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@kennycoc It might be interesting for you to, for instance, read this discussion about multi-line comments. What you'll often find is that the self-selected subgroup that has stuck with Rebol is more or less pleased with it; as evidenced by the fact that if they were displeased, they would use something else.
I argue that broadening the horizons requires taking the great tech and explaining it well, and not considering the existing "install base" to be a barrier to improvement. Rebol3 was Carl's attempt to tackle some of the shortcomings he perceived in Rebol2; but I think if you ask DocKimbel he would say that the only real advantage for practical purposes it offered was Unicode support and the rest was a refactoring that took too long and offered marginal value.
As with most things, you will find a number of perspectives. If you want to know the right perspective, though, ask me for mine. ;-P
I know my opinion doesn't mean much, but "because language x that we make no claim to be compatible with doesn't do this we won't either" is never a valid reason. It's not so much that he is against making func safe or having multiline comments that bothers me. It would be perfectly fine if there was a valid reason for it, but when you are defining a new language, that is the time to think about these design choices logically and decide what the best choice really is.
@kennycoc Well, the perceived problem is that design is an infinite task. Red is gigantic, and if there isn't a bit of a "stay focused" and if the whole design is brought under review, that could make it explode to something not easily manageable.
So when you, or I, or anyone calls something into question... like whether there are multiline comments, or why it's so precarious for new users to not get feedback that they didn't make a copy when that's probably what they meant... it is pushed aside. There's a reason for it.
Bill Cosby said: "I don't know what the secret to success is. But the secret to failure is trying to please everyone."
(And as if proving that concept, I don't think he's all that funny. And I've listened to his old records and stuff, too. I just don't laugh. Not my thing.)
In my opinion, literally everything should be under question. I'm not saying the goal should be to please everyone, but the goal should be to have it be the best it possibly can. If you don't plan things out before hand you get something like batch scripting that evolved with use, and is utterly complicated
I'm happy to assist in your questioning and so are other people here. I think the interesting thing is that if you question something early on, experience can change it to the point where you realize there is another way of looking at it. I like to give the example of how Rebol's evaluator makes AND and OR awkward...
>> if 1 < 2 and 3 < 4 [print "Math works!"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-expect-val.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: expected logic! not integer!
** Where: and
** Near: and 3 < 4 [print "Math works!"]
The evaluator churns, it does not work, and life is sad. You have to write:
>> if (1 < 2) and (3 < 4) [print "Math works!"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Math works!
And you can crunch along getting bit by things like this, where you'd think precedence is the answer.
Then someone tells you: "oh, do you know about ALL, or ANY?"
if all [
    1 < 2
    3 > 4
] [
   print "Math works!"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== none
Ooops typo.
if all [
    1 < 2
    3 < 4
] [
   print "Math works!"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Math works!
And you start to find that there is a lot of deep experience underneath the design. You learn about it a piece at a time. Using other languages becomes painful. And it's that feeling which drives the acceptance that it's good enough. Though I agree with you, it's worth asking questions.
If I were to ask the reason for this and if this is the way it should be, and the response I get is "it increases the speed by a factor of x" I would say, that's valid, I'll remember to use parenthesis. But if I get "that would be changing the language" honestly, I would probably lose all interest in the project.
@kennycoc Well, I'm here trying to make the answer factory give better answers than "I never needed it" or "That's the way we've always done it and it's good enough for us" or "If you make that change I will burn your house down it's an abomination (in response to a detailed proposal, and leaving the word 'abomination' undefined)". I push against that.
It can be an uphill battle, but I wouldn't fight it if I didn't think there was a reason to. There is.
You have already noted the lack of technical specs, documentation that existed to lay things out before the code was written. If you look further you will notice some other "red marks" on the record for Rebol in the metrics department. Few codebases are collaborative and worked on by more than one person. A lack of commenting.
But what the "war against software complexity" is about is something that is cut to the heart of in the projects, both Rebol and Red. It's innovative, it's fun, it's different. The culture won't change overnight, but things are changing.
The very existence of this chat room is actually a huge change. And we're one of the more popular rooms.
The use of GitHub, the embrace of tools not written in Rebol.
