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03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

my work is looks like keep alive 4 chat room :(
3 hours later…
is anybody out there
1 hour later…
how can I display a message if a form has been successfully submitted?
From the response that its successful?
@mikedidthis I ain't using a response pattern in my application
@DineshVenkata so there is no way to tell if the submit is successfully then?
@mikedidthis do you know jsp?
@DineshVenkata I don't. I am just trying to help :)
@mikedidthis morning :P do you know if it's possible to use multiple <header> and <footer> per section? the spec didn't help much pastebin.com/S93dcQzT
@Wes morning mate. And yes I believe you can as long as the context allows for it.
@mikedidthis asked you because I'm not sure how response for a form is got in jsp
@DineshVenkata I would maybe google getting a response from the form in JSP first. I can help with taking that
@Wes I presume the outer header / footer is for the page and the inner is for a post?
they related to the same article
In that case, no.
I believe its one header / footer per element that can be viewed on its own.
thing is, that is not explicitly specified anywhere... i think i'm going to ask to the whatwg guys
i saw many articles containing multiple footers of the same sectioning element
but the only trust-able source is the official working group
Ok. Just my understanding. I can't work out why you would have 'two' footers for one article, but that's just me.
yeah, that's why i'm asking... actually the only reason to use multiple ones is for styling purposes
Again, I still don't understand it, but I think that's just me.
or maybe reordering the content flow... for example
actual content
So your duping the footer and only showing one? but your html has two?
no, showing them both, but in different order
<header><h1>how to blah blah</h1></header>
<footer>posted in html, javascript</footer>
actual content
<footer>on date 2014-10-10</footer>
look who's back... a pink cat @crypticツ :P
Oh. I would do that differently.
    <h1>how to blah blah</h1>
    <p class="tags">posted in <a href="#">html</a> <a href="#">javascript</a>
actual content
<footer>on date 2014-10-10</footer>
@Wes yeah been busy doing a lot of OS installing, right now installing Windows on vbox =o(
hey @crypticツ :)
yes because if you don't consider the <hN> part, header & footer are really close
@mikedidthis hi =o)
@Wes <hN>? Are you making elements up? :)
i was saying that <p class="tags">posted in <a href="#">html</a> <a href="#">javascript</a>
can be moved to header or to footer
Yes it can.
But it would be moved into one of the existing element, not create a secondary header / footer.
but in the practice something is different between header & footer
Yep true. I just don't think two headers is good practice, but that's just my opinion, I am usually wrong :)
let's say hypothetically that screen readers give more reading emphasis to <header> and "posted in xxx" doesn't need emphasis... you would move that to <footer> but at the same time you want it before the actual content
the solution is multiple <footer>s
meh. I would just put the important info in the header like title / date and the tags in the footer.
But again, its just preference. In my eyes, a footer on the main site, and then two footers in the article, is just confusing.
Especially if I did it for a tumblr site. 15 posts per page, 30 footers in totals (2 per post) + one for the site.
yes lol, of course you can do that, but follow me with my thought... you may need that
I follow your thought, I just can't figure a useful case for it that's all :)
That's not me saying its not useful :)
and what about SEO... let's imagine that links in <footer> give less pagerank to the linked pages within it compared to <header>
in this case you would need two <header> tags if you want to append links after the content
but then your abusing the elements for SEO purposes :)
Also today is all about smiles. :)
those are only speculations... that's why spec should explicitly say that
Hi somebody please suggest me is that anyway to give an option in html for the default save files location like target = 'blank'
in general if spec doesn't say "only one allowed" it means that multiple are allowed
Look at this from a coding point of view. If you saw my code, and saw a <header> element after my main content elements, what would you think?
@Vinay I don't think you can do this, the browser sorts that out I believe based on the users set up.
@Wes you can also nest multiple heading tags, doesn't mean we should do it :)
@mikedidthis Ok Thanks mike.. :-)
@Wes again I am not saying its 'wrong' I just can't see how it can be used in a 'sane' way.
@mikedidthis the position in the source shouldn't matter... <th> could be at the end of a table and work as a header... also <tfoot> could be the first element of a table and work like a footer
@Wes I disagree, especially when the elements are named header / footer. The name its self is a clue. But anyway... lets move on.
Another idea. Lets just go back to using <div /> :0
damn you line-height!
hello all..
i want to know that by just defining width of an image it maintains aspect ratio..?
