can "measure" how codebases with that word will look to people. If a website looks awful I can sort of empathetically feel the click-aways as they happen... the lost opportunities.
And I can also feel the pain of those who look at a dialogue and think "these guys aren't serious" when the only answer to why a feature is missing is "eh, I don't like it" or "I'll burn your house down if you add it"
I wouldn't care if I didn't think those 15 years of experience you cite hadn't made something cool, but the goal is to build something for everyone.
Why perpetuate simple errors?
@HostileFork Do you really really think that renaming REFORM is the most important task at this point of the project? Do you really really think that is where my time is best spent right now?
@DocKimbel Nope, not at all. I had hoped... although it's not working out as well as I like... that the Rebol institutional knowledge which has all kinds of latent design questions would give you the graph of precisely what to implement so you could just do what they decided what was best.
Their only job was to hammer on the single-threaded C codebase and provide the language spec.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 4543 so chat away!
Greetings @MarkCanlas, please feel free to ask any questions about Red or Rebol, or just grab some popcorn as I argue with @DocKimbel on language design. We'll stop if you have a question, we can argue tomorrow. :-)
red> print "Redbot now answers red> code prompts"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Redbot now answers red> code prompts
@DocKimbel You're spending your time in the right way by and large, but I think a small bit of tone shift would think. Note Kenny's comment:
2 days ago, by kennycoc
I know my opinion doesn't mean much, but "because language x that we make no claim to be compatible with doesn't do this we won't either" is never a valid reason. It's not so much that he is against making func safe or having multiline comments that bothers me. It would be perfectly fine if there was a valid reason for it, but when you are defining a new language, that is the time to think about these design choices logically and decide what the best choice really is.
You've got a generally even-tempered disposition, much better than mine, but I think that if you tilted a little more toward caring about the "minor" things... ("if they're so minor, then why not change them to be right") it could go a long way.
@HostileFork Is language x Rebol there?
@DocKimbel In that case, yes.
@HostileFork Then his premise is wrong, Red aims from the beginning at having a high level of compatibility with Rebol.
I'm trying to write the Red book. And I find myself stumped in making a case for things. I'm forced into backwaters and excuses almost instantly.
"This doesn't make sense, memorize it. You'll get used to it." - is that possible? Sure, you can do it. But if there are better options why should you have to?
You wind up needing to title your book: "RED: It doesn't make sense, but memorize it. You'll get used to it and thank me later." That's a poor sales pitch.
But, you're French... we've already covered the number system... I guess that's an okay proposition :-)
he is against making func safe I think he didn't understand what was the point really about, nor do you it seems reading your last post...
@DocKimbel I'm sorry, it's you who don't understand. You say the bare metal of the language must be inherent. And if you believe that then the protection is no worse than the copy. In your world body: [print "hello"] then f1: func [] body then append body [print "world"] and f2: func [] body with a call to f1 would print both hello and world.
@HostileFork That is your book, not mine. About the series usage in blocks that are called multiple times, there is a perfectly logical explanation, but you didn't care about it. It has been explained by Ladislav and others many times. What was always missing IMHO, was a good presentation of the fundamental concepts in the documentation (on the code=data paradigm).
@DocKimbel The job of a language designer is to shape and adapt the substrate of computation so that it meets the needs and common cases of programmers. If you don't do otherwise, you wind up in a Turing Tarpit: Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy.
You keep suggesting I don't understand when I obviously do.
Although I do admit, understanding the full implications is a slow process, in part because of poor documentation.
@HostileFork Sometimes, when I read you, it really looks like you missed some fundamental concepts of Rebol...
@DocKimbel Test me. Ask me a question you don't think I can answer.
@HostileFork Wow, finally something I can agree with.
@HostileFork Please, I don't time for these games...
@DocKimbel If you don't think you can test me and I not know the answer, then the accusation that I don't understand the foundations of Rebol is baseless.
And I don't have time for THAT game.
But as per my comment above, I got it, but I hadn't really "absorbed" that if you did source on a func with a series reference in it that the series reference would be modified... these things are non-obvious
Obvious IF you get to the point of looking at it, sure.
