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12:00 AM
I use Visual dBase ..
My address book is in clipper
Coded by the same guys that brought you .... Javascript!
MS bought FoxPro, we integrated the team into Access. A little bit of a culture shock.
Also bought Sybase
The product now known as "SQL server"
Sybase is still around isn't it?
Hrm. You're right I was under the impression they were finished
Apparently not. Well, good for them.
I'm tired of watching all these acquisitions and homogenizations.
12:06 AM
There's a big building with Sybase on the front which I pass by each week in town
Companies like Apple and MS buying software, killing off the cross-platform variants. It's the death of small businesses and I get mad.
Hello @smhnaji. Heard of Rebol, or just visiting?
@smhnaji Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 677 and so can chat to us!
@GrahamChiu is there a rep cutoff where the bot doesn't remark on the points? I'd set it at around 200 or so.
"Hi, you have 11,000 points, you can talk to us, great!" is a bit patronizing.
@smhnaji We have a robot here to do our bidding and help us teach rebol. :-)
code: [print 1 +]
append code 2
do code
print {"How 'bout {them apples}, @smhnaji?" :-P}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print 1 +] append code 2 do code print {"How 'bout {them apples}, @smhnaji?" :-P}
"How 'bout {them apples}, @smhnaji?" :-P
I think we have easily the coolest room on StackOverflow chat.
12:11 AM
I can remove the "and so .."
It really is a comeback for Rebol. Two years of dormancy.
And then BAM.
it's just to let us know who is visiting really
It was a sad two years
@HostileFork, is there a nice easy way to determine how many more arguments a word would want >.>
Erm, a block
12:12 AM
I don't want it to be inquisitive
@Sgeo Well, there's always HELP and SOURCE...
help copy
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help copy
    COPY value /part length /deep /types kinds

    Copies a series, object, or other value.
    COPY is an action value.

    value -- At position (series! port! map! object! bitset! any-function!)

    /part -- Limits to a given length or position
        length (number! series! pair!)
    /deep -- Also copies series values within the block
    /types -- What datatypes to copy
        kinds (typeset! datatype!)
@Sgeo Maybe have a look at: fm.vslib.cz/~ladislav/rebol/curry.r
(Which is probably what you are trying to build right now. If so, then sorry :)
@earl ooh neat
12:14 AM
@RebolBot delete silent
foo: func ["Hi I am a function." value [integer! string!] "I am an integer or a string, hey look it's a function specification dialect, get the picture?"] [print value]
source foo
help foo
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> foo: func ["Hi I am a function." value [integer! string!] {I am an integer or a string, hey look it's a function specification dialect, get the picture?}] [print value] source foo help foo
foo: make function! [["Hi I am a function." value [integer! string!] {I am an integer or a string, hey look it's a function specification dialect, get the picture?}][print value]]
    FOO value

    Hi I am a function.
    FOO is a function value.
@GrahamChiu Very cool! Pandoc, or did you rediscover your own converter?
"Any errors are my copyright." Hehe @Ladislav :-)
Who says Ladislav doesn't have a sense of humor. :-P
I had to download it again and reinstall only 30 mins after I had removed it wondering why it was on my hard drive in the first place!
next pass is to remove all the html entities ( not sure if I need to yet ), and then convert back to html and then to upload to an S3 site for testing
12:18 AM
@earl Is there any chance we're going to see that GitHub scrape for the issues out of CureCode? I do not think @DocKimbel will be mad.
It might also be helpful to scan all the internal links as well as the external ones to check that they all exist
do you have an example of a page with html entities handy?
@HostileFork export/scrape is already there, import is still missing.
Were you just going to use one account for everyone or get people's IDs? I'm fine with you having my GitHub password but I only said like, five things in the database
one account for everyone, with additional metadata just inside the body.
12:19 AM
I guess it doesn't matter really
@earl well, they're entities but looks like html on screen
But the thing is that if you get notifications on issues of interest to you, that's based on things being under your account, right?
@GrahamChiu ah, you mean html tags not picked up by the conversion? (not things like ©)
all of the html is in entity form
It might be worth getting the major stakeholders accounts, probably only a handful of people. Why not?
12:21 AM
eg <
@GrahamChiu raw.github.com/gchiu/rebol.net/master/Curve.txt doesn't look like it?
@HostileFork that should work with simple "ping" comments as well, but I'd have to test that first.