So, is there actually a reason why order of operation is not used in red? If it's a compiled language I highly doubt it makes it any slower to have to determine the precedence
@kennycoc There is actually a reason, yes. The consequences will be mitigated by EXPR, which should take care of any complaints; and Red should be able to have a compiler hook for folding up EXPR so it's not in interpreted code.
@kennycoc The thing is that when you're working in a system; let us say the LEGO system, then you have a composition model whose uniformity may seem limited, but the limitations are there for composability. The arbitrary rules of precedence are handcuffs to build into the core evaluator. If you are to have it, you should cordon it off so it doesn't damage the whole engine.
Otherwise you wind up with garbage.
That is not a LEGO alligator. This is a LEGO alligator.
As mentioned I'm kind of in the midst of something, and I have a deadline, so I don't have the usual time to rap about it. But I'll assure you that building precedence into the language is a bad idea; much better to have EXPR or similar for those who demand it.
That's an instance we can prove with counterexamples and showing why it's a bad idea, without retorting with a "because we don't do it that way". Multi-line comments and mutable literals in functions is more of a gray area. Compromising the engine strength for something as arbitrary as precedence... that's not a gray area... it's actively bad. Put it in a dialect if you want it.
@kennycoc But don't give up. Keep with the questions. Your x: quote y: then x 10 print y example was insightful. I have no doubt that you'll have more, but also that you'll find some pretty engaging things in the project. I'll have your back if you argue that a bad design decision should be addressed with corrections--if it turns out to be actually incorrect. But in that case, for instance, I think the right thing happens and I can explain why.
It's not easy for a newcomer to tell the difference between wisdom and B.S.
So basically it's like that to offer more flexibility. If I don't want to follow precedence I don't have to, but if I do, I can use expr so it behaves normally
"Normally" relative to what's generally expected
It's to make the substrate more uniform. Precedence is wily.
I don't know if you've ever heard of "noise shaping" but it's like, in some systems, there's an overall "noise power" that cannot be eliminated in the system.
While you can't eliminate the total amount of "noise power", you can push it around so that it's in the places you're not interested in
It's the basic of any design or architecture. As the motto here goes: "make the common cases easy, make the uncommon cases possible"
The conventions of mathematical precedence are really only interesting when you're doing math, and that's not a lot of what Rebol was designed for. The engine is uniform for predictability and composability, and bending it to bias toward math would compromise its simplicity. It would be the odd jaw clip on the bad LEGO alligator, or the tail held in by a pin, or the weird feet that keep you from attaching it to a baseplate.
And I'll sign off on that being a good thing for Red to keep true.
When you put it that way, I definitely agree.. Do you know why languages like c++ chose to implement order of operations?
@kennycoc C++ did a great many things to be compatible with C, I don't know that such things were up for question.
When you put it that way, I definitely agree.. Do you know why languages like c++ chose to implement order of operations?
@BrianH pointed out some precedence rules that he prefers, if one is going to have them.
Yeah, I understand that, dumb question. What about c
The thing with stuff like reverse polish notation and the various stack-based paradigms isn't that they're not logical and in some ways ideal. But that human perception is based on vision and we have these 2D images fed into our stereographic eyes, and so we arrange the world in that fashion. Computers do not have that, so we're always trying to match how we visually organize information to how computers need it expressed to understand it.
Precedence is just about how things that lay equations out in two dimensions make groupings and perceive a "clear" grouping vs. a "confusing" one.
Here's a video I put together of Saturday's work on my truck: youtube.com/watch?v=zC2b04IlJB8
After the engine work, I plan on replacing the gauges on the dashboard with a Rebol/Red-powered ODROID and a touchscreen. The truck will eventually get some paint and updated lights/signals plus some permanent cameras mounted under the body (waterproofed and hardened) and elsewhere to make off-roading more efficient as I'll be able to see where the tires are in relation to the obstacles. :-)
@Respectech If you put it back together and it runs, then I will be impressed. :-)
"I've been told that having the right tools makes the job a lot easier. But I'm a big cheapskate." Heh. :-)
@HostileFork I'm becoming less of a cheapskate the more time I spend fighting with rusted/corroded/stripped nuts and bolts!
@HostileFork As will I.
@Respectech Speaking of good tools, do you have a Vise-Grip? I use that thing all the time.
@HostileFork I have two.
Money well spent. Don't know how I lived without it.