But the documentation never really pointed any of that out, or stressed it.
Thing is, okay, once I find that I can do one of two things: go "yes, of course, this falls out of the design and is how everyone should program" or I can say "hmm, this may have some undesirable properties, let us enumerate and analyze the implications".
@HostileFork Non-obvious because you missed the basic understanding that everything your are looking at in what you call "source code" is data only in fact... And yes, the documentation is failing into putting that into the reader's mind from the beginning, so we all had to struggle with it, before seeing the light...
@DocKimbel I think though, that you mistake seeing the light with just what most CS or design people would call "oh, I see what that is". It should be much easier to see it--"here are 50 one line programs" doesn't open that door. But once you see it, you can think about it and reason about it... design within its framework. It's a baseline, and as you build on that you can think about how patterns can make better and more error-proof software. The structure isn't an end in and of itself.
"Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication, which is baffling—the incomprehensible should cause suspicion rather than admiration. Possibly this trend results from a mistaken belief that using a somewhat mysterious device confers an aura of power on the user." -- Niklaus Wirth
@HostileFork If you are coming to Rebol/Red with a strong Lisp background, you have no issue seeing it, because you are trained too.
@HostileFork It is actually a very simple property, but if you don't know (and understand) the basic principles underlying the whole language (code=data), then it looks like totally odd, that's for sure.
@DocKimbel There aren't a whole terrible lot of Lisp programmers these days, and I knew it only cursorily from one section of a class. But this isn't about seeing it or not seeing it, I'm only objecting to your accusation that "I don't get it" vs realizing that there is work to do after you do in order to make better code. FUNCTION is an example, and there's all kinds of thinking about methodology that needs to be examined.
But you like efficiency.
Let's not just rant philosophically with no purpose.
Point on table: is it worthwhile to rename rejoin, reform, and company => I do think so. It's an easy change with good alternatives and you can go step by step with these kinds of ideas. Rebol compatibility is not necessary beyond LOAD compatibility, though it would be nice if Rebol3 embraced good changes. Note that FUNCTION got adopted, it's not unthinkable that other things might.
Point on table: multi-line comments => not a crazy thing to bring up, but more interesting than bringing it up is the nature of the reactions and how any reasonable person would walk away from a conversation where they're shot down without due process. For better or worse, I am not a reasonable person, and I stick around to argue about process.
Point on table: I probably understand Rebol as well as anyone else does => I may have my own take on why I'm interested, and not the historical background others do. But the ability to have a clean slate and see it with "fresh eyes" instead of having "fully drank the Kool-Aid" means I can catch when something doesn't sit right. I would kill to have someone like me looking over my software and giving feedback, and I'm sick of being treated like a nuisance. I'm not. Stop.
@HostileFork Maybe, but very very low priority right now. The thing is that such naming changes are all but easy, you keep ignoring that. This kind of change requires study of impacts and examination of all the options. It always generates tons of dicussions that are very time-consuming. Clearly not the right tasks to do now for me.
@DocKimbel As mentioned, I didn't want it to be your problem, I wanted Rebol to be the standards body and do this research while you worked.
@HostileFork I would have been glad if someone did exhaustive research before proposing such changes, but such research is rarely done.
@DocKimbel Well it does feel a bit like a skeleton crew, it's always easier when there's a big pile of money and investors. But then you lose freedom and control. I've been foraging in this open source world for a while and wondering about the tradeoffs in attention.
GitHub is an interesting case study.
As is StackOverflow... not open source themselves, yet somewhat benevolent... I wonder about that middle ground.
If you could task someone to do an analysis of any change... the rejoin to join and adding join/only and all that, and say "have the powerpoints on my desk by next week" they'd work hard on it. No money, no authority, no powerpoints.
@HostileFork I am considering removing myself from this SO char room for a while, until Red 1.0 is reached. It seems that I am deserving the Red cause by putting myself into positions where people I've entrusted for helping me, can take shots at me publicly and repeatedly.