@earl wow .. pandoc converted it all :)
but sure, we can also do a selective mapping. don't need the passwords for that, can be done via oauth. but it's additional work :)
I sent you that thing from the guy who did an import to GitHub, right. Anyway, yeah he just used one account and posted the user data in the comments
@GrahamChiu well, except that it didn't create asciidoc tables but left the html tables in :)
12:23 AM
I should stop making assumptions of what it is supposed to do
@earl ok some manual editing might be necessary .. or some tweaking to the code
@moliad I sent Doc his flight money directly via PayPal, incidentally.
Haven't received a bill for the conference yet
They sure charge a lot of overhead. $15 on $400? :-/
Someone's making money.
@HostileFork Isn't that paying for his trip to space?
Oh .. nah, he sold paypal already
I have met two space tourists, not that one though.
When I met Richard Garriott I told him about my attempts to kill him when I was a kid. I didn't have the internet, so it never worked. He always won. ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Killing_Lord_British
@HostileFork you're not in your dream blog now!
He said: "Well you got what you deserved for your bad behavior."
No, I'm not. Richard Garriott lives in Austin.
Like, that happened and stuff. I have witnesses.
He got in a big lawsuit where while he was in space people forged some kind of letter about him quitting a company, and he came back to earth, and won the suit. Got a bunch of money. Not making that up either.
You guys think that just because I have weird dreams that the other stuff isn't true. It is. Having weird dreams doesn't make someone a liar.
Completely orthogonal.
12:34 AM
Ok it was a joke ..
Sure, I've met a couple of space tourists. But how special is that? I didn't go to space. I just met guys who did.
That's not particularly unbelievable. To meet guys who paid a bunch of money to go to space.
If anyone wants to do the scraping ...
R3GUI of course :)
"yello" ? :-/
12:35 AM
yes, it's one of the named colors
saves an extra character typing .. unless I have to spend a few minutes explaining it
when it then costs me a lot more typing
The 80s called. They want their ridiculous band name back.
should have just used "gold"
Please tell me that yello is not in the distribution as a color.
? yello
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> ? yello
YELLO is a tuple of value: 255.240.120
12:37 AM
/me ducks
print {Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do.}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print {Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do.}
Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do.
? tuple!
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> ? tuple!
tuple! is a datatype
It is defined as a sequence of small integers (colors, versions, IP)
It is of the general type scalar

Found these related words:
   aqua            tuple!    40.100.130
   base-color      tuple!    200.200.200
   beige           tuple!    255.228.196
   black           tuple!    0.0.0
   blue            tuple!    0.0.255
   brick           tuple!    178.34.34
   brown           tuple!    139.69.19
   coal            tuple!    64.64.64
Enjoy :)
12:38 AM
what happens if you're intolerant of wheat?
Is there a gluten free version ?
or hit by a brick?
Okay, new quest. Forget /ONLY.
Elimination of yello.
This should be easier.
I'd suggest buck wheat .. since it's not a grain at all
12:40 AM
any idea what it would take to have rebolbot render images and them showing up inline in the chat?
so wheat => soba
create jpg/png, upload to imgur, post link inline?
well, we need view on the try.rebol site
@Adrian suggested this before
would be fun
have to find someone to talk to Kaj who he isn't mad with
12:41 AM
or just quickly whip up our own tryrebol
@GrahamChiu Kaj is mad at people besides me?
@HostileFork sure
Well, I guess that's comforting.
Sorry, you're not special
@GrahamChiu I'm sure I can piss someone else off. I'll keep my eyes open.
So I've been using this magic trackpad and I kind of like it and I kind of hate it.
It has these buttons on the bottom, so when you push the thing down onto the surface it clicks... like, there is a physical "click" from pressing on the top, and it can sense if you're clicking leftish or rightish based on the pads underneath. You seen this thing?
$70. I hate giving money to Apple. But this is definitely a love/hate device.
I'm trying to wean myself off of the mouse
But my good ol MS mouse is just too good. Apple has never, ever, made a decent mouse.
12:48 AM
I hate my MS Arc mouse!
I have the classic. Also if you've used the MS natural keyboard, I helped design it, although the version I gave feedback on is no longer sold. It was "slimmed down" and they made all the function keys like two millimeters tall and then I don't even think you can buy that crap version anymore either.
Anyway, I had one of the preprints and used it for a month or two and gave feedback, and they used a couple of my suggestions. Mostly software.
Good lord, MS made that mouse? That's terrible.
I'd have assumed it was an apple mouse.
@GrahamChiu You still looking for this?
The Natural Keyboard is great, and anyone who tells you differently is wrong. I can type 140wpm on that thing.
12:54 AM
@rgchris appears pandoc does it all for me!
Good stuff.