@HostileFork I don't know how I lived without my Leatherman. I use that thing EVERY day.
@Respectech Well good luck, are you going to go all the way and "pimp your ride"? New paint job, chrome on the engine, like the car I cite in "Is Rebol Actually a Revolution?"? :-)
@Laura Welcome back R-phile. Sorry that I've been on a quest to "un-R" Rebol and Red. It seems to me that there are much more interesting mental hooks than "starts with R" (especially given the existence of a language called... R)
Coming to Rebol from a mostly C++ mindset I found a lot of things weird and convoluted, and lamented a bit that some of the advantages you might think would come for free (like being able to find the "parent" of a block in the data structure, if you have a reference to the block) just weren't how it worked. So the DOM has to be done with objects, etc. etc. No free lunch.
But dealing with JavaScript and jQuery, it's way, way more weird and convoluted.
They turn everything into an object, and wire it up in wacky Rube Goldberg fashion, that if you really dig into what they're doing it's kind of mindblowingly insane.
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@rgchris I'd suggest we change the help function to point to the new site. A link on the new site then points to github where the help is drawn from and people can make pull requests to make changes to the help.
We can also add a Disqus chat to each page if necessary for those who don't have github accounts
@GrahamChiu Well, the idea of the binary keeping track of the FILE and LINE of things is a bit less churn than every code change that bumps around the line numbers resulting in a PR to the help site.
It's hardly expensive. The list of files is finite, the line numbers are integers, the table is a drop in the bucket.
The main problem is that action! is type dependent; so you couldn't say source append and get one result, it would be a list... for BLOCK!, this file/line. For STRING!, this file/line. etc.
@HostileFork I wasn't thinking of tracking each line .. just the file name.
Might as well go the whole way.
It's a super helpful idea
And not difficult
"late 80s cash register"
"Rather than creating a new foundation for a lasting technical Utopia, we are building a world where our technologies are as brittle as our biological roots. Our systems—real and virtual—are all vulnerable to mysterious cancers and viruses beyond any reasonable control."
@HostileFork No, "pimping" is too expensive. I want it to look good from the outside, and I'll do a little work spiffing up the engine. If it costs a little more to get a nicer part, then I'll get that part. If it costs a lot more, I'll go with the cheaper model. But I want it to be reliable and decent looking with the best driving experience for all driving conditions.
@HostileFork What was the rationale in disabling "weird words" in metaprogramming?
I don't necessarily disagree in general, but it seems for Rebol it could reduce the expressive power of dialects.
OF course you can still parse it out, or preprocess it, but that's adding layers.
@Respectech I <3 the Element but do question the wisdom of whether I should work to sustain something as trivial as a vehicle or just sell it, they retain their value well... tough call.
Maybe I just want the money.
@AnthonyMichaelCook You mean, what was the rationale in Rebol3 of not allowing things with spaces or starting with numbers?
As far as I can tell the answer is "because it was possible to put in a rule". The lack of mutability of words means that there is a moment of word-as-symbol creation, you can check it there, the check was put in because it seemed like a good idea.
That moment doesn't exist with other things, and they go through indeterminate states, so you wind up with stuff like...
url: hostilefork.com
reverse-url: reverse url
print mold type? reverse-url
print mold reverse-url
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
At minimum, I think mold should try and roundtrip what it is given and compare the value to see if it got the same thing back without error, and if not, invoke construction syntax.
But this is where I kind of want to stomp around and tell DocKimbel and anyone who might listen that the right answer is not to ignore the issues; and say "well, I managed and my work got done... don't bother me with these details"... to say that if you have that kind of response you will wind up being marginalized.
And yes, of course, there is the famous WAT!!! talk about how bad other languages are, and they "succeed" in spite of crazy lack of coherence. For some definition of success.
@AnthonyMichaelCook But to answer you about why weird words were disallowed, it's only because they could be. @DocKimbel used "weird words" as out of band and likely not occuring in source. In fact, he put in performance measuring symbols like to-word "<s>" with a comment ; superman's logo ;-) or something akin to that.
@HostileFork It is a tough proposition on how much money to put into a used car. As far as my truck goes, I've already replaced a bunch of stuff, so I know those things are reliable. The things I haven't replaced are relatively minor (except the transmission).
