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Q: How to create custom keyboard like "Letterpress" app?

Ashutosh MishraI want to make a custom keyboard like "Letterpress" app with some animation on it. Provide me any idea or suggestion from which i can move forward to make this. Any link or suggestion would be helpful. Thanks

I don't know why it is downvoted
Provide a screenshot of the mentioned app and tell us where you're stuck.
They have animation when you click on keyboard the letters have animation to move on the black space and on clear button all the letters got their old position.It has animation so i can't provide any screen shot but the link
I still don't understand where you're stuck.
Have you ever seen this word game? Because where as i think there is no UIKeyborad. I have to make my own with the same animation
Yes, there is no keyboard used since iOS doesn't allow you to customize keyboard. Those "keys" are just images placed onto screen in a particular fashion. On tap, they animate into one of the empty slots.
Thanks MarOux for your suggestion but i want it to more clear,Can you discuss me on chat this to make it more clear?
So what's the problem?
Hi! MarOux!
Hope you are doing good
Hi Ashutosh.
How are you?
I'm good, thanks for asking.
Now i am coming back to point
I want to make a game app which will include animation of 3-4 game app on app store
So in one of these there is one Letterpress custom keyboard animation
So I want the idea how to accomplish it ?
Are you there?
@Arpit- but it is custom keyboard with no animation which suits to my job
Have you seen this word game @arpit
See there is no keyboard customization.
every key is a image
and it detects taps
when user taps on image, it animates
Yeah i also thinking the same
that's pretty much it.
did you try doing this?
I have to animate the buttons there and on clear button they will occupy their initial position. Isn't it?
Are you stuck in the animation?
No not now
Yeah I am not very proficient on animation
So i have to put more stuff on this
There are a lot of resources on how to use UIView animations. This should be pretty straight forward.
Try it out and let me know if you're stuck somewhere..
If you don't mind I want to connect you on skype rather than stackOverfloe to make faster communication
But only if you don't mind
you can drop me a line at aniruddhamaru at
Gotta go right now. bye
at skype
Or you are giving me your mail id?

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