@HostileFork 140wpm? I thought that was only possible on Dworak.
@HostileFork It snaps shut into a nice ball. Good to use at times but my laptop kept losing the mouse ... no idea why. So, switched from that USB mouse to bluetooth mouse.
@Respectech Dvorak is not really scientifically sound, the tests haven't held up to skeptical inquiry.
I can type very fast, but I'm limited on this keyboard, my hands are too big for it. :-( But I have to deal with the environment.
I got rid of the mouse and mousepad and now have a Wacom Intuos 5 tablet and this magic trackpad, and I'm kind of hating on the trackpad right now.
@HostileFork Well, Qwerty is designed to be inefficient for the English language. The fastest I've ever typed in official tests on Qwerty was about 104wpm without errors.
12:58 AM
@Respectech That's kind of an urban legend actually.
I wonder if they add a keyboard to google glass if you'll poke your self in the eyes
Qwerty was not designed to slow typing.
@rgchris link for the R3 S3 Diale3ct ?
1:00 AM
I've never switched to Dvorak, but in the reading I did, users showed significant (10% or so) improvement in typing speed after two weeks of re-training.
@rebolbot save "Rebol3 S3" "Rebol 3 dialect for S3" reb4.me/r3/s3
@GrahamChiu added key: Rebol3 S3
@GrahamChiu I thought it was already saved...
I had a girlfriend who set all the keyboards to dvorak and I kept having to change it. I wanted to do something special for her birthday and I thought I'd learn Dvorak so we didn't keep fighting over the keyboards in the house. But, um, I guess I wasn't devoted enough to the idea and just took her to a nice dinner or something...because frankly, I can't change how I type.
@rebolbot show links like reb4.me
@rebolbot remove "Rebol3 S3"
@GrahamChiu removed Rebol3 S3
Why didn't it list the one you just added?
bug ?
Fair enough...
1:03 AM
I think it does a 'unique on the links
Oh, I remember, I bought her a DiNovo edge which she promptly set to Dvorak.
And I would keep ranting about the fact that Dvorak is all pseudoscience and I typed faster anyway.
Perhaps at the Recode we can have a typing competition :-)
Max seemed to want there to be a "hackathon". I'm a little confused about the idea. The only suggestion I had was to teach people Rebmu
I seem to remember not buying a Spectrum ZX48 because it had a 'MARK' keyboard.
And start whipping butt on code golf contests.
We can mop the floor with those guys
@rgchris chicklet ? bubble?
If you mean by chicklet the rubber-keyed type, then that...
1:07 AM
These are puffy people who love their fugly languages. Rebmu can pown them.
I did have a rubber-keyed ZX48. To my shame, I no longer do.
I know it doesn't really mean much, but.
The Acorn Atom had the worst keyboard ever .. didn't those guys ever think of adding some debounce routines into their driver
My Osborne 1 had a ribbon cable, I think there must have been one wire per key.
It's "portable"
You can see, how they cleverly left slots for your disks... you can pack it up and underneath the drives... room for the disks! See!
Luggable I think was the term
1:09 AM
(Forget the fact that it takes two drives to boot, and that both drives are larger than the screen)
Well that's downright pretty by comparison
@HostileFork Nice big display...
Good for youtube?
The thing is that I learned BASIC on that Osborne. And as a kid, I'd read all these Choose your own Adventure books
So the whole IF THEN ELSE GOTO/GOSUB was a very good fit for making choose your own adventure games
I played Zork on this one
1:12 AM
Good lord, those joysticks.
The SX64/CBM64 disk drive came with some text adventure games
What were you 2-player playing on that!?!!
I think I still have a one-button joystick—in storage with my A600.
"The A is going to drop on the B. Oh no! Watch out B."
@HostileFork pong? That was the competition
1:15 AM
Sigh. I'm gonna start digging out Cyber 910s and Piper supercomputers from the old days if we're going to get into this kind of war.
@HostileFork The ZX48 was a thing of gaming beauty, indeed.
Launched quite a few game companies, some doing quite well.
But I'll lose to anyone who has used a punch card. That's where I never treaded.
Heck, didn't ever want to "win" in that way :)
What... is... that.
Thats's where I learned BASIC.
1:18 AM
It looks like it has some kind of hydrogen-fuel pack on the right.
Anyone use Lisp?
Wax cylinders?
Floppy drives!
make error! [
code: 513
type: 'Access
id: 'Protocol
arg1: {Redirect to a protocol different from HTTP not supported}
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: none
where: none
@Tyrick Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ.