@anku_radhey img { width: 200px; max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
i'm so sleepy today that i can't even reach the coffee machine
@mikedidthis exactly.. this will maintain its aspect ratio.. but how image resizes its height to maintain the ratio??
here its width will be 200px and height will be resized accordingly.. this happens when we do not define height... and just define its width..
@anku_radhey correct.
@anku_radhey what about this jsfiddle.net/FHeVG not cross browser btw
@Wes interesting..
@Wes any experience with custom scroll bars?
@mikedidthis nopes..
in the good old days of dhtml i made a custom scroll bar script :P
nowadays, i wouldn't use one
but maybe you need that for mobile?
Yes / no.
Not all browsers scrollbars are the same width are they?
yes but you can calculate their width
@Wes not always..
size of scrollbar is element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth
@Wes I did not know that.
but element has to not have borders
@Wes i know that
@Wes you sir, have so much useful knowledge.
@Wes does textarea maintains ratio of the image?? i have tried that with div..
but vast difference..
@anku_radhey will work on any element... i used textarea just for let you try with the resizer
but in your code does min-width is responsible for maintaining the ratio?? as you havenot specified width but a min-height..
@anku_radhey jsfiddle.net/FHeVG/2
@Wes in ur fiddle background-size:contain maintains the ratio.. but otherwise wouldnt
@mikedidthis i will never stop to learn... jsfiddle.net/NK7Np did you know this was possible?
@Wes I did, its one of the few things I do know.
@mikedidthis lot different than display:none
if parent element is given display:none and the child element are given display:block than all inner elements are hidden but this is different in visibility case
i think you know more that "few things"... but it's ok if that boosts you to know new things
@Wes I am still a beginner.
everyone should have the beginner spirit of learning of new things
just found a bug in webkit... dammit -__-
@Wes just the one? I seem to find a few when I do different things :)
it's the second time ever that i fell into a bug in chrome
and seems there isn't any workaround there, holy crap
Yeah, there is never a workaround.
Didn't you have one with box-shadow
box-shadow with radius 0 ? well that was an experimental feature... this bug instead is css2 :( in practice the last cell of a table doesn't reach the end of the table on the x axis... td{border-right:1px red;} table{border-right:1px blue;} <- these two borders aren't joined.. there are some pixels between them
tried border-collapse, border-spacing etc without success
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / DOM & webdesign: ▇▇▇ DON'T ASK TO ASK, JUST ASK ▇▇▇ Support room for newest web technologies (HTML, CSS, DOM) and related ones [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design]
hello everybody :-)
@mikedidthis, @Wes how are you
actually here is evening time so close
:P so, evening
yup ^_^
Its not finished, its a proof of concept, but it seems to work ok on my devices etc.
This URL maybe easier: goo.gl/vBZLQ
Hi all
@mikedidthis i can't understand what's this
Hi @TheMechanic
@MRS1367 how are you
@mikedidthis will you add some fade in/out effect?
what about u?
@MRS1367 sounds great :-) am superb
@Wes yes sir
@TheMechanic its a 'fixed' header that isn't fixed and should work on mobile devices :)
@mikedidthis oops sorry
@mikedidthis good one
people on ebay is mad i.imgur.com/K5Z474x.jpg
Yep, it happens all the time.
@Wes thats super nice
Also nsfw ebay pic: i.imgur.com/CN3KWm0.jpg
BLOODY HELL, i just noticed it
Yeah, she has done quite a few news stories because of it! :)
@Wes now with animation: goo.gl/JKUd4 (I am going to move most of it into the css).
looks ok... maybe you would add more delay? it appears too rapidly, while i'm still scrolling... what about 500ms?
Its a strange logic. The stop function polls every 500ms, but yes, it could do with some tweaking
2 hours later…
I think that is as smooth as I can get it: goo.gl/IYcFA
yeah it's fine ;)
That was insane. If you have an ios device or android 2.2 can you test it?
All that for a fucking fixed header! :)
lol :P ok i'm testing it
ouch man it doesnt scroll
balls. Which device?
touch scrolling doesnt work
i tried also to clear cache but nothing changed
Yeah, android2 doesn't elements with scrolls, only the body.
I think I can fix it.
(in english which is correct "people don't like" or "people doesn't like" ?)
The first if your saying 'people don't like yellow snow'.
The second if your talking about someone specific. 'Mike doesn't like yellow snow'.
Also don't learn English grammar off me, I failed at school.
LOL ok thanks btw :P
No problems.