But I'm using it as a learning experience. Also, like Rebol, it's good to know it inside and out so when you need to accomplish something, there isn't a big grey area of uncertainty on whether or not it CAN be accomplished, and how hard it will be to accomplish it.
It does strike me that restricting the metaprogramming space of what's legal to have in a word is the wrong answer, or at least if it is decided to be the right answer, that a broader theory is required.
I'd suggest it in the category of "questionable choices in Rebol3". What Rebol3 should have really been about would have been fixing mold and round-tripping and construction syntax.
e.g. mold to-word "<s>" producing something like #[word! "<s>"].
Outlawing it just seems random, piecemeal... tying people's hands for little effect when you have no general solution to the problem.
@Respectech I spend a lot of time on philosophy, and I'd say doing something to learn from it is probably one of the better reasons there is to do something. Just be ready to accept the likely result of tinkering... which is destruction of the thing you're messing with.
@HostileFork I actually snorted with laughter at that example.
@AnthonyMichaelCook My web URL backwards is kind of funny. Like mock krofelitsoh... pttthhh!
@HostileFork I'm reading about CLU right now and a quote from their documentation is "Conventions are no substitute for enforced constraints." However, I think the metaprogramming barrier is an adequate constraint. So long as it doesn't impede the ability to optimize the code on a parser or evaluation level, then I think the additional verboten decree is overkill.
And evian spelled backwards is naive. Coincidence, for paying for tap water in a plastic bottle? It's from France...
@HostileFork Interestingly, Evian isn't a French word as far as I can tell.
@HostileFork Learning is the main reason why I am doing it. It was going to go to the junkyard if I couldn't fix it. If I try to fix it and mess it up, it is going to the junkyard. If I try to fix it and succeed, then I keep it and save some money. But in any case, I learned a whole lot through the process.
@AnthonyMichaelCook It seems like wasted cycles vs. getting round-trip on more token types. I'd suggest removing the restriction.
@HostileFork I believe (hope?) that the final work is not yet spoken in that matter. Cleaning up the to-string|form|mold|mold/all mess is another epic that still needs to be tackled.
(Unpleasant gut-shot territory, at the moment ...)
@earl "Rebol's development timeline is synchronized to clock of the long now.". I try to convince myself that time is a construct, and urgency is a contextual illusion. Pretty sure that's right.
@HostileFork If the constraints were built in at the parser level for simplicity then I could buy it. But if thats not the case then it does seem rather arbitrary. For instance, in my (currently hypothetical) GRAMMAR dialect I was considering using angle brackets in the Perl6 style for parameterized rules and character classes. I may have to do a lot of additional work or choose a different syntax to get away with that in R3.
@AnthonyMichaelCook You should not be afraid to modify Rebol3. It is open source. Our political attempts to align and converge a baseline should not be mistaken for prohibition on doing interesting things with modified versions.
That particular prohibition you can axe by basically deleting one line.
@AnthonyMichaelCook The constraints typically are a mix of scanner implementation feedback and opinion (and sometimes just plain implementation side-effects).
@HostileFork IN some parts of France better drink Evian than tap water or /ELSE ;-)
@HostileFork I do so love adding features by deleting code. It might even be one of my favorite things in the world.
@AnthonyMichaelCook I had a good day of that with blackhighlighter. I had initially conceived of this idea of "different color pens" where you would make "redaction groups" and after you redacted you'd get certificates for each pen color, and the pens had names, and it complicated everything.
Then I thought "why doesn't each redaction just have its own hash and salt at commit time, and you can build a certificate out of any set of redactions"? Suddenly you could take any span and selectively reveal it but not the others. It refactored the problem.
Your default certificate is for all of them, but you can then build sub-certificates if you need to. A lot of incomplete, difficult to expand on code was wiped out by a simplifying assumption.
@HostileFork Yeah, and if you want to create "colors" now, you can just group them and name them.
"good architecture lets you defer decisions" (paraphrase)
@AnthonyMichaelCook Right, you don't need to a priori invent the colors at redaction time; you come up with them at reveal time through a separate interface. You tick which redactions you want to build into a certificate if and when the reveal comes up.
But the default certificate is for your recipient; the person you (want to) trust. That person can then use the same subsetting interface if they want to reveal parts but not all.