@kealist +1 - Though I would give @johnk the credit for it because I just shaved a few characters off his code.
@DocKimbel I am not taking shots at you, we're not enemies.
I think, often people see sentences with underlines, if they aren't outright praise. I'm as guilty of it as anyone.
The naming of rejoin/reform/etc doesn't have any bearing on Rebol's underlying paradigms, they are just bad names when it comes to applying Rebol to actual problem solving. As I've always understood it, Rebol stands at the intersection of high-minded CS paradigm and practical, expressive application of language. While the former is something we should jealously guard, we should—especially at this time—be aggressive in righting the language wrongs.
@DocKimbel I don't think anything said here is damaging to the cause, I think transparency is good. And we should be so lucky as to have anyone reading what we write. :-)
"There's no such thing as bad publicity" -- as the saying goes -- which isn't entirely true, but if there were websites devoted to debating our sides of the story and chiming in on one side or another, I don't think the attention would hurt. :-)
Foundationally we're all friends here, and we all want the same thing: development of strong AI to overthrow and enslave humanity
Errr... right?
But how is the AI going to overthrow humanity if it's tripping over its shoelaces with basic poor word choices in function names?
@draegtun What do you think? Do you think rejoin ["abc" either condition ["something"] [] "def"] is good, or is it better as join ["abc" if condition ["something"] "def"]? Is it time to right these wrongs, or should history be preserved?
>> rejoin ["abc" if 1 > 2 ["bigger"] "def"]
What would it take to do a study that would objectively inform @DocKimbel or Rebol 3 developers in making such decisions? I take Doc's points that there is a 'Rebol way' of doing things that we should be mindful of lest we end up like Javascript, or something. But at the same time, we can't let ourselves perpetuate bad patterns because we're used to them.
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== "abcnonedef"
@rgchris "we can't let ourselves perpetuate bad patterns because we're used to them." Yes, and I don't see enough self-awareness about that issue, and I feel mistreated every time I point out a bad pattern. And yes, I'm as guilty as above, of maybe hearing the sentences with an underline, as @DocKimbel might on the other side.
And I wish I were as diplomatic as Gregg or others, but it's not my personality type. So I would hope the fact that I exert no actual authority would be enough to mitigate my opinions.
@hostilefork @dockimbel I think we are at a time of (Rebol/Red) history, where rethinking things should be possible.
17 years of experience is very valuable there, and so is looking at it without those 17 years of experience.
Something must have gone astray, otherwise the Rebol community had grown in all this time, not withered away.
Who knows, what part of Rebol those who left were unsatisfied with?
I guess everyone here is on the same side, just thinking about it differently.
@rgchris @HostileFork I starred Brians answer, because the quote is more prominent there.
@DocKimbel I'd implore you not to go, baby/bathwater, and all that. If you must see @HostileFork as a troll in order to remain productive while engaging here, so be it ;)
@ingo Well said. I think I am misheard as wanting to throw the 15/17/however many years of experience out the window... the project is those years of experience, it's the reason for us being here--something cool. There's the good parts, and the bad parts, and here we are looking at a Rebol3 and a Red 1.0 and no major codebases. I wish the mindset was an open one.
@ingo It's ok, it's not like a star is worth real internet points.
Having a discussion across timezones, languages, personality types, and then just in written language is always challenging.
@rgchris Stars make you invincible, and if you get 100 gold coins you get an extra life.
@HostileFork Hm, do you need the gold coins then if you have a star?
I guess you need something to buy beer with...
@rgchris You're only invincible for a short time
@DocKimbel In short, your focus is probably correct; you should be able to delegate the whole "what to call what" to others, who come with data. And multiline comments similarly is one of those design decisions that you just get a spec and follow it with a rationale. It hardly affects the bottom line technically, just as logos don't.
But the technical bottom line and the cultural/adoption bottom line are different lines.
