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Aren't CSS selectors .class-name, or #idName?
As in, jQuery utilizes them, but technically they're not even CSS selectors because they're not in CSS?
1 hour later…
@Alesana The idea behind the slides is that "CSS selectors" actually just refers to selectors that originate in the stylesheet
They're not really saying to stop using selectors in non-CSS
Still the title easily comes across as that and I'd find it hard to believe it wasn't intentional
I'm very confused, but I haven't seen these slides we're speaking of
Ah I found them
@BoltClock This one right?
No I don't think so
@Alesana No, this one
That's an interesting concept, I don't see an advantage though since you probably want [data-hoverable] to have some CSS rule anyways
Maybe not though. I never even thought of doing it that way, though. If anything I would have added the class .hoverable, and then had a [data-hoverable-color] or something, still selecting it using $('.hoverable').data('hoverable-color');
Hello guys can I am little confused in angular
can anyone plese help me out
It would be interesting to use $('[data-hoverable-color]).data('hoverable-color'); :p
angular and bootstrap
I can help with bootstrap
@Alesana, referring to your previous comment... Selectors are, by nature, a method of selecting an element. Selectors are any form of syntax that help you match specific elements in a DOM tree; whether that be for a jQuery method or a CSS rule set.
But they don't have to be a property:value to be considered "in CSS" as the spec defines them: w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html
I am learning angular but in that boot strap is not working
I tried adding grid system in angular page
If needed i can share code
@UncaughtTypeError I get very confused by a lot of things you say.
@Alesana I would be happy to clarify, just let me know
@UncaughtTypeError Like this whole sentence
@Alesana that is a little too broad...
A CSS selector isn't property:value, that's a CSS rule, and when was anything property:value mentioned?
@Alesana That was an inference based on the impression I got from the initial statement you made, but if it has nothing to do with it, then you've just cleared that up, and we're all good.
Sorry I guess I just didn't understand what it was you were trying to say. In my statement, I was pretty much saying you can use CSS selectors in jQuery but they wouldn't even technically be CSS selectors they would be jQuery selectors.
I didn't understand how they were interchanging the terms CSS selectors and class names, but after I read the post it made sense.
@UncaughtTypeError They actually do. The only place a selector can appear "in CSS" is in the context of a style rule
Or a @page rule, or a @keyframes rule
But usually a style rule
They can't appear by themselves
@Alesana This is an implementation detail, and why official sources prefer calling them just "selectors"
And why exists on SO :P
Haha I didn't realize people called them jQuery selectors. I probably would have said CSS selector without thinking
@BoltClock I was referring to selectors themselves as being a part of CSS itself as a whole, of course they can't appear on their own, that would just be wasteful :P I can see where the confusion comes from that statement though.
Tyler and I were discussing this once. His view is that questions about CSS selectors should be tagged in addition to because selectors originate from CSS. My view is that questions about selectors that don't involve Cascading Style Sheets shouldn't be tagged
His view is that questions involving CSS selectors even in jQuery should be tagged [css]?
I don't know how you do the tag thing. I guessed, but it didn't work.
I see too many non-CSS questions with CSS-based answers like overriding rules
That simply won't apply to things like jQuery, or web scraping
@Alesana [tag:css]
Ah thanks. I was close
I don't see why you would tag something with css if it's regarding jQuery and CSS selectors
There's not much of an advantage to someone who knows something about CSS to see the question
I guess the idea is that most CSS developers know jQuery in some capacity, given how ubiquitous it is. Most jQuery questions tend to have accompanying CSS anyway
I suppose they would know how to select the element using CSS selectors more though, but it almost seems like going into a PHP room to ask how to do a loop in Java
@Alesana And no, I think that's a separate issue because jQuery's impl is very much non-standard
Well, what is the problem with a true "upwards" selector? If jQuery can do it, it shouldn't be too hard to implement in CSS as well. — connexo 3 mins ago
I'd ask him to come to chat, but I have an article to write
I need help in understanding a simple problem. The following WebGL app (link islfromtext.in/avatarnew.php) is working fine on chrome on DELL machine running Ubuntu but is not opening on chrome running on MacBook running Ubuntu. What should I do ?
9 hours later…
@Divanshu it also does not work on chromebooks.
my onclick answer just hit 200 :-D
3 hours later…
@TylerH For reference sake: the answer
@UncaughtTypeError hm?
no need to link to it...

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