1:19 AM
code: [print 1 +]
append code 2
do code
print {Welcome {to the jungle}, @"Tyrick"}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print 1 +] append code 2 do code print {Welcome {to the jungle}, @"Tyrick"}
Welcome {to the jungle}, @"Tyrick"
Ok, that's what I used to learn basic too
@GrahamChiu Classy
Hello @Tyrick, sorry we're all whipping out our histories here, it's not pretty. If you're not at least 40, this isn't a contest you want to get in.
1:20 AM
Sounds fair
Carry on
However, @Tyrick, we know a bit about a bit. And this is the best free advice you can get on the internet. Also, we have a friendly bot to teach you our little pet language.
This was the terminal I sat at
do reverse [{Hey, @GrahamChiu, new customer @Tyrick. Switch modes.} print]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do reverse [{Hey, @GrahamChiu, new customer @Tyrick.  Switch modes.} print]
Hey, @GrahamChiu, new customer @Tyrick.  Switch modes.
1:21 AM
A major advance on the stack of cards I used to have carry with me
I have a questions regarding using slime.. should I ask here?
they are not stackoverflow questions?
@Tyrick Our main goal is to teach people Rebol and Red. We might change your perspective on programming. If you have a pointed question that has an answer from people besides us in areas outside of our expertise, that's the general nature of StackOverflow... I'd guess that's your better bet. But if you wanna learn something awwwesommme then hang out with us.
@Tyrick First time's free!
@Tyrick I know a little about Lisp, and a little about Rebol. I think Rebol compares favorably against CL-style macros in several ways, fwiw
I mean, slime, who wants to be dealing with slime. That doesn't even sound cool.
@Tyrick If you chat with @Sgeo he's like, some big generalist and language surveyor. Probably even knows what slime is. The rest of us are junkies.
1:25 AM
@HostileFork Don't overgeneralise :)
SLIME: The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
SLIME = an emacs thing for Common Lisp
All right fine I'm the only person who doesn't know.
1:26 AM
Sgeo, or whoever let's talk some SLIME
But maybe do it in another channel :)
I could write a book about how bad that graphic is.
I haven't done enough with CL to really comment on what SLIME is like. I can comment that I love Smalltalk's environment
@HostileFork Thought you'd like it :)
@HostileFork It's not Comic Sans though.
1:27 AM
lol... sure.. anyone willing to jump channels with me?
shouldn't take but a minute
afterwards, I'll come here and hang
on a first date??
I'd like you all to see Helvetica (film), it's quite enjoyable.
Can I be in both channels at once?
and learn all about this Rebol you speak of
@Sgeo Stackchat can support multiple channels at once, obviously in different tabs, but even with one tab you can monitor another channel.
1:27 AM
@HostileFork Started to watch, can't remember why I didn't see it through.
@rgchris I've seen it 4 times!
I can't see the word "Helvetica" without thinking of Look Around You
@Tyrick If you like LISP, we have LISP plus plus, plus plus.
@HostileFork Don't tell me how it ends...
Arial did it, right? ... backstabber.
Imagine you have a Common Lisp macro. You write it such that the first argument it takes is a symbol
1:29 AM
@rgchris It was the butler. Always the butler.
But you happen to not evaluate it


General discussion about slime
Now, what happens if someone wants to use that macro, but wants to determine the symbol to pass it at runtime?
Papyrus. Sorry to spoil the ending.
come on in! ^^
I'll stay in both rooms
1:30 AM
You'd have to use eval, and in CL, that's not a very nice in
Rebol, by contrast, is quite comfortable with preprocessing the things that it gives to 'macros'. Incidentally, rather than macros, it uses plain functions, first-class, to do the same job
@HostileFork Knew it wouldn't have been Comic Sans—doesn't have the wiles.
Jaime moved to Scheme .. wonder if he has any interest returning to Rebol?
You can use Papyrus well if you are careful but no one is, the default kerning and spacing is hideous, used by every yoga dojo and fly by night thai food restaurant.
I've made papyrus work.
Comic sans, um, I have never had a use for. I read an interview with the designer of the font a while back, and he thought it was hilarious that something he did on a whim had become this reviled thing.
I think Oleg has something about ... dealing with the quandry that Rebol solves
I've sent pics to iheartpapyrus.com
Nice guy runs that
He put up my pic of a slot machine from vegas with wolves, this hideous papyrus font on a game machine in vegas... :-)
1:34 AM
@HostileFork The 'New Asian BBQ Sub' poster doesn't look half bad...
@Sgeo So did you figure out parse yet? I really do think it's important, as a piece of the puzzle
I am actually actively going to suggest we stop equating Rebol with the DO dialect. It has harmed our message.