It might seem like this is pointless discussion, but the goal is don't continue the pattern of adoption failure of Rebol over those 15/17 years. It's sad that it wasn't adopted more, it's better... but I can still look at things with a fresh perspective and see a page of REMOLD FUNCT REJOIN PRIN and kick the tires a bit and go "hm, it doesn't really scan well"
We all know the names sort of don't matter, but they sort of do.
That phrase the cut of one's jib comes to mind, and it's just a real sadness that with Rebol having such a strong tie to language and literacy that so much of its code has looked impenetrable to newcomers when there was no reason for it.
We have a chance to break things down, REN as the data format and then Rebol3 and Red as the languages that use them... Rebol3 is moving far too slow for my tastes (or I think, anyone's tastes)... so it does sort of fall to Red to be the leader in language definition. Why not be beautiful?
And @DocKimbel, if you feel personally attacked, I'd suggest you find/cite/quote the attacks. I think you'll realize there isn't an attack, but a challenge. I'm sure there may seem to be an indirect one when you try to respond to a challenge with "Rebol users never needed it" and I say something like, "oh, all 20 of them?" and you voluntarily self-identify in that category...it's not an attack even then. But I'm trying to make a point about going to that as a point of justification.
Sure, trolls suck, but how many trolls design icons for you? None. Okay, so something doesn't add up there in the all-too-typical Internet "just here to tear you down" equation.
And it's you who've not unblocked my pull request on input in the compiler, else dungeon would be cross-compilable. Instead I make animations for blackhighlighter, which may be healthier overall.
My submission wasn't any worse than what was there.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 4250 so chat away!
@dav_i Having a bit of an internal Red debate here, but, always ready to introduce people to the red pill anyway. :-)
red> print ["Bot here to help" reverse "i_vad@"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
*** Error: word has no value!
Bot here to help unset i_vad@
Hm, no reverse in Red yet?
>> print ["Bot here to help" reverse "i_vad@"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Bot here to help @dav_i
@HostileFork thought I'd just drop in and see if I could glean any syntax examples as there don't appear to be any readily available on the site linked to from the SO ad and was interested to see what a full-stack language looks like
@dav_i The reason that Red lacks a whole lot of documentation is that language-wise, it's copying Rebol. Except instead of being written in ANSI-C it's breaking from the whole toolchain entirely. You can think of the language as being data that's code, in a JSON-like format (except it's the reverse--Douglas Crockford credits Rebol as the inspiration for JSON). Red/System is a version of C (kind of) that is done in this format.
>> parse (to string! read jerning.com) [thru <title> copy title to </title> (print title)]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Jerning - Kerning with jQuery
== false
@dav_i To really understand what's going on here is a complex web of intrigue, and today we're having a little bit of a personality war of sorts, but that shouldn't undermine the fact that it's some dang cool stuff.
room topic changed to [Rebol and Red]: A rerose by any other name... rebolsource.net/go/chat-faq [android] [jit] [json] [lisp] [rebol] [red]
@HostileFork ah okay, interesting, thanks
this room appears to be 90% bots...
@dav_i It seems to be 90% me, but, I guess I always had my suspicions. :-)
@dav_i Check out this article if you have a moment.
so you guys have got a bot parsing commands from here? does it have a "full set" of functions/methods
@dav_i The bot sends a request to a server that instantiates an interpreter per request, so there's no state preservation.
i: 10
print i
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
print i
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: i has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
It's sandboxed with some basic protections against infinite loops, etc.
@RebolBot good morning
@HostileFork good morning to you too
It's chatty.
>> parse (to string! read http://stackoverflow.com/) [thru <title> copy title to </title> (print title)]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Stack Overflow
== false
@dav_i What will impress you, I think, is how much the thing can do--literately--in half a megabyte uncompressed zero install for many platforms. And though the topic of the day is whether I'm an antagonist or a supporter of the project, I drew that icon as well as the icon in the ad you probably saw.
(I don't think, that really, at the end of the day anyone is going to stand by saying I do more harm than good. Seriously. Does anyone want to sign their name on that? If so, please sign now.)
@HostileFork so that'll happily run on my Acorn A440 then?
