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Hey thanks in advance for having me. I've been looking into how Html5 Ads / Banners are created, wondering if anyone here is familiar with libraries or bootstraps for making them. OR if all of that stuff is done with "designer" type software now, such as: Google Web designer or Adobe Animate? thanks!
hi guys got some question regarding meta query.
@Joe animate is not a bad choice. It depends on the ad, really. GSAP is a powerful tool that is used in a lot of ads AFAIK
@Magnus again, don't forget you can edit your past comments :)
@ZachSaucier thanks for the info! does no one actually CODE these anymore? ooo GSAP is green sock... gotcha
green sock was flash before wasnt it?
3 hours later…
posted on September 14, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Magnus I'm not well-versed in flexbox and probably can't answer most flexbox questions you may have
posted on September 13, 2018 by admin

@Joe Yes, GreenSock started out as a Flash library
Actually no it had both Flash and JavaScript APIs from the get go
But it's been around for a while
@Joe People absolutely do make HTML5 ads
I mean ive seen dozens of them after snooping around in some iframes, just curious how. hand coded or this new generation of WYSIWYGs
I wouldn't rule out using designer software. I don't imagine ad developers to be the kind of people who code all their visuals
Like those "X in pure CSS" people we see a lot
They probably have better things to do
Or are too preoccupied with writing tracking code 😂😂😂😂😂
heh yea
I assumed that if people were writing them in IDEs with code, that id see alot more Ad boilerplates / templates on github
6 hours later…
@Joe Yes, lots of people code. A lot of the time you have to code after using a tool like that to do exactly what you want. And yes Green Sock had Flash tools before their current tools
2 hours later…
Argh, I cannot find where in the HTML spec it says that all elements should be display inline as default, which can be altered by default UA style sheet. @BoltClock any idea?
@Magnus That's not defined by HTML. That's defined by CSS, which says that the initial value of display is inline.
But does it say anywhere that all elements get a display property then?
So HTML elements are inline by default because that default is provided by CSS
@Magnus CSS says that every element has a value for every property
Interesting. What chapter in CSS2.1 are you in then?
If a (possibly unknown) element didn't have a value for a property, the browser wouldn't know how to display it
@Magnus §6.1 "Once a user agent has parsed a document and constructed a document tree, it must assign, for every element in the tree, a value to every property that applies to the target media type."
Similar text appears in css-cascade-3 in §4: "Once a user agent has parsed a document and constructed a document tree, it must assign, to every element in the tree, and correspondingly to every box in the formatting structure, a value to every property that applies to the target media type."
Note that 3, once again, distinguishes between elements and boxes (in the formatting structure)
The "formatting structure" is CSS's fanciful name for what developers just call "the layout"
i.e. what you see on screen (or what gets rendered to assistive software)
Really useful @BoltClock, I am reading now.
Regarding the inline default, I am trying to search for inline in every chapter to find the text
@Magnus What are you searching for?
If you're looking for where it says the initial value of display is inline, the initial value of every property is listed in its propdef
I am starting to accept that content, margin, padding, border, are just areas, they are not boxes in the visual formatting model (VFM). In the VFM, each element generates ONE principal box (with some minor exceptions like lists and tables), and that box has content, margin, padding, border, etc. as properties
@BoltClock The place it says that display: inline is default.
The example UA style sheet template in the appendix does not state it
I see
So thats where they state that
Ahhh, thanks!
Yeah. "Default" is not a good word to use as it can be confused with browser defaults
Yep, I see
@Magnus Yes that's a good way to think about it
"Initial" is better
I am excited to get really really good at this
But i had a peak at the flex spec, and almost had a heart attack
So much new terminology
I kind of know how it works and how to use it, so going through that is further down on my priority list hehe
@BoltClock Did you see my answer to Susi's post above? I tried to go into detail :)
(No need to spend time on it if you don't want to. I believe I solved it satisfactory)
@BoltClock Out of curiousity, did you devour the HTML and ECMAScript specs as well?
@Magnus Only parts of HTML
It's incredibly long
I spent a lot of time on ECMAScript. Feels like it is coming together well now.
You basically don't do much JS?
Yeah, not much. You know how on Twitter people are complaining that pure HTML/CSS devs don't get a lot of respect?
Hehe, I have seen it. You're one of them? hehe
Yeah, and I sympathize with them fully
I mean, I get recognition... from Microsoft...
But for webapps etc, you need the full suite right? Microsoft isn't all that bad ;)
But the sentiment among developers is that you need JS for soooo many things and you're limiting your potential by avoiding JS
No doubt, it is ideal to know every tool in depth (the low level details)
And you're not a real developer if you're not making rich PWAs with Service Workers and stuff
Some of the obvious examples to your point, is everyone relying on jQuery, and have no idea whats going on underneath.
I prefer vanilla JS
compared to jQuery i mean
DOn't really need it
The point goes for all libraries etc.. Only use them if you really understand why and how, in my opinion
@BoltClock You don't need JS for interactive webapp behavior?
And communication with backend?
I mean, I don't need that much JS
That many bells and whistles
How hard can it be to implement a simple Ajax request that displays results in a CSS transition?
You need JS for your Node backend, if you choose that :)
Then you see all the scaffolding people put up to make that work
It's infuriating and frankly insulting. It's like no one wants to write simple, straightforward code that just works anymore
Yeah, I hear you. In general, people look for simple fast solutions to everything, instead of understanding in depth. But that makes the few that do, even more unique
So its not that bad
Its less crowded on the extra mile
Last month I wrote a chrome extension that searched through the full document tree, did a bunch of filtering including implementation of some search algorithms, selected some text nodes, changed formatting, and then reinjected the code. It's not possible to implement something like that in pure html/CSS you think?