On my website for the tablet and mobile css layouts I have this weird issue of a horizontal scroll on the right side and I have inspected and searched everything I can think of. On my mobile css styles I have made the horizontal scroll less that I was before but, I can't seem to get it to go away. Its gone on all my sub pages but still on my homepage on mobile style. I haven't check the tablet layout yet but I know its still there
We may need to see the site.
When I change the all the styles for the nav elements for all of the css it effects the horizontal scroll
Again, we need to see your site.
I'm linking right now
Both the #header and '#container' have a width of 1024px when the screen is smaller than that.
Let me check
They are hardcoded in the first few lines of your css.
ah should I not do this?
Your first media query is at 768px, so anything below that is being told to set the width at 1024px.
Well the container is the content area...
Urm ok.
Actually my mistake, its 640px your smallest query, which is declared after the '768px' one.
and I have a 320px to 480px query
You coded this right?
So then you know where the container in the markup is :)
I'm just now thinking I should have put the header and nav inside the container...
Yes I know where the container is in the markup
I think the mark up is fine, I would suggest you follow your media queries.
That's where the issue lays.
I see that
So what should I fix because I set the size of the header in each query...
So you know how to resolve the issue then? Make sure the two elements that aren't fitting into your test devices, have their size rewritten at what ever media query is causing the issue?
Here is what I would do.
Make your browser really small.
Then resize it width ways. As your resizing, you see the header goes: small, big, small, big.
I have the size rewritten, if you think that's it I keep trying that but I think it could be something else too, hold on
You have a media query that looks after 320px - 480px and one that looks after 768px - 1024px. The are no instructions for the distance inbetween, so it reverts back to the original 1024px wide declaration.
Yes thats ok
I don't have it for anything in between because I'm not using percentages
I also should have a 640px query right?
Yeah, but it doesn't effect the elements.
Lets just fix the tablet issue.
The easiest fix is body {overflow-x: hidden};
on the tablet styles
I figure the issue is you have no CSS normalize / reset, so certain things are been given padding by the browser
I do have a css normalize
on my old site I never had this issue.
@benlevywebdesign I can't see it, but that's not the point. Basically you have a UL element you made 740px wide. The browser is adding 40px padding-left, making that 780px and making the body scroll.
hold on
so what should I do..
Hide the overflow.
just do overflow-x: hidden
Yes on the body element, that will stop the horizontal scroll.
Hey that worked!
how do you import another stylesheet using the @import
I forgot
its actually @import url('agagg');
but thanks
now what about my mobile styles
what about them?
it fixed the tablet scroll but I just tried the same thing for the mobile and nothing
I'm looking at it on a mobile phone and its doing it
but on desktop (with browser window re-sized) its gone
Yeah mobiles can ignore overflow. I did say it was hacky.
so then how can I fix this
you should see my normalize.css file in there now...for some reason I took it out and forgot to put it back in
on mobile when I set the nav ul to 300px instead of 320px the scroll almost goes away on the home page and goes away completely on my sub pages (they all have the same navigation but the header is slightly different only on mobile not tablet)
thanks for the help though
Sorry, I am not 100% sure.
Personally, I would re-write the media queries, as its not clear what is query is effecting what elements. I would look at mobile first : stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/320andup
when I just set the body to max-width:320px; it goes away on @media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:480px)
yeah your mixing min / max widths, which I feel adds to the confusion
so what should I do...hold on
I can't answer that for you.
I can advise. My advice is make your queries clear as at the moment, neither me or yourself is sure what is going on in each.
@Wes you about?
I know what each query is for. I don't understand what you mean I'm not sure whats going on in each
I mean, you can't tell me what happens to the header width in each of the queries can you?
You know what the queries are for, but its unclear what elements are being adjusted and why.
the header width gets smaller with each query
Ok. I can't word it in a way that would make sense. In this case, your going to have to keep up with the trail / error
you said something about
45 mins ago, by mikedidthis
@benlevywebdesign I can't see it, but that's not the point. Basically you have a UL element you made 740px wide. The browser is adding 40px padding-left, making that 780px and making the body scroll.
I did and it still stands.
You have elements with properties being added by the browers. All normalize does is make them consistant.
Can someone confirm that I'm interpreting this selector right?

#navigation ul li a.ddi {
ok well now that I have the normalize.css back in my stylesheet what should happen
So it's targeting an <a> with class="ddi" inside a <li>, which is inside a <ul>, which is inside something with id="navigator"
@mikeTheLiar give us some more details or a link to the site
Or am I wrong?
for navigation you can just use nav
@mikeTheLiar looks correct.
@mikeTheLiar no you are right but it also could be
@benlevywebdesign this isn't a final product, I'm in the middle of hacking somebody else's stuff apart and putting it back together.