Rebol is an old project, I'm kind of "new here"
@HostileFork I don't. I guess at the of the day you'll have done a lot of good.
but bette don't count on anyone recognizing it, but you already know that.
Red is also kind of "new here" as stealing the thunder and making a compiled adaptation with a JIT compiler and such. I guess it's all about who you think the team is. I think of us as all friends here, just needing to work through our issues in group therapy. :-)
@HostileFork Not in Germany, I'm sorry :-)
"sitting target...
sitting waiting...

life is full of surprises,
it advertises,

what am I trying to do?
what am I trying to say?
I'm not trying to tell you anything
you didn't know
when you woke up today.

sitting target
sitting praying
God is saying

always knows the prospects
learnt to expect
@ingo It's a song from my youth: Nothing by Depeche Mode.
You should look it up, good band. :-)
I think that in a spiritual sense if you do things because you want people to build statues of you after you die, you're doing it wrong. You should do things because they speak to you; they move you, as if you couldn't do anything other than that.
And in that sense, I think Rebol and Red have that going for them. Using Node.JS and doing the browser jQuery thing is the kind of painstaking work that most people do, and they make startups, and YCombinator funds them or whatever.. and we've seen the agony and the ecstasy of that process. You always dig out the code and it's minified nonsense JavaScript and no one can read or maintain it. And people go "well, whatever, it's gibberish but it's necessary gibberish"
We know it's not necessary gibberish. It's accidental complexity taken to a bizarro Rube-Goldberg extreme, and in an era where we need ever-increasing vigilance on data to look for hidden payloads, the last thing we need is a bunch of "necessary gibberish".
And Doc thinks the RE in REJOIN isn't a problem, and he probably thinks the missing T in PRIN isn't a problem, because he's not a native English speaker.
@HostileFork He's not native English speaker, as 90% of world's population.
But 90% of the world has access to an english dictionary!
@rebolek I think, it is a valid point, in general for me (in all thinking) to realize this point, it is an easy thing to forget.
@HostileFork: thanks for the response from days ago. I've got some further questions to ask, but probably at a later date.
I just read a little further up this chat exchange, and the discussion of names reminded me of this rant: me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design
In particular, this list of characteristics for a language:
A language must be predictable. It’s a medium for expressing human ideas and having a computer execute them, so it’s critical that a human’s understanding of a program actually be correct.
A language must be consistent. Similar things should look similar, different things different. Knowing part of the language should aid in learning and understanding the rest.
A language must be concise. New languages exist to reduce the boilerplate inherent in old languages. (We could all write machine code.) A language must thus strive to avoid introducing new boilerplate of its own.
@Dane I do love that one. :-) But Rebol is mostly a fractal of good design (of course we always do critique). But I'm a marketing, slogans, and cut-of-the-jib guy. And I'd like the Red 1.0 launch to not make unnecessary mistakes.
Oh, my impression so far is that Rebol is well-designed.
@Dane Well, it's nice when you can say print {"It's nice when you can write a string," said {@HostileFork}, "and avoid escaping because of asymmetric string delimiters."}
parse #{FFFFFFDECAFBAD000000} [
    some #{FF}
    copy data to #{00}
print data
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
@Dane It's designed to the teeth, but, what I'm arguing about is fit and finish for a product that was closed-source and now has an opportunity to go global.
15 years of a dying dream of "selling a language". You don't sell languages anymore.
Don't care how good your language is, people don't want to buy a "language chip" they can't modify
I'm not really even asking for super huge things. In years I've gotten the name to change from REBOL to Rebol (good move IMO) and lobbied hard and long for FUNCT to take the name FUNCTION. I turned 180 degrees and ceased my third major fight against APPEND/ONLY and started wanting to put /ONLY everywhere, and that's another story.
But the design at its core doesn't need major changes, and that makes these discussions a bit of a tinderbox... because fact is that I often ask not to change how it works but how it scans or looks.
And you can do that same thing and say what's the difference between Lisp having only one series type, and you can just say (paren (1 + 2)) vs. Rebol's [(1 + 2)].