The DO dialect has its own tail wagging the dog logic.
Haven't looked at it in depth yet
So you start getting this groupthink like: "Oh of course." And it looks like a language to you, and you forgive it for all its flaws.
But it kind of sucks, and that's important. The DO dialect is forgiven for sucking because it's Rebol like... like it's wearing drag. It's pretending.
So, a dialect for executing stuff that delimits argument lists would be just fine?
@Sgeo Well the thing is that Rebol people start reading code in this... different way
Sure you could put arguments in blocks. Look at Rubol for instance.
1:38 AM
ugh don't mention Ruby code-blocks
But every twist reveals the failure in thinking of the thing you're trying to match, and then you come back to the core.
ugly non-first-class here-its-a-magic-argument-to-method things
Well I know people who make a good living in ruby
People make a good living in Java and PHP too
Ok, maybe I shouldn't be so hostile to Ruby
It's not like it's Java or PHP
Michael Hartl of rubytutorial.org is a friend of mine, and nice guy, and he's doing quite well with that.
1:40 AM
But still... it's not as nice as, say, Smalltalk
Well it's pretty young. Y'know Matz tweeted about Rebol's open sourcing, that was nice of him.
I don't "twitter" much myself :-P
If I may once again reiterate: Rebol in Ten Steps—Rebol is a language framework with an interpreter to get you started. Red takes this framework to another dimension.
@rgchris You're going to be in Montreal, yes?
1:41 AM
I'm slated to talk...
I have a plan and I assume you will not be one of the people who will have to be poisoned.
But I ask Rebol to stop, properly formalize, ditch multithreading, and have a LOAD compatibility with Red.
Perhaps not, but I am now a little afraid...
...ditch multithreading?
Your work on the formalism of the LOADer is key in this.
@Sgeo Yes, Red is far more advanced in its design, it is the new system. But Rebol is highly valuable too. The compatibility is the value.
@HostileFork I'm on board with this. Not sure the rights/wrongs on multithreading.
1:44 AM
@HostileFork Oh, as long as there is a multithreading system. Does Red do STM?
We do not need a multithreaded Rebol, Red has all that and more. We need a nailed down loadable syntax with a flat C build.
@Sgeo Oddly first hit on google for STM is "Société de transport de Montréal", and yes. We will have Red in Montreal.
Software Transactional Memory
And by the way, if anyone else is planning on taking the train through New York—let me know!!
Doc's ambitious idea is to do the full stack, the codegen and everything, and I have one simple request which is to not bootstrap too early.
@DocKimbel And I was sent some icon proofs, they looked a bit better, but too wide still! I am confused. I thought I had a good proportionality.
@Oldes They are nice pictures, but seem too elongated, and I don't know about the black for the stick.
It's clear we are close, though.
1:49 AM
@rebol do probe length? [/a/b]
Is what I was blah-ing about
do probe length? [/a/b]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do probe length? [/a /b]
== 2
Had a brilliant idea for a function that takes a refinement and turns it into a function
You have to understand, @Sgeo, the difference between REFINEMENT! and PATH!.
1:50 AM
e.g. ??? /foo being the same as func [a] [a/foo]
type? quote a/foo
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> type? quote a/foo
== path!
Type? quote /foo
foo: func [a] [a/foo]
probe foo [a 10]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> foo: func [a] [a/foo] probe foo [a 10]
== none
1:51 AM
I think RebolBot gave me the cold shoulder.
foo: func [a] [a/foo]
probe foo [foo 10]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> foo: func [a] [a/foo] probe foo [foo 10]
== 10
I just want to define my own action-like things
The current way of doing OO-like things reminds me too much of Smalltalk, in a bad way
1:54 AM
@Sgeo What does that mean, if you don't mind defining it further?
I mean that I want first-class functions that effectively 'dispatch' on some property of one or more arguments. That is, being able to do foo a and having what foo does be dependent on some property that is a part of a
And I could pass foo around as a first-class object
That's a bit abstract as you are talking about foos and as. Rebol does have objects, contexts, and it's a bit weird for people who look at the fact that Rebol has "structure" yet it isn't a DOM; there are pointers but not parents. You really kind of warp it to what you want and it doesn't have much of a safety net.
Although honestly, I'd really like multiple-dispatch, over single-dispatch
stuff: []
append stuff 'a
otherstuff: stuff
append otherstuff 'b
probe stuff
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> stuff: [] append stuff 'a otherstuff: stuff append otherstuff 'b probe stuff
[a b]
== [a b]

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