<div id="navigator"><ul><li><ul><li><a class="ddi">
@benlevywebdesign I suggest you read this: necolas.github.io/normalize.css
@mikedidthis that where I got it from
@benlevywebdesign so then you know what it does to the browser right?
Ah @Wes yeah, that's where things are weird. Thanks.
css resets are deprecated and use is discouraged since most of time isn't necessary to reset the css, while you will probably override the default style naturally
crap my english really sucks
@benlevywebdesign so you understand that all the UL elements in your CSS start with 40px padding-left ?
@benlevywebdesign and even knowing that, you still haven't set it to 0?
@Wes deprecated is a little 'strong' it depends on what your doing.
yeah ok so let me try something
@Wes if you get chance, can you test that on android 2: goo.gl/9mD7q
I know it won't work, but you know... for fun!
@mikedidthis I put padding:0; on the nav ul and its still there but I only put it on one query.
@benlevywebdesign no offence, but your killing me
media queries override your previous css.
@mikedidthis nothing changed
Set it in the 'base' css and you never have to set it again.
@Wes didn't think so, thanks man.
scrolling still doesn't work
need some help? but i'll warn you, i don't use jquery :P:P:P
@Wes yeah I didn't think it would, just lived in hope.
@Wes If you like. I will have to use the body for the scroll.
@Wes the issue I have is moving the header when scrolling up as it lags.
yeah i can imagine that
question: position:fixed doesn't work at all?
Yes / no.
It works, but doesn't update a position until scroll stops.
@mikedidthis ok its something on my homepage because on all my sub pages (same nav) it goes away. So maybe its not my nav?
@benlevywebdesign I never said it was the nav, I used it as an example. There are many elements on your pages that suffer the same issues.
but that made the scroll smaller, so now I just have to find the other element(s)
@benlevywebdesign yes.
Sorry if I seem harsh, but sometimes its better to work these things out for your self. Happy to guide though.
Oh I have been trying for a few days
even using usb debugging on my android phone
@benlevywebdesign thats a good thing. Ask @Wes I have been trying to code a header for a few days too.
@Wes that is with position: fixed. goo.gl/jBMfa
Seems to work fine on all my devices, but idk.
here on android 2 acts like position absolute
Urm... is that a good thing?
no, it remains at the top of the page
btw later or tomorrow i will try to set up something
@mikedidthis I have been learning about web stuff and coding web pages since about September of 2011
so I'm definitely not that new but still learning
@Wes damn what a shame, works great on everything else.
@benlevywebdesign I only started in 2012.
responsive design / code takes a while to get used to though
@mikedidthis you are learning fast btw.
@Wes sometimes I don't feel like it.
oh ok well you are not useless to us
you could know somethings that I don't
going home ill back in 20 min... and try to create the header @mikedidthis
@Wes your sure, I would appreciate it, but you don't have to. Its the weekend :)
@benlevywebdesign I code. If you want to look at how I do responsive design, there are links on my SO profile.
I only mention it as I find reading code helps me to learn.
@mikedidthis do you think i have a life? ha! there is no weekend
Haha, tbh I don't have much of one either.
by the way, phone died... charging batteries now... i'll try within 1 hour
Yeah no rush, I really appreciate it. If all fails I will stick to position fixed and ignore android 2
but why? yesterday it was functioning on android 2
yes the animation wasn't smooth, but close enough
But it was still laggy.
i should update myself about mobile events
i don't know anything
Its a world of pain.
The only way to stop the lag is lock the scroll do the animation and then unlock scroll
also i should buy some phone... because at work there's always someone using our set of test phones
plus, sometimes they steal them... :(
The thieving gits
what's "gits"?
i think it's people that work in the same building
@Wes too funny, stole & post in php :P
i don't understand.. you know how's my english
Haha, gits = undesirable people
that's not nice joking me this way... but ok :P we could talk in italian if you want... i'm very good with that
I wasn't joking you
so disappointing, i was expecting some mirror climbing :(
hey guys
how's it going?
we are sterotyping italians
so, everything's normal
I only know one word in Italian. Gato.
and it's wrong also xD
I only know zero words in Italian. :'(
italy is the only country ATM that I would like to visit...
"The file you are trying to open "abc.xls" is in a different format than specified file extension. Verify that the file is not corrunpted and is from a trusted source before openiing file" why is this hapeening ???
Me too Xarcell. My girl has worked there before, she loved it.
looks like the file isn't what it says it is.
03:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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