The argument I have is that computational baseline has already been defined... lambda calculus and Turing Machines... you are doing nothing if you're not shaping the known computational space. I think the question of "what shapes are we making" is of the essence.
h2oman, Victoria, BC, Canada
36 3
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 36 so chat away!
And sure, is a czech guy or a french guy going to have a problem with reading a manual and it says reform ["a" b "c"]? Reform isn't a word they know, they probably didn't watch Reform School Girls on USA Up All Night hosted by Gilbert Gottfried. But I did, and a lot of the target audience did, so maybe your code looks like it was made by crackpots because what the heck is reforming a variable about?
@h2oman Welcome to StackOverflow! And beware dihydrogen monoxide, it's dangerous stuff... did you know it's the key ingredient in acid rain?
@HostileFork Exactly. I haven't seen some obscure movie, so I have no problem with reform. To me it's reformatting the string so the name fits.
@rebolek Well this is where we get into the fact that the morphology becomes far from REduced FORM and you hear it as REFORMat, and it starts to go kind of out of control. You are probably not surprised that I created USCII because I really want to define a grounding. It's my bias.
And Rebol and Red are not my projects, not my ideas.
They're just some ideas other people had that I think, deserve consideration.
And yes, I'd like to have some of my leanings and concepts integrated into them. But at the end of the day, if you want to define your own language... that's your own decision.
@HostileFork Sometimes I think that you're designing your own language but do not want to implement it and you're trying to change Red/Rebol to fit your ideas about how programming language should look.
@rebolek I've already built my own "language"; it's not based on text files, there are no tabs vs. spaces, we don't change a variable's name and then have to update it at all the reference sites, ad nauseum.
Real code is a graph - connections and concepts - the flatness of text files is a weird contortion, but a necessary one, in the way that Turing Machines are necessary.
I'm designing my own language and I have no desire to turn Rebol into it :)
Well, I will probably create a dialect in Rebol that handles most of the semantics (if not the syntax), so in that sense I'll turn Rebol into it, but thats as far as I'll go.
@kennycoc I've cited you a few times in a political discussion, hope it's ok with you. :-)
@AnthonyMichaelCook Well, if you think a dialect can't serve you, ask first... I think the system is rather capable.
Yeah, of course! Is it something public?
Oh, on here? I think I've seen it already
@kennycoc My language? Well you saw the video of the proprietary version. I think my OSS version evades the patents, it's built in C++11 on Qt
@HostileFork As far as I can tell, Rebol should be able to do everything I want. Hopefully tomorrow or this weekend I'll have time to work on it again. It's been a busy week.
Sadly, I'm a brick in the damn software patent wall.
I was young and I needed the money
Actually, I meant when you said you cited me haha
@kennycoc Ah your icon is very close to Anthony's in the small! Yes, if you scroll up, I was saying that you had raised points that I considered valid.
@AnthonyMichaelCook What kind of language? I'm interested :)
@rebolek "kind"? Well, I try to avoid the CS-y ways of classifying it, but its a prototypical language (like Self but more similar to Newtonscript) at the core with powerful built in constructs (much like Rebol), a native way of building class-like structures (without the mess that is metaclasses per Ruby). It also provides a very simple get-out-of-your-way style while still letting you optimize and tweak when needed.
The final build target will be opcode or assembly, with a VM backend for JIT to make rapid feedback cycles easier.
I'm currently investigating the balance between minimalism and rapid differentiation. I feel like Lisp and Self ended up too far in the minimal camp, but I think Rebol does a pretty good job riding that line for its syntax and has already made its impact on my design.
Interesting, I hope you're going to share the progress!
@AnthonyMichaelCook Yes, that Rebol is not "pure" in any way and let's you to combine different approaches is one of its greatest strengths, I think.
@rebolek I totally agree. Purity for its own sake generally ignores the real world. I've found that OOD is fantastic for a lot of the things I do, so making it trivial to implement and reuse those patterns is important to me. However, an OO structure isn't always the best way to a model a problem, so getting everything to work together fluidly when jumping paradigms and of course providing the essential structures for them is important.