I think you're missing my point
There's a lot of things that are well within the domain of JavaScript
But styling and rendering a layout to display pictures and text on a web browser is not
Ah, yes, totally agree.
People are going out of their way to avoid writing HTML and CSS like the plague and I'm like, why?
Because the spec is hella hard to understand? haha
I mean, when I wrote HTML and CSS at the age of 14, I didn't read a single word of the spec
When I wrote HTML starting at the age of 8, all I had for a reference was Neopets
I didn't start reading the spec until 17
around the same time I started being active on Stack Overflow
O.o I think it is clear that you are not the average person. Which is a compliment, by the way.
Actually make that 18, the time I switched from answering PHP questions to CSS questions
@Magnus There are actually many web developers in my age group that started out the same way I did
@BoltClock But not that many that bother to learn it to the same depth / extent
Yeah that's where I start to diverge
But then that sort of thing makes me different from... 99% of web developers basically
I read the spec and answer questions more than I make actual websites (because reasons I don't wish to get into)
But if you look at my site, you'll find very little in the way of JavaScript effects
And of course my site is no sophisticated web app but I think you kinda grasp what I mean
I will check it out
(There's supposed to be funky page transition effects that I never got around to implementing, sadly, but I can't imagine those would take up hundreds of lines of JS)
@BoltClock On a separate topic, two things I was looking for in the spec: 1) Assume a containing block has a set height, and it holds a block box within. The block box has a content area (see, I will now stop calling it a box) that is so large that the block box overflows the containing block. Increasing margins of the child block box will not squeeze the content area smaller will it? Where is behavior that relates to overflowing content and how boxes resize, specified?
2) If the child box does not have too large content, but instead, height is set to 100% (of containing block, which has a specified height). Will child's content box then shrink when its margin increases
I am trying to find where in the spec, such detail is discussed
@Magnus Since you speak of content height, is the box overflowing vertically? If so, then a top margin will still push it away from the top of its containing block, but a bottom margin will indeed be dragged down with it in the direction of the overflow
Horizontal margins will behave as normal
Yes, talking about vertically here
w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#overflow "In certain cases, a box may overflow, meaning its content lies partly or entirely outside of the box, e.g.: An element's height exceeds an explicit height assigned to the containing block (i.e., the containing block's height is determined by the 'height' property, not by content height)."
As to how margins behave, I'll have to look into that...
I know that some browsers behave differently with respect to padding on the container, but margins will continue to respect the actual dimensions of the overflowing box, and in particular will not collapse out of the container
I'm not sure where that's spelled out
Perfect, thank you. In terms of Q2, if the content is not overflowing, but a percentage is set for the child box height: Will the content area shrink, as margins / padding grow?
I will try to test it on CP
@Magnus No, it will be over-constrained
The content height will only be adjusted to accommodate margins and padding if it's set to auto
If set to auto, it will fit its content no?
Oh yeah that's right
Does the margins overflow if over-constrained then (and the set % is upheld)?
I was thinking of absolutely positioned elements for some reason
@Magnus The bottom margin will
Ok. Is that in chapter 10?
No I think it's implied by 11 not stating any special behavior for overflowing content
If overflow is visible, then the overflowing content is simply rendered as though it were bleeding through, completely unrestrained. If overflow is hidden, it gets clipped, if it's auto, it gets hidden behind the scroll area
Yep, got it. Doing some testing here now (wip): codepen.io/magnusriga/pen/qMyjEM?editors=1100
I will be unavailable 40 minutes from now and possibly inactive for quite a while. In case you had more questions in mind
Just less timely replies for the most part is all
And less mental space to think about CSS!
Got it, good luck with whatever you are doing. In the link I just noticed how padding does not actually overflow, only margin does.
Your padding is invalid: padding-bottom: 500px 0;
Now see, it breaks the % height i set
And makes it bigger
so the padding area overflows
Hahaha @Feeds
Everything actually overflows
content area, padding area, margin area
When they are too big, they overflow. And content area height is always respected
Pheeew, thats good to clear off (if I got it right)
hmmm, actually, urgh. The content area has indeed been shrunk down to 0 height.
@Magnus this is the truth about life in general
Plus points for that one
And I figured out why my content area shrunk. It had nothing to do with overflow. It was due to having forgotten to turn off bootstrap, and as such box-sizing was set to border-box >< @TylerH
1 hour later…
If I have a table with border-collapse on, and I have a row with cell borders a different color than other rows, that border style doesn't show up on the upper border. It's using the bottom border of the row above it. Is there a way to make the upper border of the different row take precedence?
@BoltClock Just wanted to let you know that I figured out all the above. Basically size of any area (or generated box) will never shrink due to the fact that it is becoming bigger than its containing block (via content being too big or height / width too big).
The height property set (excplicitly, or implicitly to auto) is always respected. The reason I saw the shrinking of the content area, and got super confused, was that I had forgotten to turn of bootstrap in the codepen, and they set box-sizing: border-box. And, as we know, in border-box the content area is the plug (padding / border remains exactly as set, but content area shrinks to a floor of 0).
@Hypersapien remove the upper border on the bottom cell?
@TylerH not about my bank account
@ZachSaucier something something more to life than money :-P

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