Another phrase I like to use when talking about simplicity in design is terra firma
@HostileFork It also allows pipe-lining the process so you don't have to do it at all, but a consumer process can take the raw output and do something more creative with it. It lets you do asymmetric groups (eq show user A 1, 3, 5 and user B 1, 2, 4) in only two lists rather than the 3 required before.
@HostileFork Hey is that not the little shed from 'the enemy of the state"?
@HostileFork Barack is here today, he says hi!
I've been playing with this: exploringdata.github.io/vis/…
@iArnold My roommate fancied himself as living a unabomber-like existence, but other than that, I think it's just a house in a cornfield in rural North Carolina where pathetic dog no longer lives.
@iArnold The US president? If he's there, show him blackhighlighter. Maybe if he decides to actually practice transparency (instead of just giving it lip service) he'll support it. :-)
@AnthonyMichaelCook Someone found Rebol on the stackoverflow infographic universe, I'd have to dig that up.
@HostileFork This interactive graph is just scraped from Wikipedia, but it does include Rebol and a large number of other interesting languages.
I wonder what aspects of Self influenced Rebol. I've been reading up on Self a lot, its a big inspiration to me.
@AnthonyMichaelCook Search for @iArnold 2501556 here: ekisto.sq.ro
Rebol is around that neighborhood. :-)
@AnthonyMichaelCook Prototypes (at least that's the claim; Rebol's implementation is comparatively weak).
Okay only 180 km away from where I am :-)
@HostileFork Thats pretty surreal.
It's probably easier to get a picture with Barack than with Bo.
@earl Where? In the type system? Or the object system? (I haven't played with Rebol's object system at all)
@AnthonyMichaelCook A prototype-based object system, yes.
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foo: make object! [x: 1 y: 2]
bar: make foo [y: 20 z: 30]
? foo
? bar
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
FOO is an object of value:
   x               integer!  1
   y               integer!  2

BAR is an object of value:
   x               integer!  1
   y               integer!  20
   z               integer!  30
@HostileFork I am almost falling of the edge of the universe!
@earl Well thats handy.
@AnthonyMichaelCook Right. No automatic child/parent links and thus no automatic delegation, though (that's the basis for my "weak" remark).
@earl There's a couple of different schools of thought about how prototyping should work, I personally like all of them for different reasons.
@AnthonyMichaelCook I definitely prefer those with a standard way for prototype links (e.g. Self, Io, heck, even JS) over those without.
@earl Of course, but each is useful. The way some implementations work they don't just defer functionality, but they defer data. I consider this hilarious. If they're CoW its not so bad, but can be really unintuitive.
@AnthonyMichaelCook Yeah, same in Self, no? (Just slots, no method/data distinction.)
My point is, that Rebol doesn't defer anything :) It's just plain cloning (copying), and no link between clone and clonee after that.
@earl That's my current understanding of Self, yes. Since all slots contain "just objects" (except assignment slots) and there's no way to tell from the outside which is a method versus which is a value object.
@earl Yeah, it'd be helpful is it maintained a link to the prototype, at least so you could reflect on where it came from.
Although, since Self (and Rebol) objects are mutable after creation, you can add slots to them. Children don't inherit those slots which could be annoying.
In Self, you regularly create stripped down objects with just a parent link to facilitate this inheritance.
A pattern later (or even originally?) dubbed "traits".
Ah, probably time to dig out Self again :)
Traits are a sort of non-inheritance interface defining system as I recall.
But I suppose they could be used for just defining tags. I hadn't considered that.
I've done something similar in Ruby actually, including a module just so I can check for the module later.
Instead of adding a flag attribute, for instance.
Modules are the most overused yet misused primitive in Ruby. Or at least they give Hashes a run for their money.
Here's the video of the work I did yesterday on my truck (in case you want to see me point and talk some more): youtube.com/watch?v=_qtHVioJutg
@HostileFork re: blog.hostilefork.com/major-rebol-language-quirks The finite parameter quirk did catch me off guard at first, but I quickly adapted. It's a little odd because you may not always know/remember how many arguments something takes, but it's pretty easy to figure out. I think it gets more fun that you can put a few expressions on one line that are conceptually grouped without using any explicit additional statement separator.
I couldn't care less about operator precedence so I almost always use parens anyway so there was no learning curve there. The multiple references to the same scalar is a little odd but not extremely so, especially as I've encountered in C and Ruby in a few situations.
