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Q: MVC 4 - Entity Framework, ViewModel and Validation

TraffyI'm using MVC 4 and Entity Framework for a project. I have a Create Product View which is strongly-typed with a ProductViewModel : public class ProductViewModel { public Product Product { get; set; } public ProductType ProductType { get; set; } public List<SelectListItem> ProductTy...

Add the creation of the product in a separated form (not nested) to avoid the parent validation and then repopulate the parent dropdownlist with the created product selected.
Thanks @MystereMan, I did it (but I still have my problem, haha).
@MaximilianoBecerraBustamante thanks for your answer but the requirement is to centralize the product and the product type so I have to do like this...
@Traffy , if you try using Data Annotations? you can set "Required" field in your model for each property, if you dont explicit this property (Required) ModelState.IsValid not consider validate this property. Data Annotations -> link
Yes I know that. Have a look on the screenshot I've posted. It isn't my ModelName and CompanyName fields which are the problem but the ProductType.Model of my ViewModel.
mm mvc 4 adds unobstrusive jquery validation by default. once i had validation problem with that. And the Debugger shows [5] ProductType.Model -> in your model you has ``public ProductType ProductType { get; set; }`` both Capitalized, can that make some noise?
. Im trying to replicate your issue :)
im here :)
In fact, I just want to check if my optional field is filled
if it is not, I'm using the value selected in the dropdown list
But it seems that my optional field is a required field
first sorry for my english im from chile south america :)
not a problem :)
i had that error when i work with telerik controls, and the main error was the unobstrusive validation of jquery
How did you resolve this?
Because I can't separate it into 2 views :/
and if you try using data annotations?
I'm using a ViewModel
With data annotation
ahh okay i not see that in the post ^^
ypu add the required directive over the property?
In fact, I want to add a material
A Material = Product + Product type
ahh okay
a more complez object
So in my view
I have a drop down list of product type
(if it already exists)
or some hidden fields
such as model
but model can be null !
And that's the problem
The ModelState is not valid because I choose a product type from my dropdown list instead of fill the field
if in ypur product type you add a select option like "Create New"? in that way the object never be empty and you can read this value on server and process it
that will give you a time while you find the real error :-)
now im not convenced about that :(
The error is that the field "model" has to be filled
hahaha it is quite strange
I think I will separate it...
separate is the best way
if you give me some time i can test it because im working in this moment hahaha
we can chat to try to solve this issue
Haha thanks a lot
in this pc i dont have VS with MVC templates , i doing this in my laptop
Muchas Gracias :)
No problem :)
and in my machine i have the jquery code to overwrite the jquery validation im gonna search it
Thanks again :)
Before I forget, where are you from, in Chile?
yes im from chile :-)
and you?
But where are you living in Chile
? :)
I'm from Belgium, Brussels
In Santiago
Santiago de Chile
La Serena or Coquimbo? :D
i think that you know some abuot chile :D
im live in Santiago
La serena is near to the north of Chile
Santiago is in : Región Metropolitana
La serena is IV Región :D
My girlfriend is from Chile :)
Noooo :D
really ?
where you meet her? here or there in Belgium?
Yes :D
Here in Belgium
Congrats!! :)
im trying to improve my english :(
is dificult here to practice because everybody speaks in spanish
I know it, or at least she told me so
But I think your level is quite good :)
thank traffy
you have linkedin or something?
to stay connected (:
Mehdi Aarab :)
I'm a trainee actually
Yes :)
Did you find me? :)
Junior .net Analyst Developer (Trainee) at BuSI
yes :D
Yes :D
nedd your email to send ypu an invitation
Done :-)
my name is the same
MAximiliano Becerra Bustamante
Haha, I accepted the invitation :)
when i have some tome i will search the solution :)
in the post some guy posted about allow white spaces in your regex
i think that it could be a good idea for now
I don't think so
Oh after all, I'll try

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