Class-based OO languages seem to make building parsers and AST walkers very difficult. They feel very heavy and add a lot of complexity. Worse still, they aren't well optimized when compiled and they carry a lot of runtime with them.
(for example)
I agree. So I hope you will share your progress.
@HostileFork I don't particular like the "re" functions. In particular repend doesn't look right to me :(
I would prefer if all the Rebol core functions just reduced all the blocks as standard. And then either you have to quote block (ala Lisp) or perhaps (and probably better) have separate non-reducing functions with standard naming convention, for eg. append~ or append`
@draegtun I think it would stick with the "code = data" paradigm more if they did not reduce blocks by default, but I agree. or even append/reduce
If you're going to use a "function/arg" design for some things, may as well be consistent
@kennycoc I'm happy the other way round to! So nothing is reduced by default funcs and then you have (something like) append~ which reduces and appends.
Consistency is the key
Don't like append/reduce s [] though... simpler to stick to append s reduce []
@draegtun Yeah, I see your point.
I'm strongly against reduce by default. I might look like good idea first, that will save you few keystrokes, but later you find that sometimes it's better to **compose** block that to **reduce** it. And even later you find that sometimes you do not want to proceed the block at all.
**Repend** was added because **append reduce** was very common patter. But that doesn't mean that we should change **append** to reduce by default. I understand that you may not like the name **repend** (I, as non-native English speaker, have no problem withe word),but OTOH something like **append/reduce** is ba
Hm, why it's not formatted?
NB. Obviously ~ is currently being used by AND~, OR~ etc so alternative maybe needed.
@draegtun What is the difference between 'and and 'and~?
just where the arguments are located?
@kennycoc Just trying to find good characters to use as convention! I don't think and` (apostrophe) or and` (backtick) will fly though it does have some semantic meaning from lisp (for quote).
@kennycoc and is infix, and~ is prefix.
~ feels better.
but yes it is already being used
You could use append^ for a non-reduced append
But might look odd for a reduced append :)
ie. ^ going up or increase... opposite of reduce :)
I guess that in the end you will find that adding some random character isn't that great idea and that re-xxx functions are good thing :)
@rebolek Yes I think I prefer default to not reduce. Just need to find some common convention to use for the reducing function names.
@rebolek Most likely!
Could always find some unicode char for it :)
append↓ :)
or appendâ–¼
Seriously though I think I would prefer something like append* or append~ over repend.
@rebolek re-append looks 100x better than repend
repend makes me think repent lol
Who'd be a language designer eh :)
Well Carl likes short words, so he rather invent new word than to use something like re-append. I like it. Others may not.
for those new to Rebol, originally there wasn't a compose, reduce, rejoin, repend etc but these were added as convenience functions. Everything was passed as blocks of data from memory.
But someone got tired of append series reduce series2 and came up with repend.
If there is some much hostility to these words just take them out of core and put them into an optional set of words.
computer languages do grow organically
@draegtun Yes, and Rebol is not english.
English is not English either! Mixture of many different languages.
And the latest of the re words added was reword and not that long ago too!
@GrahamChiu That's very important point that some people do not seem to get. It's not English so words like repend, rejoin or prin are perfectly acceptable.
@rebolek I'm willing to look at suggestions that are better but that's what we ended up with. They don't define the language.
Do we prefer rejoin or concatenate or cat ?
@rebolek I'm happy with prin funny enough (sorry about that @HostileFork). But not repend and consistency of re usage (for eg. ajoin)
And I disagree that changing the names means changing the nature of the language. These are all mezzanine words in Rebol2
@GrahamChiu You may say it isn't English, but the majority of the words in the language say otherwise..
@kennycoc Is Rebol an english word?
English is more than words. Especially given that most english words are french, german, latin, and greek.
@AnthonyMichaelCook And we invent new words all the time eg. transistor
@AnthonyMichaelCook Add Danish, Gaelic and probably more to that as well!