@AnthonyMichaelCook If you missed it, almost 6 years later: blog.hostilefork.com/arity-of-rebol-red-functions
Not that I programmed a lot in Rebol in that timespan, I wandered away until the open source announcement. Closed source tools are generally non-negotiable with me, a few guilty exceptions.
@HostileFork One of the main reasons I'm actually using Rebol now is because I'm building my own language, it has a great many conceptual overlaps with Rebol (perhaps partly due to BrianH's influence, but I was working on it before I met him). Coincidentally, a lot of the concepts that seem so foreign to other programmers make total sense to me. While my language specification doesn't do expression significant arity like Rebol, it's not a huge leap in logic.
I like 1-based indexing with 0-based offsets, I don't care about operator precedence, I prefer meaningful whitespace to repetitive delimiters.
@AnthonyMichaelCook I think you should continue to draw out your "ideal cases" and then let people here have a go at it. I was on the phone when I saw your parse example and the Rebol comments, I'm afraid I didn't go back to look at it, but if you feel your question wasn't sufficiently resolved and can reframe it as a perceived failing that would require the design of another language, I think that's worth talking about
Rebol isn't exactly what I have in mind, but its close enough that its more effective to work on proof-of-concepts and bootstraps in Rebol than in say, Ruby, even though I've been developing in Ruby professionally for over 7 years now.
@HostileFork I've done some brainstorming on parsing DSLs while being unaware of Rebol PARSE, what I came up with isn't terribly different. I'm cautious about retrofitting things just to get them "good enough" when the real root cause analysis would result in something much better than just a kludge. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do about adding in the desperately needed features to PARSE, but I'm going to frame it as starting a new project and then re-use as much of PARSE as possible.
Also, Rebol just seems much more efficient (if not as library-rich) than either Ruby or Perl6 for this task. And while still "not done cooking", it feels much more polished than Perl6 (which has superior grammar and parsing facilities).
Also Perl feels so very static after using Ruby and Rebol.
@AnthonyMichaelCook A blog entry summarizing that superiority would be good impetus for improvement. Remembering of course that the baby in this bathwater is tightly controlled dependencies.
Something other language users tend to not fight tooth-and-nail against.
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@HostileFork I don't see why additional dependencies would be necessary. I like that Rebol is tiny and self contained.
I've joined the party; in blackhighlighter, I'm making sure the widget that does all the work depends only on jQuery. If you use jQuery, you can use the widget. I'm collapsing Base64 encoding snippets, SHA256, roping things off... kind of like how Rebol draws a line in the sand and you can really just build it with an ANSI C compiler. No sudo apt-get blahblah-dev or otherwise needed.
@Respectech I'm interested in the Full Stack aspect of Red. I'm currently enjoying programming Ruby on iOS with RubyMotion and when our iOS is done, I'm hoping to use Ruby on Android. But it would be cool to have a device agnostic language that is as cool and fun to use as Ruby. :)
All the functionality I desire is actually already possible with some amount of additional effort. So I figure once there's a good proof-of-concept it should be fairly trivial to decompose the new features and roll them into the core as needed to optimize the implementation.
@Laura I have recently written about how I kept saying that JavaScript would wind up on the server, and people showed me some demos, and I never bothered to install them. Who's laughing now? I think Red is in that incubatory phase, kind of a wave of inevitability, like Node was back in the day.
In my personal and very biased opinion its just that the legions of bad JS developers could suddenly not expend the effort to learn a better server-side language. Hence node.
A: How to properly intialize a pointer to a double value within a struct?

kealistHere is a way to get a pointer to a double value: speed1-struct: make struct! [s [struct! [d [double]]]] [0.0] speed1*-struct: make struct! [i [int]] third speed1-struct speed1*: speed1*-struct/i And the evaluation showing it returns a pointer (shown as int): >> speed1-struct: make struct! [s...

@Laura In my opinion, Red is more fun than Ruby. :-)
But I'm biased.
Sounds pretty neat!
posted on March 24, 2014 by Rebolek

http://lest.iluminat.cz/ has been updated with conditions. Everything can be replaced with condition now. Few examples: either why-not? div span "content" div either [now/time < 12:00] .am .pm "Hello" etc...

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