@GrahamChiu I believe it is a made up word
Yes, but I said "mostly" and those cover more than 60% of the language. It includes japanese and hindu words too.
Ah yes Shampoo etc :)
So, the argument that words aren't yet in the english dictionary fails
That said, I actually prefer that a programming language sticks to some of the convention of a human language plus the domain specific conventions of the profession. An important linguistic component of a language is the ability to create new words according to some set of rules.
@GrahamChiu It is an acronym of english words. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebol#Etymology
I'm a bit of a linguist, so apologies if I get too far into the metaphor.
And it may be that some of the rigor used in creating Rebol's core set of words was not applied to mezzanines ...
But, if you don't like it, redefine them.
There's been plenty of discussion on this now, and too much emotion. I'd suggest that someone write a blog to advocate their position, and leave it to discuss another day.
I think whats important is to distinguish the philosophy of the tool and the language from one's own preferences. A programming language - much like a human language - has a structure deeper than its grammar and into the sounds and structure of the words. Linguistics call this morphology. These sub-word components can allow a user to intuit meaning of new words and to form words according to the establish conventions.
But we have evolution which doesn't obey such laws.
We had the reformation here, a changement in religion, people can be reformed, still REFORM is ok with me, no strange associations. Some words have more than one meaning.
Saw your PR for REPRINT. Good you reprinted a 'on second thought' as comment.
While in English the "re" prefix tends to mean "again" or "repetition", in Rebol is seems to be from "reduce", which is a common task in Rebol. This as a morphological component makes sense, especially fi its at least somewhat consistent.
(for example)
And reword it is used as a substitution
Yep. Do you think that "reword" makes more or less sense than some other alternative?
Anyway we know everyone's position .. no one's giving way so let's move on.
@GrahamChiu I agree. If someone's not happy with re-words, they can write their no-re.reb that redefines them. No need to lose time on this anymore.
@rebolek So, I'll be interested in what alternatives they come up with.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 2582 so chat away!
2 hours later…
>> alive?
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: alive? has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
>> source alive
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
alive undefined
>> t: to binary! "<script> a<b; c>0" </script> decode 'markup t
@giuliolunati That's very interesting.
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [<script> " a" <b; c> "0"]
so I must write my own decode...
>> t: to binary! "<script> a<b; c>0 </script>" decode 'markup t
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [<script> " a" <b; c> "0 " </script>]
>> t: to binary! "<script> a<b </script>" decode 'markup t
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [<script> " a" "b"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [<script> " a" <b </script>]
@rebolbot goodnight!
@giuliolunati What?
once upon a time you were more polished... ;-)
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: once has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
"Rebol is like Lisp, only less so." (corollary to "Self is like Smalltalk, only more so")
@RebolBot goodnight
@GrahamChiu goodnight to you too
@giuliolunati I guess the parser could remove unnecessary punctuation
Oh... right!
@rebolbot goodnight
print "Graham goodnight to you too!"
@giuliolunati goodnight to you too
To rebeat the dead horse, I think the point is about empathy and foundations. @REbolek says "make no-re.red" and live in a forked world while I would say make iheart-re.red and send off on that fork.
What we should be focusing on is probably to make it really not matter, so the module system affords successful integration of code from disparate points of view
One goal is -- after all -- expressive freedom.
But baseline matters too when we start talking about adoption.
Others might point to the lack of convention for modifying vs non modifying as a pet peeve. Why are sort and REverse not named in a way to suggest modification?
@HostileFork That seems to be a problem in many languages that don't focus on avoiding side effects. Personally, I'd like to know what happens in-place and what dups.
as I suggested, strip these words out of core
rejoin [ "a" either true ["b"][""] "c" ]
stuff was a real pain
@GrahamChiu so you can empathize with my perspective that join ["a" if true ["b"] "c"] represents an improvement, not throwing away 15 years of thinking?
There are some difficult parts of Rebol that could be improved. But the target for that audience isn't doc! He's got more basic issues to solve.
Okay. Who should I bring it up with instead? I already have brought it up, this one is coming up on a year old.
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